[...] O, be some other name! What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.¹ [...]
I take thee at thy word: Call me but love, and I'll be new baptized; Henceforth I never will be Romeo.
-- Romeo and Juliet, Act II, Scene II by William Shakespeare
¹: The reference is used to state that the names of things do not affect what they really are. (Source: Wikipedia)
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I think you should change the name of your project. Calling it Rubidity in the Discord and on Rubyflow etc will confuse people. As we get closer to launch [the Facet VM on mainnet] and more people are using the protocol I want people to understand the code they are running on!
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I appreciate the idea about the disclaimer, but to me the issue is the name. Most people won't bother to read the "fine print" they will just (for example) Google "rubidity" and click the first repo they see, which is yours. I find your fork interesting and thought provoking! I like reading your posts. I just don't want people to be confused. There is no need to delete any past things or to stop doing any future things, I would just appreciate it if you would change the name to clearly distinguish the two projects.
-- Middlemarch (aka Tom Lehman), November 2023
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BOOM! the rubidity (next) gem is now rubysol gem -> https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/rubysol
-- Gerald Bauer
Old Name | New Name |
rubidity (next) | ⇒ rubysol |
rubidity classic / o.g | ⇒ rubidity |
rubidity typed | ⇒ solidity typed |
rubidity simulacrum | ⇒ soliscript |
red paper contracts | ⇒ soliscript starter contracts |
Note: The rubyidity-typed gem is now known and published as the solidity-typed gem.
Q: Why?
A: Why not? More serious - the idea is to stress the fact of the 100% solidity-compatibility with types and application binary interfaces (abis) and the "zero-dependency" to support easy (re)use in many solidity-inspired (blockchain) contract programming languages incl. rubidity, rubysol et al.
For more see Solidity Typed »
Note: The rubyidity-classic gem is now known and published as the rubidity gem.
Q: Why?
A: The gem formerly knows as rubidity (next) is now known and published as rubysol and the "classic / o.g." becomes the one and only rubidity to avoid any confusion about syntax and style when contract programming in ruby.
For more see Rubidity »
Note: The rubidity-simulacrum gem is now known and published as the soliscript gem.
Q: Why?
A: Why not? More serious - let's remove the hated ruby from the name for our solidity friends (to maybe give it a try). solidity programmers hate ruby. rubyist hate solidity. a perfect match! solidity <3 ruby . join us in spreading the ruby love (in blockchain contract programming) ;-).
For more see Soliscript »
Note: The red paper contracts are now
part of the new soliscript quick starter project repo template.
The first version incl. satoshi dice (gambling), crowd funder and ballot (liquid delegate democracy voting).