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File metadata and controls

150 lines (120 loc) · 11.1 KB


This folder contains the configuration options available for the app.

Available starting arguments

The application uses yargs to allow command line arguments.

Here is the list of available arguments and its usage:

Option Usage Default Value
appActiveCheckInterval A numeric value in seconds as poll interval to check if the system is active from being idle 2
appIcon Teams app icon to show in the tray
appIconType Type of tray icon to be used default/light/dark default
appIdleTimeout A numeric value in seconds as duration before app considers the system as idle 300
appIdleTimeoutCheckInterval A numeric value in seconds as poll interval to check if the appIdleTimeout is reached 10
appLogLevels Comma separated list of log levels (error,warn,info,debug) error,warn
appTitle A text to be suffixed with page title Microsoft Teams
authServerWhitelist Set auth-server-whitelist value string
awayOnSystemIdle Sets the user status as away when system goes idle false
chromeUserAgent Google Chrome User Agent string
customBGServiceBaseUrl Base URL of the server which provides custom background images string
customBGServiceIgnoreMSDefaults A flag indicates whether to ignore Microsoft provided images or not false
customBGServiceConfigFetchInterval A numeric value in seconds as poll interval to download background service config download number
customCACertsFingerprints Array of custom CA Certs Fingerprints to allow SSL unrecognized signer or self signed certificate []
customCSSName custom CSS name for the packaged available css files string
customCSSLocation custom CSS styles file location string
followSystemTheme Follow system theme false
customUserDir Custom User Directory so that you can have multiple profiles string
clearStorage Whether to clear the storage before creating the window or not false
clientCertPath Custom Client Certs for corporate authentication (certificate must be in pkcs12 format) string
clientCertPassword Custom Client Certs password for corporate authentication (certificate must be in pkcs12 format) string
closeAppOnCross Close the app when clicking the close (X) cross false
defaultURLHandler Default application to be used to open the HTTP URLs string
disableAutogain A flag indicates whether to disable mic auto gain or not false
disableGpu A flag to disable GPU and hardware acceleration (can be useful if the window remains blank) false
disableMeetingNotifications Whether to disable meeting notifications or not false
disableNotifications A flag to disable all notifications false
disableNotificationSound Disable chat/meeting start notification sound false
disableNotificationSoundIfNotAvailable Disables notification sound unless status is Available (e.g. while in a call, busy, etc.) false
disableNotificationWindowFlash A flag indicates whether to disable window flashing when there is a notification false
incomingCallCommand Command to execute on an incoming call.
incomingCallCommandArgs Arguments for the incomming call command.
menubar A value controls the menu bar behaviour string
minimized Start the application minimized false
ntlmV2enabled Set enable-ntlm-v2 value string
onlineCheckMethod Type of network test for checking online status. string
optInTeamsV2 Opt in to use Teams V2 false
partition BrowserWindow webpreferences partition string
proxyServer Proxy Server with format address:port string
screenLockInhibitionMethod Screen lock inhibition method to be used (Electron/WakeLockSentinel) Electron
spellCheckerLanguages Array of languages to use with Electron's spell checker []
url Microsoft Teams URL string
useMutationTitleLogic Use MutationObserver to update counter from title false
version Show the version number false
webDebug Enable web debugging false
electronCLIFlags Electron CLI flags to be added when the app starts []
notificationMethod Notification method to be used by the application (web/electron) web
defaultNotificationUrgency Default urgency for new notifications (low/normal/critical). Only applicable when notificationMethod is electron normal

As an example, to disable the persistence, you can run the following command:

teams-for-linux --partition nopersist

Alternatively, you can use a file called config.json with the configuration options. This file needs to be located in ~/.config/teams-for-linux/config.json. For Snap installations, the file is located in ~/snap/teams-for-linux/current/.config/teams-for-linux/config.json and for Flatpak it is located in ~/.var/app/com.github.IsmaelMartinez.teams_for_linux/config/teams-for-linux/config.json.

yargs allows for extra modes of configuration. Refer to their documentation if you prefer to use a configuration file instead of arguments.


    "closeAppOnCross": true

Getting custom CA Certs fingerprints

Information about how to get the custom CA Certs fingerprints is now available under the certificate file

Electron CLI flags

Now the config.json can have electron CLI flags which will be added when the application starts.


    "electronCLIFlags": [

As you can see from the above example, switches with values must be of array where the first entry will be the switch and the second one will be the value. It can be a simple string otherwise.

Custom backgrounds

We added a feature to load custom background images during a video call. This is available from version 1.0.84.

Things to remember:

  1. Currently app does not feature adding or removing custom images. You have to rely on any locally/remotely hosted web servers to serve images.
  2. 3 new command-line parameters customBGServiceBaseUrl, customBGServiceIgnoreMSDefaults and customBGServiceConfigFetchInterval are introduced. See above for details.
  3. Custom images are always loaded with <customBGServiceBaseUrl>/<image-path>. So, you have to make sure the web server is running and <customBGServiceBaseUrl> responds to the request.
  4. You can choose any web server of your choice but make sure Access-Control-Allow-Origin is set to * in response headers from web server.

For apache2, /etc/apache2/apache2.conf may need to have an entry like this.

<Directory /var/www/>
	Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
	Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
	AllowOverride None
	Require all granted

Configuring list of images

  1. List of images are to be stored in <customBGServiceBaseUrl>/config.json.
  2. It would look like this:
		"filetype": "jpg",
		"id": "Custom_bg01",
		"name": "Custom bg",
		"src": "/<path-to-image>",
		"thumb_src": "/<path-to-thumb-image>"

As you can see from the above example, it's a JSON array so you can configure any number of images of your choice.

About the entries

  • filetype: Type of image (Ex: jpg)
  • id: Id of the image. Give a unique name without spaces.
  • name: Name of your image.
  • src: Path to the image to be loaded when selected from the preview. Provide a picture with resolution 1920x1080 (Based on Microsoft CDN) though any resolution would work. This is to avoid unnecessary traffic by loading large size images.
  • thumb_src: Path to the image to be shown on the preview screen. Provide a low resolution picture (280x158 based on Microsoft CDN) as it's shown on the preview page. The smaller the image the quicker the preview will be.

Image paths are relative to customBGServiceBaseUrl. If your image is at, then src would be /images/sample.jpg.