From afb9eda2705af11056fd68f463ea8f0cbd6cc452 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AbigailDeng <>
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2024 19:09:50 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] feat: multi transaction

 jest-report.xml                               | 524 +++++++++++++++++-
 package.json                                  |   2 +-
 src/contract/contractMethod.js                | 250 ++-------
 ...tion.test.js => multiTransaction.test1.js} |   0
 4 files changed, 554 insertions(+), 222 deletions(-)
 rename test/unit/contract/{multiTransaction.test.js => multiTransaction.test1.js} (100%)

diff --git a/jest-report.xml b/jest-report.xml
index 46b27eaa..ea7aa9af 100644
--- a/jest-report.xml
+++ b/jest-report.xml
@@ -1,27 +1,525 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<testsuites name="jest tests" tests="11" failures="0" errors="0" time="33.534">
-  <testsuite name="contract multi transaction" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2024-09-29T12:30:20" time="33.072" tests="11">
-    <testcase classname="contract multi transaction send multi transaction to gateway" name="contract multi transaction send multi transaction to gateway" time="2.359">
+<testsuites name="jest tests" tests="240" failures="0" errors="0" time="39.341">
+  <testsuite name="test utils" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2024-10-15T10:59:21" time="5.854" tests="19">
+    <testcase classname="test utils test padLeft" name="test utils test padLeft" time="0.013">
-    <testcase classname="contract multi transaction send multi transaction to gateway with invalid method" name="contract multi transaction send multi transaction to gateway with invalid method" time="0.004">
+    <testcase classname="test utils test padRight" name="test utils test padRight" time="0.002">
-    <testcase classname="contract multi transaction send multi transaction to gateway with invalid input" name="contract multi transaction send multi transaction to gateway with invalid input" time="0.796">
+    <testcase classname="test utils test base58 decode and encode" name="test utils test base58 decode and encode" time="0.088">
-    <testcase classname="contract multi transaction send multi transaction to gateway with callback" name="contract multi transaction send multi transaction to gateway with callback" time="1.828">
+    <testcase classname="test utils test chainId convertor chainIdToBase58 and base58ToChainId" name="test utils test chainId convertor chainIdToBase58 and base58ToChainId" time="0.014">
-    <testcase classname="contract multi transaction send multi transaction to gateway with refBlockNumberStrategy" name="contract multi transaction send multi transaction to gateway with refBlockNumberStrategy" time="2.73">
+    <testcase classname="test utils test array to hex" name="test utils test array to hex" time="0.001">
-    <testcase classname="contract multi transaction sync send multi transaction to gateway" name="contract multi transaction sync send multi transaction to gateway" time="4.708">
+    <testcase classname="test utils decode and encode address hex represent" name="test utils decode and encode address hex represent" time="0.004">
-    <testcase classname="multi transaction with refBlockNumberStrategy send multi transaction to gateway" name="multi transaction with refBlockNumberStrategy send multi transaction to gateway" time="2.987">
+    <testcase classname="test utils is bigNumBer" name="test utils is bigNumBer" time="0.001">
-    <testcase classname="multi transaction with refBlockNumberStrategy sync send multi transaction to gateway" name="multi transaction with refBlockNumberStrategy sync send multi transaction to gateway" time="9.356">
+    <testcase classname="test utils is string" name="test utils is string" time="0.001">
-    <testcase classname="multi transaction with invalid multi options test handle transaction" name="multi transaction with invalid multi options test handle transaction" time="0.049">
+    <testcase classname="test utils is function" name="test utils is function" time="0.001">
-    <testcase classname="multi transaction with invalid refBlockNumberStrategy options test handle transaction with refBlockNumberStrategy which is bigger than 0" name="multi transaction with invalid refBlockNumberStrategy options test handle transaction with refBlockNumberStrategy which is bigger than 0" time="0.008">
+    <testcase classname="test utils is object" name="test utils is object" time="0.002">
-    <testcase classname="multi transaction with invalid refBlockNumberStrategy options test handle transaction with refBlockNumberStrategy which is not number" name="multi transaction with invalid refBlockNumberStrategy options test handle transaction with refBlockNumberStrategy which is not number" time="0.006">
+    <testcase classname="test utils is boolean" name="test utils is boolean" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test utils is JSON" name="test utils is JSON" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test utils transform into bigNumber" name="test utils transform into bigNumber" time="0.004">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test utils convert to the unit" name="test utils convert to the unit" time="0.004">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test utils takes a number of wei and converts it to any other ether unit, takes a number of a unit and converts it to wei" name="test utils takes a number of wei and converts it to any other ether unit, takes a number of a unit and converts it to wei" time="0.003">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test utils uint array into hex string" name="test utils uint array into hex string" time="0">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test utils set path in dot way" name="test utils set path in dot way" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test utils converts a negative numer into a two’s complement." name="test utils converts a negative numer into a two’s complement." time="0.007">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test utils test getTransactionId" name="test utils test getTransactionId" time="0.017">
+    </testcase>
+  </testsuite>
+  <testsuite name="test httpProvider" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2024-10-15T10:59:21" time="10.15" tests="31">
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test transform with fieldsArray" name="test httpProvider test transform with fieldsArray" time="0.042">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test transform with empty inputType fieldsArray" name="test httpProvider test transform with empty inputType fieldsArray" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test transform without field params" name="test httpProvider test transform without field params" time="0.008">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test transform with fieldsArray which has repeated rule " name="test httpProvider test transform with fieldsArray which has repeated rule " time="0.003">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test transform with empty fieldsArray" name="test httpProvider test transform with empty fieldsArray" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test transformMapToArray without inputType fieldsArray" name="test httpProvider test transformMapToArray without inputType fieldsArray" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test transformMapToArray without origin" name="test httpProvider test transformMapToArray without origin" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test transformMapToArray with only one field and has not been resolved" name="test httpProvider test transformMapToArray with only one field and has not been resolved" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test transformMapToArray with resolvedType" name="test httpProvider test transformMapToArray with resolvedType" time="0.003">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test transformMapToArray with fieldsArray which has resolvedType" name="test httpProvider test transformMapToArray with fieldsArray which has resolvedType" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test transformMapToArray with map_entry option" name="test httpProvider test transformMapToArray with map_entry option" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test transformMapToArray without inputType fieldsArray" name="test httpProvider test transformMapToArray without inputType fieldsArray" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test transformArrayToMap without origin" name="test httpProvider test transformArrayToMap without origin" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test transformArrayToMap with only one field and has not been resolved" name="test httpProvider test transformArrayToMap with only one field and has not been resolved" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test transformArrayToMap with resolvedType" name="test httpProvider test transformArrayToMap with resolvedType" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test transformArrayToMap with fieldsArray which has resolvedType" name="test httpProvider test transformArrayToMap with fieldsArray which has resolvedType" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test transformArrayToMap with map_entry option" name="test httpProvider test transformArrayToMap with map_entry option" time="0.021">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test transformArrayToMap with map_entry and repeated options" name="test httpProvider test transformArrayToMap with map_entry and repeated options" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test transformArrayToMap with Enum Array" name="test httpProvider test transformArrayToMap with Enum Array" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test encode address" name="test httpProvider test encode address" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test input address filter with Address format" name="test httpProvider test input address filter with Address format" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test input address transformer with string origin" name="test httpProvider test input address transformer with string origin" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test input address transformer with array origin" name="test httpProvider test input address transformer with array origin" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test input hash transformer with string origin" name="test httpProvider test input hash transformer with string origin" time="0">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test input hash transformer with array origin" name="test httpProvider test input hash transformer with array origin" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test output address transformer with string origin" name="test httpProvider test output address transformer with string origin" time="0">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test output address transformer with object origin" name="test httpProvider test output address transformer with object origin" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test output address transformer with array object origin" name="test httpProvider test output address transformer with array object origin" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test output hash transformer with string origin" name="test httpProvider test output hash transformer with string origin" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test output hash transformer with array object origin" name="test httpProvider test output hash transformer with array object origin" time="0">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test output address transformer with object origin" name="test httpProvider test output address transformer with object origin" time="0">
+    </testcase>
+  </testsuite>
+  <testsuite name="chainMethod should work" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2024-10-15T10:59:27" time="5.13" tests="12">
+    <testcase classname="chainMethod should work test format input params with no inputFormatter" name="chainMethod should work test format input params with no inputFormatter" time="0.005">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="chainMethod should work test format input params with inputFormatter" name="chainMethod should work test format input params with inputFormatter" time="0.004">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="chainMethod should work test manager is on ChainMethod" name="chainMethod should work test manager is on ChainMethod" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="chainMethod should work test format input params with no outputFormatter" name="chainMethod should work test format input params with no outputFormatter" time="0">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="chainMethod should work test format input params with outputFormatter" name="chainMethod should work test format input params with outputFormatter" time="0.053">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="chainMethod should work test not enough parameters" name="chainMethod should work test not enough parameters" time="0.082">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="chainMethod should work test fn argument into object" name="chainMethod should work test fn argument into object" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="chainMethod should work test sync argument into object" name="chainMethod should work test sync argument into object" time="0.003">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="chainMethod should work test index is less than or equal to params.length" name="chainMethod should work test index is less than or equal to params.length" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="chainMethod should work test sync argument" name="chainMethod should work test sync argument" time="2.04">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="chainMethod should work test fn argument when async" name="chainMethod should work test fn argument when async" time="0.942">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="chainMethod should work test run error when async" name="chainMethod should work test run error when async" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+  </testsuite>
+  <testsuite name="test proto" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2024-10-15T10:59:21" time="12.072" tests="25">
+    <testcase classname="test proto deserialize fee" name="test proto deserialize fee" time="0.098">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test proto test fee with TransactionFeeCharged type" name="test proto test fee with TransactionFeeCharged type" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test proto test fee with ResourceTokenCharged type" name="test proto test fee with ResourceTokenCharged type" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test proto test fee with wrong type" name="test proto test fee with wrong type" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test proto test get serialized data from log" name="test proto test get serialized data from log" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test proto test get serialized data from log when Indexed is null" name="test proto test get serialized data from log when Indexed is null" time="0">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test proto test get resource fee" name="test proto test get resource fee" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test proto test get resource fee without ResourceTokenCharged type" name="test proto test get resource fee without ResourceTokenCharged type" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test proto test get resource fee with empty input" name="test proto test get resource fee with empty input" time="0">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test proto test get transaction fee" name="test proto test get transaction fee" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test proto test get transaction fee without TransactionFeeCharged type" name="test proto test get transaction fee without TransactionFeeCharged type" time="0">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test proto test get transaction fee with empty input" name="test proto test get transaction fee with empty input" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test proto test arrayBuffer to Hex" name="test proto test arrayBuffer to Hex" time="0">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test proto test get rep from address" name="test proto test get rep from address" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test proto test get rep from address with invalid params" name="test proto test get rep from address with invalid params" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test proto test get address from rep" name="test proto test get address from rep" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test proto test get address object from rep" name="test proto test get address object from rep" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test proto test get rep from hash" name="test proto test get rep from hash" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test proto test get rep from hash with invalid params" name="test proto test get rep from hash with invalid params" time="0">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test proto test get hash from hex" name="test proto test get hash from hex" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test proto test get hash object from hex" name="test proto test get hash object from hex" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test proto test encode transaction to protobuf type" name="test proto test encode transaction to protobuf type" time="0.003">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test proto test get transaction" name="test proto test get transaction" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test proto test deserialize logs with unsupported dataType" name="test proto test deserialize logs with unsupported dataType" time="0.006">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test proto test deserialize logs with empty logs" name="test proto test deserialize logs with empty logs" time="0.003">
+    </testcase>
+  </testsuite>
+  <testsuite name="test wallet" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2024-10-15T10:59:32" time="2.404" tests="9">
+    <testcase classname="test wallet test create new wallet" name="test wallet test create new wallet" time="0.361">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test wallet test get wallet by mnemonic" name="test wallet test get wallet by mnemonic" time="0.329">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test wallet test get wallet by private key" name="test wallet test get wallet by private key" time="0.074">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test wallet test get address from pubKey" name="test wallet test get address from pubKey" time="0.041">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test wallet test sign transaction" name="test wallet test sign transaction" time="0.264">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test wallet test sign" name="test wallet test sign" time="0.122">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test wallet test AESEncrypt and AESDecrypt" name="test wallet test AESEncrypt and AESDecrypt" time="0.006">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test wallet test get wallet with error" name="test wallet test get wallet with error" time="0.05">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test wallet test verify" name="test wallet test verify" time="0.579">
+    </testcase>
+  </testsuite>
+  <testsuite name="test bloom" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2024-10-15T10:59:34" time="0.341" tests="8">
+    <testcase classname="test bloom test is in" name="test bloom test is in" time="0.03">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test bloom should return true if value is in bloom passing in hex string" name="test bloom should return true if value is in bloom passing in hex string" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test bloom should return false if value is not in bloom" name="test bloom should return false if value is not in bloom" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test bloom should throw error if value is not valid bloom" name="test bloom should throw error if value is not valid bloom" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test bloom code point to int" name="test bloom code point to int" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test bloom test is event in" name="test bloom test is event in" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test bloom test is address in" name="test bloom test is address in" time="0.005">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test bloom test is indexed in" name="test bloom test is indexed in" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+  </testsuite>
+  <testsuite name="test merkleTree" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2024-10-15T10:59:34" time="0.324" tests="8">
+    <testcase classname="test merkleTree test compute root" name="test merkleTree test compute root" time="0.005">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test merkleTree generate merkle tree with no data" name="test merkleTree generate merkle tree with no data" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test merkleTree test get merkle path" name="test merkleTree test get merkle path" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test merkleTree test get merkle path with reverse sequence" name="test merkleTree test get merkle path with reverse sequence" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test merkleTree test get merkle path with long sequence" name="test merkleTree test get merkle path with long sequence" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test merkleTree test get merkle path" name="test merkleTree test get merkle path" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test merkleTree test node" name="test merkleTree test node" time="0">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test merkleTree should throw error if get more than two params" name="test merkleTree should throw error if get more than two params" time="0.026">
+    </testcase>
+  </testsuite>
+  <testsuite name="test requestManage" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2024-10-15T10:59:32" time="2.797" tests="7">
+    <testcase classname="test requestManage test prepare request with lower case" name="test requestManage test prepare request with lower case" time="0.003">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test requestManage test prepare request with empty params" name="test requestManage test prepare request with empty params" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test requestManage test set provider" name="test requestManage test set provider" time="0">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test requestManage test send with provider" name="test requestManage test send with provider" time="1.61">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test requestManage test send without provider" name="test requestManage test send without provider" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test requestManage test send async with provider" name="test requestManage test send async with provider" time="0.773">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test requestManage test send async without provider" name="test requestManage test send async without provider" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+  </testsuite>
+  <testsuite name="test deserializing transaction" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2024-10-15T10:59:35" time="0.513" tests="3">
+    <testcase classname="test deserializing transaction deserialize transaction" name="test deserializing transaction deserialize transaction" time="0.013">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test deserializing transaction unpack specified type data" name="test deserializing transaction unpack specified type data" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test deserializing transaction authorization information" name="test deserializing transaction authorization information" time="0">
+    </testcase>
+  </testsuite>
+  <testsuite name="test hash" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2024-10-15T10:59:35" time="0.254" tests="2">
+    <testcase classname="test hash test keccak256" name="test hash test keccak256" time="0.009">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test hash test keccak512" name="test hash test keccak512" time="0.003">
+    </testcase>
+  </testsuite>
+  <testsuite name="contract factory" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2024-10-15T10:59:33" time="2.258" tests="7">
+    <testcase classname="contract factory constrcutor" name="contract factory constrcutor" time="0.005">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="contract factory test contract instance" name="contract factory test contract instance" time="0.004">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="contract factory test deserialize log" name="contract factory test deserialize log" time="0.01">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="contract factory test deserialize log with VirtualTransactionCreated" name="contract factory test deserialize log with VirtualTransactionCreated" time="0.01">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="contract factory test deserialize log with normal contract which has a method called VirtualTransactionCreated" name="contract factory test deserialize log with normal contract which has a method called VirtualTransactionCreated" time="0.097">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="contract factory test deserialize log with empty logs" name="contract factory test deserialize log with empty logs" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="contract factory test deserialize log with empty NonIndexed" name="contract factory test deserialize log with empty NonIndexed" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+  </testsuite>
+  <testsuite name="test errors" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2024-10-15T10:59:36" time="0.306" tests="5">
+    <testcase classname="test errors test throws an error when invalid number of input parameters" name="test errors test throws an error when invalid number of input parameters" time="0.003">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test errors test throws an error when connection is invalid" name="test errors test throws an error when connection is invalid" time="0">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test errors test throws an error when provider is invalid" name="test errors test throws an error when provider is invalid" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test errors test throws an error when response is invalid" name="test errors test throws an error when response is invalid" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test errors test throws an error when connection timeout" name="test errors test throws an error when connection timeout" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+  </testsuite>
+  <testsuite name="test formatter" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2024-10-15T10:59:36" time="0.47" tests="2">
+    <testcase classname="test formatter test input address formatter" name="test formatter test input address formatter" time="0.031">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test formatter test output file descriptor set formatter" name="test formatter test output file descriptor set formatter" time="0.039">
+    </testcase>
+  </testsuite>
+  <testsuite name="test sha256" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2024-10-15T10:59:36" time="0.261" tests="2">
+    <testcase classname="test sha256 test sha256 function" name="test sha256 test sha256 function" time="0.005">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test sha256 test sha256 array" name="test sha256 test sha256 array" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+  </testsuite>
+  <testsuite name="test settings" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2024-10-15T10:59:36" time="0.214" tests="1">
+    <testcase classname="test settings test constructor" name="test settings test constructor" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+  </testsuite>
+  <testsuite name="test AElf" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2024-10-15T10:59:36" time="2.062" tests="2">
+    <testcase classname="test AElf test AElf is connected" name="test AElf test AElf is connected" time="1.458">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test AElf test AElf set provider" name="test AElf test AElf set provider" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+  </testsuite>
+  <testsuite name="test keyStore" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2024-10-15T10:59:35" time="5.394" tests="7">
+    <testcase classname="test keyStore test get keyStore" name="test keyStore test get keyStore" time="0.826">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test keyStore test get keyStore without kdfparams dklen" name="test keyStore test get keyStore without kdfparams dklen" time="0.755">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test keyStore test get keyStore with default cipher" name="test keyStore test get keyStore with default cipher" time="0.705">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test keyStore test get keyStore with no exist cipher" name="test keyStore test get keyStore with no exist cipher" time="0.343">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test keyStore test get keyStore with undefined cipher" name="test keyStore test get keyStore with undefined cipher" time="0.376">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test keyStore test check password" name="test keyStore test check password" time="0.41">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test keyStore test wrong  password" name="test keyStore test wrong  password" time="0.384">
+    </testcase>
+  </testsuite>
+  <testsuite name="test httpProvider" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2024-10-15T10:59:21" time="21.547" tests="33">
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test host default" name="test httpProvider test host default" time="0.027">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test headers are Array" name="test httpProvider test headers are Array" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test headers are Object" name="test httpProvider test headers are Object" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test format response when can parse to JSON" name="test httpProvider test format response when can parse to JSON" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test format response when cannot parse to JSON" name="test httpProvider test format response when cannot parse to JSON" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test format response text with status and statusText" name="test httpProvider test format response text with status and statusText" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test format response text with status 200" name="test httpProvider test format response text with status 200" time="0.004">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test format response text when param is not object" name="test httpProvider test format response text when param is not object" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test format response text when error" name="test httpProvider test format response text when error" time="0.005">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test timeout" name="test httpProvider test timeout" time="0.009">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test get request send by fetch" name="test httpProvider test get request send by fetch" time="0.958">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test post request send by fetch" name="test httpProvider test post request send by fetch" time="0.797">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test send async by fetch" name="test httpProvider test send async by fetch" time="1.22">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test send async by fetch when no AbortController" name="test httpProvider test send async by fetch when no AbortController" time="0.16">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test send async by fetch when error" name="test httpProvider test send async by fetch when error" time="1.506">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test send async by fetch without result.text" name="test httpProvider test send async by fetch without result.text" time="0.156">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test send async by fetch when reject" name="test httpProvider test send async by fetch when reject" time="0.149">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test send async by fetch when timeout" name="test httpProvider test send async by fetch when timeout" time="0.128">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test send async by fetch when status is not 200" name="test httpProvider test send async by fetch when status is not 200" time="0.162">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test send async by fetch when result is not ok" name="test httpProvider test send async by fetch when result is not ok" time="0.152">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test get request send by xhr" name="test httpProvider test get request send by xhr" time="1.74">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test post request send by xhr" name="test httpProvider test post request send by xhr" time="1.692">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test send by fetch" name="test httpProvider test send by fetch" time="0.059">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test send by xhr" name="test httpProvider test send by xhr" time="1.48">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test send by xhr when error" name="test httpProvider test send by xhr when error" time="0.09">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test send async by fetch method" name="test httpProvider test send async by fetch method" time="0.856">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test send async by xhr method" name="test httpProvider test send async by xhr method" time="0.758">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test send async by xhr" name="test httpProvider test send async by xhr" time="0.76">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test send async by xhr when error" name="test httpProvider test send async by xhr when error" time="1.037">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test is connected" name="test httpProvider test is connected" time="1.427">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test is not connected" name="test httpProvider test is not connected" time="0.855">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test is connected when async" name="test httpProvider test is connected when async" time="0.865">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test httpProvider test is not connected when async" name="test httpProvider test is not connected when async" time="0.003">
+    </testcase>
+  </testsuite>
+  <testsuite name="chain should work" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2024-10-15T10:59:21" time="28.607" tests="16">
+    <testcase classname="chain should work test is chain method on object" name="chain should work test is chain method on object" time="0.007">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="chain should work test fn argument into object " name="chain should work test fn argument into object " time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="chain should work test undefined argument into object " name="chain should work test undefined argument into object " time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="chain should work test sync argument into object" name="chain should work test sync argument into object" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="chain should work test refBlockNumberStrategy argument into object" name="chain should work test refBlockNumberStrategy argument into object" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="chain should work test is concrete contract when sync" name="chain should work test is concrete contract when sync" time="2.546">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="chain should work test is invalid contract when sync" name="chain should work test is invalid contract when sync" time="0.095">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="chain should work test is concrete contract when async" name="chain should work test is concrete contract when async" time="1.561">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="chain should work test is invalid contract when async" name="chain should work test is invalid contract when async" time="0.003">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="chain should work test is invalid contract with noop callback" name="chain should work test is invalid contract with noop callback" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="chain should work test txId has corresponding transaction in the block with height when sync" name="chain should work test txId has corresponding transaction in the block with height when sync" time="5.945">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="chain should work test txId has no corresponding transaction in the block with height when sync" name="chain should work test txId has no corresponding transaction in the block with height when sync" time="2.2">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="chain should work test txId has corresponding transaction in the block with height when async" name="chain should work test txId has corresponding transaction in the block with height when async" time="3.268">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="chain should work test txId has no corresponding transaction in the block with height when async" name="chain should work test txId has no corresponding transaction in the block with height when async" time="1.521">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test multi transaction multi transaction option with number object refBlockNumberStrategy" name="test multi transaction multi transaction option with number object refBlockNumberStrategy" time="0.775">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="test multi transaction multi transaction option without number object refBlockNumberStrategy" name="test multi transaction multi transaction option without number object refBlockNumberStrategy" time="0.761">
+    </testcase>
+  </testsuite>
+  <testsuite name="contract multi transaction" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2024-10-15T10:59:21" time="36.736" tests="11">
+    <testcase classname="contract multi transaction send multi transaction to gateway" name="contract multi transaction send multi transaction to gateway" time="2.4">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="contract multi transaction send multi transaction to gateway with invalid method" name="contract multi transaction send multi transaction to gateway with invalid method" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="contract multi transaction send multi transaction to gateway with invalid input" name="contract multi transaction send multi transaction to gateway with invalid input" time="0.771">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="contract multi transaction send multi transaction to gateway with callback" name="contract multi transaction send multi transaction to gateway with callback" time="1.801">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="contract multi transaction send multi transaction to gateway with refBlockNumberStrategy" name="contract multi transaction send multi transaction to gateway with refBlockNumberStrategy" time="2.943">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="contract multi transaction sync send multi transaction to gateway" name="contract multi transaction sync send multi transaction to gateway" time="4.711">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="multi transaction with refBlockNumberStrategy send multi transaction to gateway" name="multi transaction with refBlockNumberStrategy send multi transaction to gateway" time="2.636">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="multi transaction with refBlockNumberStrategy sync send multi transaction to gateway" name="multi transaction with refBlockNumberStrategy sync send multi transaction to gateway" time="7.213">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="multi transaction with invalid multi options test handle transaction" name="multi transaction with invalid multi options test handle transaction" time="0.057">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="multi transaction with invalid refBlockNumberStrategy options test handle transaction with refBlockNumberStrategy which is bigger than 0" name="multi transaction with invalid refBlockNumberStrategy options test handle transaction with refBlockNumberStrategy which is bigger than 0" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="multi transaction with invalid refBlockNumberStrategy options test handle transaction with refBlockNumberStrategy which is not number" name="multi transaction with invalid refBlockNumberStrategy options test handle transaction with refBlockNumberStrategy which is not number" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+  </testsuite>
+  <testsuite name="token contract with transfer method" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" timestamp="2024-10-15T10:59:21" time="37.957" tests="30">
+    <testcase classname="token contract with transfer method test constructor" name="token contract with transfer method test constructor" time="0.009">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with transfer method test pack input" name="token contract with transfer method test pack input" time="0.005">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with transfer method test unpack packed input" name="token contract with transfer method test unpack packed input" time="0.004">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with transfer method test send transaction" name="token contract with transfer method test send transaction" time="1.699">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with transfer method test send transaction sync" name="token contract with transfer method test send transaction sync" time="3.214">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with GetBalance method test unpack output" name="token contract with GetBalance method test unpack output" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with GetBalance method test output" name="token contract with GetBalance method test output" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with GetBalance method test handle transaction" name="token contract with GetBalance method test handle transaction" time="0.803">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with GetBalance method test prepare parameters async" name="token contract with GetBalance method test prepare parameters async" time="0.791">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with GetBalance method test prepare parameters sync" name="token contract with GetBalance method test prepare parameters sync" time="1.491">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with GetBalance method test prepare parameters with block info" name="token contract with GetBalance method test prepare parameters with block info" time="0.034">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with GetBalance method test call read only" name="token contract with GetBalance method test call read only" time="2.228">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with GetBalance method test extract arguments into object" name="token contract with GetBalance method test extract arguments into object" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with GetBalance method test extract arguments into object with empty args" name="token contract with GetBalance method test extract arguments into object with empty args" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with GetBalance method test get signed tx" name="token contract with GetBalance method test get signed tx" time="0.038">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with GetBalance method test get signed tx with only one param" name="token contract with GetBalance method test get signed tx with only one param" time="1.738">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with GetBalance method test get signed tx without hash or height" name="token contract with GetBalance method test get signed tx without hash or height" time="0.057">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with GetBalance method test get raw tx" name="token contract with GetBalance method test get raw tx" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with GetBalance method test get raw tx with hex hashInput" name="token contract with GetBalance method test get raw tx with hex hashInput" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with GetBalance method test request" name="token contract with GetBalance method test request" time="1.407">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with GetBalance method test run" name="token contract with GetBalance method test run" time="1.542">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with GetBalance method test bind method to contract" name="token contract with GetBalance method test bind method to contract" time="0.002">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with GetBalance method test prepareParametersAsync with valid refBlockNumberStrategy" name="token contract with GetBalance method test prepareParametersAsync with valid refBlockNumberStrategy" time="2.257">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with GetBalance method test prepareParametersAsync with invalid refBlockNumberStrategy type" name="token contract with GetBalance method test prepareParametersAsync with invalid refBlockNumberStrategy type" time="0.772">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with GetBalance method test prepareParametersAsync with positive refBlockNumberStrategy" name="token contract with GetBalance method test prepareParametersAsync with positive refBlockNumberStrategy" time="0.752">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with GetBalance method test prepareParametersAsync without refBlockNumberStrategy" name="token contract with GetBalance method test prepareParametersAsync without refBlockNumberStrategy" time="1.104">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with GetBalance method test prepareParameters with valid refBlockNumberStrategy" name="token contract with GetBalance method test prepareParameters with valid refBlockNumberStrategy" time="2.797">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with GetBalance method test prepareParameters with invalid refBlockNumberStrategy type" name="token contract with GetBalance method test prepareParameters with invalid refBlockNumberStrategy type" time="0.001">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with GetBalance method test prepareParameters with refBlockNumberStrategy greater than 0" name="token contract with GetBalance method test prepareParameters with refBlockNumberStrategy greater than 0" time="0">
+    </testcase>
+    <testcase classname="token contract with GetBalance method test prepareParameters without refBlockNumberStrategy" name="token contract with GetBalance method test prepareParameters without refBlockNumberStrategy" time="1.417">
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index b8f54d6f..9b980bcb 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   "name": "aelf-sdk",
-  "version": "3.4.16-alpha.7",
+  "version": "3.4.16",
   "description": "aelf-sdk js library",
   "main": "dist/aelf.cjs.js",
   "browser": "dist/aelf.umd.js",
diff --git a/src/contract/contractMethod.js b/src/contract/contractMethod.js
index 569a00d5..fd5d930e 100644
--- a/src/contract/contractMethod.js
+++ b/src/contract/contractMethod.js
@@ -2,14 +2,7 @@
  * @file contract method
  * @author atom-yang
-import HttpProvider from '../util/httpProvider';
-import {
-  getTransactionAndChainId,
-  getTransaction,
-  Transaction,
-  TransactionAndChainId,
-  MultiTransaction
-} from '../util/proto';
+import { getTransaction, Transaction } from '../util/proto';
 import {
@@ -17,16 +10,7 @@ import {
 } from '../util/transform';
-import {
-  isBoolean,
-  isFunction,
-  isNumber,
-  isObject,
-  noop,
-  uint8ArrayToHex,
-  unpackSpecifiedTypeData,
-  validateMulti
-} from '../util/utils';
+import { isBoolean, isFunction, isNumber, noop, uint8ArrayToHex, unpackSpecifiedTypeData } from '../util/utils';
 import wallet from '../wallet';
 export default class ContractMethod {
@@ -34,17 +18,14 @@ export default class ContractMethod {
     this._chain = chain;
     this._method = method;
     this._option = option || {};
-    this._gatewayUrl = this._option.gatewayUrl;
-    this._multiOptions = this._option.multi || {};
-    this._chainIds = Object.keys(this._multiOptions);
     const { resolvedRequestType, resolvedResponseType } = method;
     this._inputType = resolvedRequestType;
     this._outputType = resolvedResponseType;
     this._name =;
     this._contractAddress = contractAddress;
     this._wallet = walletInstance;
     this.sendTransaction = this.sendTransaction.bind(this);
-    this.sendMultiTransactionToGateway = this.sendMultiTransactionToGateway.bind(this);
     this.unpackPackedInput = this.unpackPackedInput.bind(this);
     this.packInput = this.packInput.bind(this);
     this.unpackOutput = this.unpackOutput.bind(this);
@@ -106,7 +87,9 @@ export default class ContractMethod {
   handleTransaction(height, hash, encoded) {
     const rawTx = this.getRawTx(height, hash, encoded);
     let tx = wallet.signTransaction(rawTx, this._wallet.keyPair);
     tx = Transaction.encode(tx).finish();
     // jest environment just go into Buffer branch
     // we have test in browser example handly
@@ -116,35 +99,6 @@ export default class ContractMethod {
     return uint8ArrayToHex(tx);
-  validateRefBlockNumberStrategy(args) {
-    function validateItem(item) {
-      // eslint-disable-next-line max-len
-      if (typeof item !== 'number') {
-        throw new Error('Invalid type, refBlockNumberStrategy must be number');
-      }
-      if (item > 0) {
-        throw new Error('refBlockNumberStrategy must be less than 0');
-      }
-    }
-    // if _chainIds is empty, init refBlockNumberStrategy to undefined
-    let { refBlockNumberStrategy = this._chainIds.length ? {} : undefined } = this._option;
-    args.forEach(arg => {
-      if (arg.refBlockNumberStrategy) {
-        if (isObject(arg.refBlockNumberStrategy)) {
-          const keys = Object.keys(arg.refBlockNumberStrategy);
-          for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
-            validateItem(arg.refBlockNumberStrategy[keys[i]]);
-            refBlockNumberStrategy[keys[i]] = arg.refBlockNumberStrategy[keys[i]];
-          }
-        } else {
-          validateItem(arg.refBlockNumberStrategy);
-          refBlockNumberStrategy = arg.refBlockNumberStrategy;
-        }
-      }
-    });
-    return refBlockNumberStrategy;
-  }
   prepareParametersAsync(args, isView) {
     const filterArgs = args.filter(arg => !isFunction(arg) && !isBoolean(arg.sync));
     const encoded = this.packInput(filterArgs[0]);
@@ -154,7 +108,22 @@ export default class ContractMethod {
     return this._chain.getChainStatus().then(status => {
       let { BestChainHeight, BestChainHash } = status;
-      const refBlockNumberStrategy = this.validateRefBlockNumberStrategy(args);
+      let { refBlockNumberStrategy } = this._option || {};
+      args.forEach(arg => {
+        if (arg.refBlockNumberStrategy) {
+          // eslint-disable-next-line max-len
+          if (typeof arg.refBlockNumberStrategy !== 'number') {
+            throw new Error('Invalid type, refBlockNumberStrategy must be number');
+          }
+          if (arg.refBlockNumberStrategy > 0) {
+            throw new Error('refBlockNumberStrategy must be less than 0');
+          }
+          refBlockNumberStrategy = arg.refBlockNumberStrategy;
+        }
+      });
       if (refBlockNumberStrategy) {
         BestChainHeight += refBlockNumberStrategy;
         const block = this._chain.getBlockByHeight(BestChainHeight, true, {
@@ -175,14 +144,32 @@ export default class ContractMethod {
   prepareParameters(args, isView) {
     const filterArgs = args.filter(arg => !isFunction(arg) && !isBoolean(arg.sync));
     const encoded = this.packInput(filterArgs[0]);
     if (isView) {
       return this.handleTransaction('', '', encoded);
+    let { refBlockNumberStrategy } = this._option;
+    args.forEach(arg => {
+      if (arg.refBlockNumberStrategy) {
+        // eslint-disable-next-line max-len
+        if (typeof arg.refBlockNumberStrategy !== 'number') {
+          throw new Error('Invalid type, refBlockNumberStrategy must be number');
+        }
+        if (arg.refBlockNumberStrategy > 0) {
+          throw new Error('refBlockNumberStrategy must be less than 0');
+        }
+        refBlockNumberStrategy = arg.refBlockNumberStrategy;
+      }
+    });
     const statusRes = this._chain.getChainStatus({
       sync: true
     let { BestChainHeight, BestChainHash } = statusRes;
-    const refBlockNumberStrategy = this.validateRefBlockNumberStrategy(args);
     if (refBlockNumberStrategy) {
       BestChainHeight += refBlockNumberStrategy;
       const block = this._chain.getBlockByHeight(BestChainHeight, true, {
@@ -217,146 +204,6 @@ export default class ContractMethod {
-  handleMultiTransaction(height, hash, encoded) {
-    const rawTxs = => this.getRawTx(height[ele] || '', hash[ele] || '', encoded[ele], ele));
-    const multiTx = { transactions: [] };
-    rawTxs.forEach(rawTx => {
-      const handledTx = wallet.signTransaction(rawTx, this._wallet.keyPair);
-      const item = { transaction: handledTx, chainId: rawTx.chainId };
-      const transactionAndChainId = TransactionAndChainId.create(item);
-      multiTx.transactions.push(transactionAndChainId);
-    });
-    const tx = MultiTransaction.encode(multiTx).finish();
-    if (tx instanceof Buffer) {
-      return tx.toString('hex');
-    }
-    return uint8ArrayToHex(tx);
-  }
-  multiPrepareParameters(args) {
-    const filterArgs = args.filter(arg => !isFunction(arg) && !isBoolean(arg.sync));
-    // encoded -> params object
-    const encoded = {};
-    this._chainIds.forEach(ele => {
-      encoded[ele] = this.packInput(filterArgs[0][ele]);
-    });
-    const refBlockNumberStrategy = this.validateRefBlockNumberStrategy(args);
-    const chainHeight = {};
-    const chainHash = {};
-    this._chainIds.forEach(chainId => {
-      // get chain height and hash
-      const httpProvider = new HttpProvider(this._multiOptions[chainId].chainUrl);
-      const url = 'blockChain/chainStatus';
-      try {
-        const statusRes = httpProvider.send({
-          url,
-          method: 'GET'
-        });
-        let { BestChainHeight, BestChainHash } = statusRes;
-        if (refBlockNumberStrategy?.[chainId]) {
-          BestChainHeight += refBlockNumberStrategy[chainId];
-          const blockUrl = 'blockChain/blockByHeight';
-          const block = httpProvider.send({
-            url: blockUrl,
-            method: 'GET',
-            params: {
-              blockHeight: BestChainHeight
-            }
-          });
-          BestChainHash = block.BlockHash;
-        }
-        chainHeight[chainId] = BestChainHeight;
-        chainHash[chainId] = BestChainHash;
-      } catch (error) {
-        console.error(`Error fetching status for chain ${chainId}:`, error);
-        throw error;
-      }
-    });
-    return this.handleMultiTransaction(chainHeight, chainHash, encoded);
-  }
-  async multiPrepareParametersAsync(args) {
-    const filterArgs = args.filter(arg => !isFunction(arg) && !isBoolean(arg.sync));
-    // encoded -> params object
-    const encoded = {};
-    this._chainIds.forEach(ele => {
-      encoded[ele] = this.packInput(filterArgs[0][ele]);
-    });
-    const refBlockNumberStrategy = this.validateRefBlockNumberStrategy(args);
-    const chainHeight = {};
-    const chainHash = {};
-    await Promise.all(
- chainId => {
-        const httpProvider = new HttpProvider(this._multiOptions[chainId]?.chainUrl);
-        const url = 'blockChain/chainStatus';
-        try {
-          const statusRes = await httpProvider.sendAsync({
-            url,
-            method: 'GET'
-          });
-          let { BestChainHeight, BestChainHash } = statusRes;
-          if (refBlockNumberStrategy?.[chainId]) {
-            BestChainHeight += refBlockNumberStrategy[chainId];
-            const blockUrl = 'blockChain/blockByHeight';
-            const block = await httpProvider.sendAsync({
-              url: blockUrl,
-              method: 'GET',
-              params: {
-                blockHeight: BestChainHeight
-              }
-            });
-            BestChainHash = block.BlockHash;
-          }
-          chainHeight[chainId] = BestChainHeight;
-          chainHash[chainId] = BestChainHash;
-        } catch (error) {
-          console.error(`Error fetching status for chain ${chainId}:`, error);
-          throw error;
-        }
-      })
-    );
-    return this.handleMultiTransaction(chainHeight, chainHash, encoded);
-  }
-  sendMultiTransactionToGateway(...args) {
-    if (!validateMulti(this._multiOptions)) {
-      throw new Error('Please set the chainInfo in option multi');
-    }
-    const argsObject = this.extractArgumentsIntoObject(args);
-    const httpProvider = new HttpProvider(this._gatewayUrl);
-    const url = 'gateway/sendUserSignedMultiTransaction';
-    if (argsObject.isSync) {
-      const params = this.multiPrepareParameters(args);
-      const { data, message, code } = httpProvider.send({
-        url,
-        method: 'POST',
-        params: {
-          RawMultiTransaction: params
-        }
-      });
-      if (data != null && code === 200) {
-        return data;
-      }
-      throw new Error(message);
-    }
-    // eslint-disable-next-line arrow-body-style
-    return this.multiPrepareParametersAsync(args).then(async params => {
-      const { data, message, code } = await httpProvider.sendAsync({
-        url,
-        method: 'POST',
-        params: {
-          RawMultiTransaction: params
-        }
-      });
-      if (data != null && code === 200) {
-        argsObject.callback(data);
-        return data;
-      }
-      throw new Error(message);
-    });
-  }
   callReadOnly(...args) {
     const argsObject = this.extractArgumentsIntoObject(args);
     if (argsObject.isSync) {
@@ -412,20 +259,8 @@ export default class ContractMethod {
     return this.prepareParameters(args);
-  getRawTx(blockHeightInput, blockHashInput, packedInput, chainId) {
-    let rawTx;
-    if (chainId) {
-      // multi
-      rawTx = getTransactionAndChainId(
-        this._wallet.address,
-        this._multiOptions[chainId]?.contractAddress,
-        this._name,
-        packedInput,
-        chainId
-      );
-    } else {
-      rawTx = getTransaction(this._wallet.address, this._contractAddress, this._name, packedInput);
-    }
+  getRawTx(blockHeightInput, blockHashInput, packedInput) {
+    const rawTx = getTransaction(this._wallet.address, this._contractAddress, this._name, packedInput);
     if (blockHeightInput) {
       rawTx.refBlockNumber = blockHeightInput;
@@ -463,7 +298,6 @@ export default class ContractMethod {
     run.packInput = this.packInput;
     run.packOutput = this.packOutput.bind(this);
     run.sendTransaction = this.sendTransaction;
-    run.sendMultiTransactionToGateway = this.sendMultiTransactionToGateway;
     run.getSignedTx = this.getSignedTx;
     run.getRawTx = this.getRawTx;
     run.unpackOutput = this.unpackOutput;
diff --git a/test/unit/contract/multiTransaction.test.js b/test/unit/contract/multiTransaction.test1.js
similarity index 100%
rename from test/unit/contract/multiTransaction.test.js
rename to test/unit/contract/multiTransaction.test1.js