diff --git a/paper/paper.md b/paper/paper.md index 2a1fa46..863484f 100644 --- a/paper/paper.md +++ b/paper/paper.md @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ and as such requires boundary conditions derived analytically, or from larger-sc Like ROMS, REMORA: - solves the incompressible time-dependent Navier-Stokes equation with the Boussinesq and hydrostatic approximations (see [@shchepetkin.mcwilliams:05], [@haidvogel.ea:08]) - uses a curvilinear Arakawa C-grid - - uses a streched, terrain-following vertical s-coordinate + - uses a stretched, terrain-following vertical s-coordinate - uses a split-explicit time-stepping scheme, where several fast barotropic (2D) steps take place within each baroclinic (3D) update (see [@shchepetkin.mcwilliams:05]) - baroclinic steps use a third-order Adams-Bashforth scheme - barotropic steps use a leapfrog predictor followed by a three-time Adams-Moulton corrector