- Try to use unlimited until-build for future IDEA Releases
- Use unlimited until-build for future IDEA Releases
- Ability to blacklist file extensions so that the plugin will not show anything on blacklisted files
- Compability with 2024.1
- SettingsBundle missing default (Settings not working with non english os language)
- Prevents gutter icon readding when the line of the problem does not exist anymore
- Gutter icon support (disabled by default)
- Notification when a Unity project is opened in Rider, and it switches to the ManualScan listener
- Chinese translation (thanks to kuweiguge)
- AlreadyDisposedException in HighlightProblemListener
- Some performance improvements
- Description for the listeners in the settings
- Configurable delay for the manual scan listener
- Support for new EAP versions
- MarkupModelListener is now the default listener
- Some possible null pointer exceptions
- invokeLater queuing issue of MarkupModelListener if used with the only one problem per line feature
- Cache of activeProblems is now thread safe
- CustomSeverity bugs that leads to useless problem updates
- Custom severity values (comma separated list) for the different severity levels
- Possible index out of bounds exception
- Flicker issued with the new only show highest severity per line feature
0.4.0 - 2023-04-08
- Problems are now sorted by severity
- Setting to show only the problem with the highest severity per line
- Bold and italic font styles for problem labels
- Problem label boxes were drawn to high and sometimes a line did not disappear because it was drawn in the line above
- AlreadyDisposedException in HighlightProblemListener
0.3.3 - 2023-02-18
- Font delta setting to decrease the problem label size
- Settings refresh not reliable
0.3.2 - 2023-02-04
- Deprecated function usage
0.3.1 - 2023-02-04
- MarkupModelListener for problem collecting
- Reset & rescan of all problems on settings change
- Adding ManualScan per delay of 250ms between finishing of the previous scan and starting a new one for problem collecting
- Support for Unity Engine projects in Rider (it will switch to the ManualScan listener while Unity projects are open)
- SettingsState serialization issue (error on start)
- Settings always modified
- Invalid problems were shown
- Font width calculation wrong and font size change was not working
- Xml and html text in the problem description is now handled
0.2.1 - 2023-01-12
- Empty problems shown
- Index out of bounds error
- Versioning
0.2.0 - 2023-01-08
- Option to change between editor and tooltip font
- Fallback font loading
- Option for filled inlay boxes
- Label size calculation
- Spacing between inlay boxes
0.1.2 - 2023-01-03
- Reload after settings change
- Problem filtering
- Removal / flicker of problems in dual pane mode
0.1.1 - 2022-12-19
- Default settings improved
- Removal of labels
- Duplicated problems shown
- Severity checks fix
- Initial release with basic functionality