Python script for monitoring and suspending the computer if no activity is detected
The project uses:
- PyYAML - for the config
- psutil - for matching process names
- pytimeparse - for easier time specifications within the config file
- conntrack-tools - backend for network activity checks
- (systemd) - per default uses systemd to suspend computer, but suspend command is customizeable
The script needs to be executed with elevated permissions for conntrack and systemd. Be aware that the suspend_command is executed with elevated privileges. Thus, the config file needs to be only editable by root. Per default the script will not work with a world-writeable file, but this can be overwritten with --unsafe
CLI Options:
usage: Suspend Watch [-h] [-n] [--unsafe] [-c] [-v VERBOSITY] [-t TIMEOUT] [-f FREQUENCY] [--suspend_command SUSPEND_COMMAND] [--conntrack_path CONNTRACK_PATH] config
positional arguments:
config config file containing checks
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n, --dryrun don't actually suspend (default False)
--unsafe don't check if config is world-writeable (default False)
-c, --check only perform one check (default False)
-s, --ignore_stale ignore stale connections (default False)
--fast_resuspend after being woken up, resuspend if no activity is detected at an initial check after 15s (default False)
increase output verbosity (default 0)
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
duration of no activity until suspend_command is executed (default 10 min)
frequency of checks in seconds (default 1 min)
--suspend_command SUSPEND_COMMAND
executeable to be run when no activity detected (default /usr/bin/systemctl suspend)
--conntrack_path CONNTRACK_PATH
path to conntrack executeable (default /usr/bin/conntrack)
Checks defined in a config file. Example with explanation in example.conf