The following subsections from Common section should be performed in this order:
- SSH configuration
- Update system timezone
- Generate Gmail App Password
- Configure Postfix Server to send email through Gmail
- Mail notifications for SSH dial-in
Because clock accuracy within a VM is still really bad, I chose the barebone server where the virtualization server is running as my local NTP server. It's not ideal but until I decide to move the firewall from a VM to a dedicated HW this will have to do. I tried running NTP server on the pfSense VM but it acted strange.
Follow the instructions from subsection Ubuntu - Synchronize time with ntpd to install NTP server then make the modifications below.
Edit NTP server configuration file
sudo nano /etc/ntp.conf
Replace line
server prefer iburst
with lines below.
server iburst
server iburst
server iburst
server iburst
Add the following lines to provide your current local time as a default should you temporarily lose Internet connectivity.
fudge stratum 10
Configure NTP to act as time server for local LAN and VPN
# Allow LAN and VPN machines to synchronize with this ntp server
restrict mask nomodify notrap
restrict mask nomodify notrap
Restart NTP server and verify that it's running correctly
sudo service ntp stop
sudo service ntp start
sudo service ntp status
Verify time synchronization status with each defined server or pool and look for *
near the servers listed by command below. Any server which is not marked with *
is not syncronized.
ntpq -pn
This section contains information that are specific to the HW on my server. Please keep in mind that you have to adapt the steps here to match the HW configuration of your own server.
Enable IOMMU
nano /etc/default/grub
Modify line that starts with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet intel_iommu=on iommu=pt pcie_acs_override=downstream,multifunction"
Update Grub by running command:
sudo update-grub
Reboot machine.
Verify IOMMU
is enabled by running
sudo dmesg | grep -e DMAR -E IOMMU
There should be a message that looks like "DMAR: IOMMU enabled"
Add to file /etc/modules
the following lines and save it
Check if IOMMU Interrupt remapping is needed by executing sudo dmesg | grep 'remapping'
. If it shows DMAR-IR: Enabled IRQ remapping in x2apic mode
it means that IOMMU Interrupt remapping is not needed.
In order to communicate with existing ups, I use the business version of the monitoring software offered by CyberPower called CyberPower Panel Business V4
Download and install the latest 64bit version for Linux of CyberPower Panel Business V4. At the time this document was written the latest version was 4.7.0. The download link and the name of the script might change.
Make the script executable.
chmod +x
Execute the script in order to install the software.
sudo ./
Choose 5
or press Enter
to select English as language. Confirm installation by pressing o
In case the software is already installed on the system, the installer will detect this and will ask to to choose to update existing installation( option1
) or make a new one(option 2
After agreeing with license, make sure to select local(option 1
) not remote version.
After finishing the installation, access the web page, login with default credentials and continue the configuration on the web interface. As long as the UPS is connected via the USB port to the server, it should be detected automatically by the application.
- user: admin
- pass: admin
- Enable notification by email
- Provider: Other
- SMTP server:
- Connection Security: SSL
- Service port: 465
- Sender name: UPS Serenity
- Sender email: personal email address
- User name: personal email address
- Pass: Gmail password. See Generate Gmail App Password subsection for details.
Enable SNMPv1
settings and make sure SNMP Local Port
is 161
Create the public and private groups under SNP v1 profiles. Link them to IP address
and set them to read/write.
This means any computer on the network can query using SNMP protocol information from the UPS. It is usefull for integrating the UPS in HomeAssistant - Home automation server.
It is possible to enable the VNC access for use with usual VNC clients as RealVNC, TightVNC or Remmina Detailed information can be found here
VNC service for each vm can be accessed using serenity.local:5900+display_number
. I use the following schema to determine the port for each VM: 6000+last 3 digits of IP
Add in the VM´s configuration file /etc/pve/local/qemu-server/<KVM ID>.conf
a line which specifies the VNC display number.
pfSense(firewall.local): args: -vnc
PiHole (pihole.local): args: -vnc
TrueNAS (storage.local): args: -vnc
HomeAssistant (ha.local): args: -vnc
Hercules (hercules.local): args: -vnc
Nextcloud (nextcloud.local): args: - vnc
Windows11 (win10.local): args: -vnc
ArchLinux (archlinux.local): args: -vnc
UbuntuWorkstation (linux.local): args: -vnc
test-server1 (test-server1.local): args: -vnc
test-server2 (test-server2.local): args: -vnc
test-server3 (test-server3.local): args: -vnc
LinuxMint (mint.local): args: -vnc
Android-x86 (android.local): args: -vnc
KaliLinux (kali.local): args: -vnc
CodeServer (code.local): args: -vnc
WordPress(wordpress.local): args: - vnc
Reboot the VM to take into account the new configuration.