Next steps:
- Add Twitter image
- Add image generation
- Optimize site for mobile
- List blogs design
- List projects with atomic progress
- Change font
- Add category in post
Day 11:
- Projects page
- Project subpages (no content yet)
- Added some blog posts
Day 10:
- Try to get categories to posts
- Setup puppeteer
Day 9:
- Add reading time:
- Clone remark-reading-time
- Move reading time output to frontmatter
- Display reading time in blog posts and list
Day 8:
- Install Ubuntu 20.04
- Setup Ubuntu
- Add Docker
- Add Docker Compose
- Install Plausible
- Add Site to Plausible
- Finally 😅 add Snippet to this site
Day 7:
- Fix disappearing styles (There was a wrong tag in svelte:head)
- Add better tags for Twitter
Day 6:
- Add Svelte-SEO
- Refactor into SEO component
- Add tags for blog posts and website
Day 5:
- Install Tailwind
- Add base styles
- Add dark mode
Day 4:
- Add categories to blog posts
Day 3:
- List blog posts
- Learned how to do server-side rendering with
- Learned how to create an API that lists the posts
Day 2:
- Layout
- Navigation
- About page
- Error
- Adding changelog
- Adding markdown support
Day 1: Setup project