The first step of the KiChain testnet challenge is to initiate a new testnet from scratch. Therefore, participants are required to create the keys of their validators and to generate their genesis transactions.
Following are the System requirements to run a node on the KiChain testnet:
- Ubuntu 18.04 OS or later
- 4 Cores
- 80GB SSD at least
Following is the process of creating the validator keys and the genesis transaction:
Download and install Go v1.13.5+ )
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.13.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz
Export Go paths
mkdir -p $HOME/go/bin
echo "export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin" >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
Test the installation
go version
Clone and install ki-tools
git clone
cd ki-tools
git checkout testnet
make install
Check the installed version
kid version --long
This should ouput
name: ki-tools
server_name: kid
client_name: kicli
version: 0.1-13-g711e19e-Testnet
commit: 711e19ebbb516ae6d38c638634c4bef05201be72
build_tags: netgo,ledger
go: go version go1.13.5 linux/amd64
Create node directories:
export NODE_ROOT= <location of your choice>
mkdir -p $NODE_ROOT/kid $NODE_ROOT/kicli $NODE_ROOT/kilogs
Initiate the node files
kid init <your-validator-moniker> --chain-id kichain-t-2 --home ./kid/
Create the validator account. Do not forget to save the mnemonic.
kicli keys add <wallet-name> --home ./kicli/
Feed the validator wallet with 100tki
kid add-genesis-account $(kicli keys show <wallet-name> -a --home kicli/ ) 100000000utki --home kid/
Generate the genesis transaction for the validator creation
kid gentx \
--commission-max-change-rate=0.1 \
--commission-max-rate=0.1 \
--commission-rate=0.1 \
--min-self-delegation=1 \
--amount=100000000utki \
--pubkey `kid tendermint show-validator --home ./kid/` \
--name=<wallet-name> \
--home ./kid/ \
--home-client ./kicli/
this generates a file called gentx-<node-id>.json
in $NODE_ROOT/kid/config/gentx/
. Run the following commands to fetch the validator addresses needed to fill the registration form.
(The following step requires jq
. It can be installed with sudo apt-get install jq
. You can skip installing jq
and manually fetch the information below in the file).
Validator testnet wallet address:
cat $NODE_ROOT/kid/config/gentx/gentx-<node-id>.json | jq .value.msg[0].value.delegator_address
Validator testnet operator address:
cat $NODE_ROOT/kid/config/gentx/gentx-<node-id>.json | jq .value.msg[0].value.validator_address