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301 lines (267 loc) · 17.5 KB

File metadata and controls

301 lines (267 loc) · 17.5 KB

UPGRADE FROM 6.2.x to 6.3



Drop support of API version V1

With Shopware we increased the API version to v3 and therefore dropped the API version v1 and removed all corresponding deprecations which where marked for the 6.3 version tag. This mainly affects deprecations which where made during the development of the 6.1 version. As we try to keep the downwards compatibility always one API version backwards, there are now two available API versions: v3 and v2.


  • The \Shopware\Core\System\Snippet\Files\SnippetFileInterface is deprecated, please provide your snippet files in the right directory with the right name so shopware is able to autoload them. Take a look at the Autoloading of Storefront snippets section in this guide: Docs/Resources/current/30-theme-guide/, for more information. After that you are able to delete your implementation of the SnippetFileInterface.

  • Deprecated configuration api.allowed_limits in src/Core/Framework/DependencyInjection/Configuration.php

  • Removed deprecations:

    • Removed deprecated property allowedLimits and method getAllowedLimits in Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Search/RequestCriteriaBuilder.php
    • Removed deprecated configuration api.allowed_limits in src/Core/Framework/Resources/config/packages/shopware.yaml
    • Removed class Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Exception\DisallowedLimitQueryException
  • Added CloneBehavior $behavior parameter to \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\EntityRepositoryInterface::clone. This parameter will be introduced in 6.4.0.

    • If you implement an own class of EntityRepository, you have to change your clone function as follow:
    • Before:
    public function clone(string $id, Context $context, ?string $newId = null): EntityWrittenContainerEvent
    • After
    public function clone(string $id, Context $context, ?string $newId = null, CloneBehavior $behavior = null): EntityWrittenContainerEvent
        // ...
        $affected = $this->versionManager->clone(
            $behavior ?? new CloneBehavior()
        // ...
  • Changed status code of \Shopware\Core\System\SalesChannel\NoContentResponse from 200 to 204.

  • Added two new arguments $package and $cacheClearer to constructor of \Shopware\Storefront\Theme\ThemeCompiler.

  • Replaced Symfony asset:install command with a Flysystem compatible own implementation

  • Added new filesystem adapters shopware.filesystem.theme, shopware.filesystem.asset and shopware.filesystem.sitemap. They can be configured to use external storages for saving of theme contents, bundle assets or sitemap.

  • Added new argument $package to constructor of \Shopware\Core\Content\Sitemap\Service\SitemapLister.

  • Deprecated config shopware.cdn.url. Use shopware.filesystem.public.url instead.

  • Added new scss variable sw-asset-theme-url which refers to the theme asset url.

  • If you subscribed to one of the following \Shopware\Storefront\Event\RouteRequest\RouteRequestEvent events, you must now extend the provided criteria instead of adding the query to the request:

    • Before
    use Shopware\Storefront\Event\RouteRequest\OrderRouteRequestEvent;
    use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
    class MySubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
        public static function getSubscribedEvents()
            return [
                OrderRouteRequestEvent::class => 'listener'
        public function listener(OrderRouteRequestEvent $event)
            $query = $event->getStoreApiRequest()->query->get('associations');
            $query['lineItems']['associations']['product'] = [];
            $event->getStoreApiRequest()->query->set('associations', $query);
    • After
    use Shopware\Storefront\Event\RouteRequest\OrderRouteRequestEvent;
    use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
    class MySubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
        public static function getSubscribedEvents()
            return [
                OrderRouteRequestEvent::class => 'listener'
        public function listener(OrderRouteRequestEvent $event)
  • Added Criteria $criteria parameter in store api routes. The parameter will be required in 6.4. At the moment, the parameter is commented out in the *AbstractRoute, but it is already passed. If you decorate on of the following routes, you have to change your sources as follows: * Affected routes: * Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\SalesChannel\AbstractCustomerRoute
    * Shopware\Core\Checkout\Order\SalesChannel\AbstractOrderRoute
    * Shopware\Core\Checkout\Payment\SalesChannel\AbstractPaymentMethodRoute
    * Shopware\Core\Checkout\Shipping\SalesChannel\AbstractShippingMethodRoute
    * Shopware\Core\Content\Category\SalesChannel\AbstractNavigationRoute
    * Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Listing/AbstractProductListingRoute * Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Search/AbstractProductSearchRoute * Shopware\Core\Content\Seo\SalesChannel\AbstractSeoUrlRoute
    * Shopware\Core\System\Currency\SalesChannel\AbstractCurrencyRoute
    * Shopware\Core\System\Language\SalesChannel\AbstractLanguageRoute
    * Shopware\Core\System\Salutation\SalesChannel\AbstractSalutationRoute
    * Sources before: /** * @Route("/store-api/v{version}/account/customer", name="store-api.account.customer", methods={"GET"}) */ public function load(Request $request, SalesChannelContext $context): CustomerResponse { $criteria = $this->requestCriteriaBuilder->handleRequest( $request, new Criteria(), $this->customerDefinition, $context->getContext() ); } * Sources after: ``` use Shopware\Core\Framework\Routing\Annotation\Entity;

         * the below @Entity() annotation builds the criteria automatically for the current request
         * @Entity("customer")  
         * @Route("/store-api/v{version}/account/customer", name="store-api.account.customer", methods={"GET"})
        public function load(Request $request, SalesChannelContext $context, Criteria $criteria = null): CustomerResponse
            // remove this code with, 6.4.0. The criteria will be required in this version
            if (!$criteria) {
                $criteria = $this->requestCriteriaBuilder->handleRequest($request, new Criteria(), $this->customerDefinition, $context->getContext());
  • The behaviour when uninstalling a plugin has changed: keepMigrations now has the same value as keepUserData in \Shopware\Core\Framework\Plugin\Context\UninstallContext by default.

    • From now on migrations will be removed if the user data should be removed, and kept if the user data should be kept.
    • The enableKeepMigrations() function is no longer to be used and will be removed along with keepMigrations() in v6.4.0.
    • Please note: In case of a complete uninstall all tables should be removed as well. Please verify the uninstall method of your plugin complies with this.
  • Adding custom sortings to the storefront is now supported in the administration

    • Before, custom sortings were handled by defining them as services and tagging them as shopware.sales_channel.product_listing.sorting:
    <service id="product_listing.sorting.name_ascending" class="Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Listing\ProductListingSorting">
        <argument type="collection">
            <argument key="">asc</argument>
        <tag name="shopware.sales_channel.product_listing.sorting" />
    • Now it is possible to store custom sortings in the database product_sorting and its translatable label in product_sorting_translation
  • Added validation deliverability in case purchase steps

  • Deprecated providing an until timestamp as the last argument when running the database:migrate or database:migrate-destructive commands, use the --until option instead.

    • Before:
    bin/console database:migrate MyPlugin 1598339065
    • After
    bin/console database:migrate --until=1598339065 MyPlugin
  • We have moved the logic for loading the detail page to Store-Api routes. The following extension points have been adapted for this:

    • Some services and struct classes moved from the Shopware\Storefront domain to the Shopware\Core domain. The public api are still the same but if you decorated one of the following classes you have to change your extends expression and the decorates definition in your services.xml:
      • \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Product\Configurator\AvailableCombinationLoader => Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Detail\AvailableCombinationLoader
      • \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Product\Configurator\ProductPageConfiguratorLoader => Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Detail\ProductConfiguratorLoader
      • \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Product\CrossSelling\CrossSellingLoader => \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\CrossSelling\AbstractProductCrossSellingRoute
      • \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Product\ProductLoader => Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Detail\ProductDetailRoute
    • Usage of the \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Product\ProductLoader are no longer recommend. To fetch the product data of a single product, use the Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Detail\ProductDetailRoute
      • With this deprecation we also deprecated the \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Product\ProductLoaderCriteriaEvent.
        • If you have subscribed to this event to extend the product detail page, replace the event with \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Product\ProductPageCriteriaEvent
        • If you have subscribed to this event to extend the listing quick view, replace the event with \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Product\QuickView\MinimalQuickViewPageCriteriaEvent
    • As with the services, we have also moved some events from the storefront to the core. The public API of the events is the same. The following events can be replaced 1:1:
      • \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Product\CrossSelling\CrossSellingLoadedEvent => \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\Events\ProductCrossSellingsLoadedEvent instead
      • \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Product\CrossSelling\CrossSellingProductCriteriaEvent => \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\Events\ProductCrossSellingCriteriaEvent instead
      • \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Product\CrossSelling\CrossSellingProductListCriteriaEvent => \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\Events\ProductCrossSellingIdsCriteriaEvent instead
      • \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Product\CrossSelling\CrossSellingProductStreamCriteriaEvent => \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\Events\ProductCrossSellingStreamCriteriaEvent instead


  • Removed LanguageStore
    • Use Context State instead
    • Replace languageStore.setCurrentId(this.languageId) with Shopware.State.commit('context/setApiLanguageId', languageId)
    • Replace languageStore.getCurrentId() with Shopware.Context.api.languageId
    • Replace getCurrentLanguage with the Repository
    • Removed getLanguageStore
    • Replace languageStore.systemLanguageId with Shopware.Context.api.systemLanguageId
    • Replace languageStore.currentLanguageId with Shopware.Context.api.languageId
    • Removed languageStore.init
    • Added mutation to Context State: setApiLanguageId
    • Added mutation to Context State: resetLanguageToDefault
    • Added getter to Context State: isSystemDefaultLanguage
  • Refactored data fetching and saving in sw-settings-documents module
    • It now uses repositories for data handling instead of State.getStore()
    • See the file for a detailed overview
  • Removed the Vue event inline-edit-assign from onClickCancelInlineEdit method in src/Administration/Resources/app/administration/src/app/component/data-grid/sw-data-grid/index.js
    • This event is responsible for assigning the value of an inline-edit field of the data grid, which should not happen when the inline-edit is being canceled by the user.
    • In order to react to saving or cancelling the inline-edit of the sw-data-grid, use the inline-edit-save and inline-edit-cancel events.
  • Deprecated data fetching methods in ApiService class, use the repository class for data fetching instead, see file for a detailed overview
  • Refactored worker-notification-listener
    • Removed constructor parameter loginService
    • Changed type of queue parameter of notification middleware function. It now contains an instance of the EntityCollection class src/core/data-new/
    • Changed type of entry parameter of notification middleware function. It now contains an instance of the Entity class src/core/data-new/
    • Removed parameter response of notification middleware function.
  • Replace the component 'sw-settings-user-detail' with 'sw-users-permissions-user-detail'
  • Replace the component 'sw-settings-user-create' with 'sw-users-permissions-user-create'
  • Replace the component 'sw-settings-user-list' with 'sw-users-permissions-user-listing'
  • When using sw-custom-field-list make sure you have set the page, limit and total prop
  • Deprecated api services
    • cartSalesChannelService: use cartStoreApiService
    • checkOutSalesChannelService: use checkoutStoreService
    • salesChannelContextService: use storeContextService
  • When using getCurrencyPriceByCurrencyId in sw-product-list/index.js parameters must be changed from (itemId, currencyId) to (currencyId, prices).
    • Before:
      <template v-for="currency in currencies"
                slot-scope="{ item }">
          {{ getCurrencyPriceByCurrencyId(, | currency(currency.isoCode) }}
    • After:
      <template v-for="currency in currencies"
                slot-scope="{ item }">
          {{ getCurrencyPriceByCurrencyId(, item.price).gross | currency(currency.isoCode) }}
  • Added the following new components, to enable administration of essential characteristics
    • sw-settings-product-feature-sets-modal
    • sw-settings-product-feature-sets-values-card
    • sw-settings-product-feature-sets-detail
    • sw-settings-product-feature-sets-list
  • Removed the inheritance header being set to true in the method loadProduct of the component sw-product-detail
  • Removed unnecessary loading of crossSelling associations in the computed property productCriteria of the component sw-product-detail



Asset System Refactoring

Flysystem adapters

With 6.3 we have refactored the url handling of including resources like images, js, css etc. We have also created three new adapters: asset (plugin public files), theme (theme resources) and sitemap. For comparability reason they inherit from the public filesytem. So after the update all new filesystem are using the config from public filesystem. See the updated documentation to how to configure all filesystems. All file system configuration have now an url config option, this url will be used for url generation to the files.

Usage of the Symfony asset

To unify the URL generation, we create a Symfony asset for each public filesystem adapter. This will build the correct URL with a version cache busting. These assets are prefixed in dependency injection with shopware.asset.{ADAPTER_NAME}:

  • shopware.asset.public
  • shopware.asset.theme
  • shopware.asset.asset

Example in PHP:

// This is an example. Please use dependency injection
$publicAsset = $container->get('shopware.asset.public');

// Get the full url to the image
$imageUrl = $publicAsset->getUrl('folder/image.png');

Example in Twig:

{{ asset('folder/image.png', 'public') }

Example in SCSS

body {
  background: url("#{$sw-asset-theme-url}/bundles/storefront/assets/img/some-image.webp");

To access in scss the asset url, you can use the variable $sw-asset-theme-url

Configuring asset and theme asset to other locations

Make sure you are using the correct asset package in the twig function asset.

  • Themes: {{ asset('folder/image.png', 'theme') }
  • Plugins: {{ asset('folder/image.png', 'asset') } or {{ asset('folder/image.png', '@MyPluginName') }