Grid Limited Randomness algorithm for informative path planning - code from the MSWIM-2023 paper
This repository contains the source code for the algorithms and the simulation framework for the paper:
Samuel Matloob, Ayan Dutta, O. Patrick Kreidl, Damla Turgut and Ladislau Bölöni. Exploring the tradeoffs between systematic and random exploration in mobile sensors. In Proc. of 26th. Int. Conf. on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWIM-2023), pp. 209-216, October 2023.
The code also relies of the Waterberry Farms simulator. Version from February 2024 was verified to work, and is included in the package. Newer versions can be downloaded from
Note that the temporary files from this code will be created in a directory above this directory called __Temporary. Please make sure that this is writeable.
Adapted by Lotzi Bölöni from the code written by Sam Matloob.