About App:
The app name is "LifeQuotes".You can get quotes on different topics and situations which can be shared to different apps. You can write, save,share,edit your own quotes.
What it Contains:
- SignUp Page
- Login Page
- Google SignIn
- Firebase authentication(email/password & google authentication)
- Firebase Realtime database(to keep collection of your own written quotes)
- Navigation Drawer
- Update Password Page
- Forgot password(get link on email to reset password)
- Logout option
- Mobile Orientation friendly(Landscape & Portrait)
- Contains images in all densities(dpi,mdpi,ldpi,xhdpi,xxhdpi,xxxhdpi)
- can run on different android devices of different screen sizes(small,normal,large,xlarge)
- Animation during sliding down the quotes.
- GridView of different categories of quotes.
- Share facility
- Companion Object Etc....
App test on emulator
Name: Nexus 5X API 28 , Resolution: 1080 x 1920: 420 dpi , API: 28 , Size on Disk: 10GB
concepts of kotlin used
- class
- nullsafety
- if/else
- when
- arrayList()
- listOf()
- Adapter
- Toast
- Implicit Intent & Explicit Intent
- Lembda Etc...
Here is the working of the app.
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