- High: 0
- Medium: 1
- Low: 0
Multiplication is performed on the result of a division, which can lead to precision errors due to the truncation of decimal points in Solidity.
In LibOracle.baseOracleCircuitBreaker(uint256,uint80,int256,uint256,uint256) - line 85
twapPriceInEther = (twapPrice / Constants.DECIMAL_USDC) * 1000000000000000000
performs a multiplication on the result of a division.
In LibOrders.increaseSharesOnMatch(address,STypes.Order,MTypes.Match,uint88) - line 51
shares = eth * (timeTillMatch / 86400)
also performs a multiplication on the result of a division.
These vulnerabilities can lead to incorrect calculations due to the loss of precision, which can have significant implications in a financial context (for example in the case of wrong "twapPriceInEther" calculation). The impact can range from minor discrepancies in value calculations to major financial losses, depending on the specific use case and the values involved.
To mitigate these vulnerabilities, consider rearranging the operations to perform multiplication before division. This can help to maintain precision and avoid potential rounding errors. For example, can be used:
(twapPrice * 1000000000000000000) / Constants.DECIMAL_USDC
(eth * timeTillMatch) / 86400