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221 lines (177 loc) · 5.85 KB



The reducer for the firebase data. The reducer keeps data in Immutable.Map format

firebase in store structure

  auth: undefined, null or Object, // undefined mean still wating for firebase feedback, null user is not authenticated, if  Object mean user is authenticated and it is the object returned by firebase
  data: immutable,  // corresponded structure from firebase
  authError: Object or String // the error when login or createUser if there is any

in firebase store objects can have this values

  • undefined data is not loaded yet
  • null data was loaded but there is nothing in firebase ( when listening for value )
  • {} data was loaded but there is nothing in firebase ( when listening for array )
  • String or Object data loaded

there are helpers for dealing with data ( see helpers )

reduxReactFirebase(FIREBASE_URL, options)

Add firebase to redux


  • FIREBASE_URL Firebase URL to connect to
  • options Object with the options


  1. Auto load user profile when authenticate
  userProfile: String // path where user profiles are stored

if userProfile is specified then onAuth will listen for values in ${userProfile}/${} and wil be stored into store.state.firebase.profile

userProfile is required if auto creation of a profile in createUser is needed



  • arrayOfPathToListen(props) (Array or Function) A function that takes the original props passed to the object and returns an array of path to listen


A function that takes the component and wraps it, add firebase object into props and start the needed listeners for respective paths. when a firebase event is happening the value is automatically set into firebase store into[...path]


listen for value on path ref.on('value', 'todos')


listen for multiple paths ref.on('value', 'todos') and ref.on('value', 'users')


listen for a firebase array ref.on('child_added', 'todos'), ref.on('child_removed', 'todos'), ref.on('child_changed', 'todos')


nesting with connect from redux

  props => ([
  (state, props) => ({
    todo: dataToJs(state.firebase, `todos/${}`)

nesting with connect from redux and do a firebase query that depend on data from redux store

  state => ({
    currentTodo: state.myStore.currentTodo,
    todo: dataToJs(state.firebase, `todos/${state.myStore.currentTodo}`)
  props => ([

queries support

  • orderByChild
  • orderByKey
  • orderByValue
  • orderByPriority
  • limitToFirst
  • limitToLast
  • startAt
  • endAt
  • equalTo



just access firebase object in component ( for access to ref or other firebase helpers ) firebase object will be added to props - see firebase object docs


Firebase object


The original Firebase object

set(path, value, onComplete)

Short for ref.child(path).set(value, onComplete)

push(path, value, onComplete)

Short for ref.child(path).push(value, onComplete)

remove(path, onComplete)

Short for ref.child(path).remove(onComplete)

createUser(credentials, profile)

Short for ref.createUser(credentials) but support auto profile and set the errors in authError


Short for ref.resetPassword(credentials) and set the output in authError


Short for ref.changePassword(credentials) and set the output in authError


  • credentials same as firebase docs
  • profile if initialized with userProfile support then profile will be saved into ${userProfile}/${auth.uid}


Return a promise with userId in case of success or the error otherwise. Always authenticate the new user in case of success



  • credentials (String or Object) If String then ref.authWithCustomToken(credentials) is used . If object then following cases:
  • with provider ref.authWithOAuthPopup(provider) or ref.authWithOAuthRedirect(provider)
  provider: "facebook | google | twitter",
  type: "popup | redirect", // redirect is default
  • with provider and token ref.authWithOAuthToken(provider, token)
  provider: "facebook | google | twitter",
  token : String
  • with email and password ref.authWithPassword(credentials)
  email: String
  password: String


Return a promise with authData in case of success or the error otherwise.


Logout from Firebase and delete all data from the store (

store.state.firebase.auth is set to null

Data helpers


Check if all the objects passed to function are loaded ( not undefined )

  • null mean we have feedback from firebase but there is no data
  • undefined mean still waiting from Firebase


true or false


Check if an object is empty (null if value was requested or empty object {} if array was requested)


true or false


Short for immutableData.toJS() but take care if immutableData is null or undefined

pathToJS(immutableData, pathAsString, notSetValut)

Short for immutableData.getIn(pathAsString.split(/\//), notSetValue).toJS() but take care if immutableData is null or undefined

dataToJS(immutableData, pathAsString, notSetValue)

Short for pathToJS(immutableData, `data/${pathAsString}`, notSetValue)