This repository contains an implementation of U-Net (originally intended for Image Segmentation) which was introduced in the paper U-Net: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical
Image Segmentation using PyTorch.
The model is trained on Rajasthani Hindi Speech Data as the speech data and ESC-50 Dataset as the noise data.
def CreateData(speech_dir, noise_dir, sample_rate, frame_length, min_duration, nb_samples, hop_length, path_save_sound):
noise = audio_to_npy(noise_dir, sample_rate, frame_length, min_duration)
voice = audio_to_npy(speech_dir, sample_rate, frame_length, min_duration)
prod_voice, prod_noise, prod_noisy_voice = blend_noise_randomly(voice, noise, nb_samples, frame_length)
for i in tqdm(range(len(prod_voice)), desc = f"Saving to {path_save_sound}"):
noisy_voice_long = prod_noisy_voice[i]
sf.write(path_save_sound + 'noisy_voice/'+str(i)+'.wav', noisy_voice_long[:], sample_rate)
spectrogram_image(hop_length, noisy_voice_long, "noisy_voice/"+str(i)+".png")
voice_long = prod_voice[i]
sf.write(path_save_sound + 'voice/'+str(i)+'.wav', voice_long[:], sample_rate)
spectrogram_image(hop_length, voice_long, "voice/"+str(i)+".png")
noise_long = prod_noise[i]
sf.write(path_save_sound + 'noise/'+str(i)+'.wav', noise_long[:], sample_rate)
spectrogram_image(hop_length, noise_long, "noise/"+str(i)+".png")
To check the code for the helper functions check
class SpectrogramDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, root_path):
self.images = sorted([root_path+"/noisy_voice/"+x for x in os.listdir(root_path+"/noisy_voice/")])
self.targets = sorted([root_path+"/noise/"+x for x in os.listdir(root_path+"/noise/")])
self.transform = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Resize((512, 512)),
def __getitem__(self, index):
img =[index]).convert("L")
target =[index]).convert("L")
return self.transform(img), self.transform(target)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.images)
class UNet(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_channels, num_classes):
self.downconv1 = DownSampleLayer(in_channels, 64)
self.downconv2 = DownSampleLayer(64, 128)
self.downconv3 = DownSampleLayer(128, 256)
self.downconv4 = DownSampleLayer(256, 512)
self.bottleneck = DoubleConvLayer(512, 1024)
self.upconv1 = UpSampleLayer(1024, 512)
self.upconv2 = UpSampleLayer(512, 256)
self.upconv3 = UpSampleLayer(256, 128)
self.upconv4 = UpSampleLayer(128, 64)
self.out = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=num_classes, kernel_size = 1)
def forward(self, x):
down1, p1 = self.downconv1(x)
down2, p2 = self.downconv2(p1)
down3, p3 = self.downconv3(p2)
down4, p4 = self.downconv4(p3)
bottle = self.bottleneck(p4)
up1 = self.upconv1(bottle, down4)
up2 = self.upconv2(up1, down3)
up3 = self.upconv3(up2, down2)
up4 = self.upconv4(up3, down1)
out = self.out(up4)
return out
To check the code for the helper functions check
learning_rate = 3e-4
batch_size = 4
epochs = 10
data_path = "data/processed/spectrogram"
model_save_path = "models/unet.pth"
device = "mps" if torch.backends.mps.is_available() else "cpu"
train_dataset = SpectrogramDataset(data_path)
random_gen = torch.Generator().manual_seed(42)
train_dataset, val_dataset = random_split(train_dataset, [0.9, 0.1], generator = random_gen)
train_dataloader = DataLoader(dataset = train_dataset,
batch_size = batch_size,
shuffle = True)
val_dataloader = DataLoader(dataset = val_dataset,
batch_size = batch_size,
shuffle = True)
model = UNet(in_channels = 1, num_classes = 1).to(device)
optimizer = optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), lr = learning_rate)
criterion = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()
show_epoch = 1
history = {"train_loss": [], "val_loss":[]}
for epoch in tqdm(range(epochs), desc = f"Total Epochs: {epochs}"):
train_running_loss = 0
for idx, img_and_target in enumerate(tqdm(train_dataloader, desc = f"Epoch {show_epoch} of {epochs}")):
img = img_and_target[0].float().to(device)
target = img_and_target[1].float().to(device)
pred = model(img)
loss = criterion(pred, target)
train_running_loss += loss.item()
train_loss = train_running_loss / (idx + 1)
val_running_loss = 0
with torch.no_grad():
for idx, img_and_target in enumerate(tqdm(val_dataloader)):
img = img_and_target[0].float().to(device)
target = img_and_target[1].float().to(device)
pred = model(img)
loss = criterion(pred, target)
val_running_loss += loss.item()
val_loss = train_running_loss / (idx + 1)
print(f"\nEpoch {show_epoch} Summary:")
print(f"Train Loss: {train_loss:.4f}")
print(f"Val Loss: {val_loss:.4f}")
show_epoch += 1, model_save_path)
If you wish to use the following PyTorch implementation of U-Net for your own project, just download the python scripts and the datasets from the provided links according to your file hierarchy.
Feel free to contact me at [email protected].