Releases: AMReX-Astro/Castro
Release 21.08
Castro 21.08
Release 21.07
Castro 21.07
Release 21.06
Starting with this release, problem setups written in Fortran are
no longer supported and will no longer work. Please consult the
code documentation and example problem setups in Exec/ to understand
the new problem setup format. If you need help converting a Fortran
setup to C++, please file an issue. (#1728, #1732) -
Sponge parameters are now only accepted through the inputs file; the
&sponge namelist in the probin file is no longer read. (#1731) -
Ambient parameters are now only accepted through the inputs file; the
&ambient namelist in the probin file is no longer read. (#1742) -
The update_sponge_params hook has been removed. (#1716)
The Fortran problem-specific source file, ext_src_nd.F90, has been
removed. Problem-specific sources should be implemented in C++ in
problem_source.H. (#1856) -
Support for the legacy tagging scheme based on probin parameters (denerr,
tempgrad, etc.) has been removed. These can be replaced with equivalent
tagging criteria constructed in the inputs file; see the docs or examples
in Exec/ to see how to useamr.refinement_indicators
. (#1834) -
The Fortran set_problem_tags hook has been removed. The C++ replacement
. (#1828) -
The PrescribedGrav functionality has been removed (not replaced with a C++
implementation). If you want to obtain the same functionality, you can use
a problem-defined source term (look for problem_source in the documentation)
and make the appropriate modification for applying it directly to the state
(e.g. the momentum source term is rho * g). (#1854) -
The custom radiation boundary using lo_bcflag and hi_bcflag coupled with
an implementation of rbndry has been removed. (#1743) -
We no longer store Reactions_Type in checkpoint files. This means
that newer versions of Castro will not restart from old version.
Release 21.05
Release 21.04
Castro 21.04
Release 21.03
Castro 21.03
Release 21.02
In axisymmetric geometry, there are additional forces that arise
due to the changing direction of the unit vectors in the div{rho
U U} term. The paper by Bernand-Champmartin discusses this. See
issue #913. This adds those forces. Note that the Coriolis force
in 2-d axisymmetry is already consistent with a right-handed
system despite our internal ordering of the state was r, z,
theta. (#923) -
We can now set any of the Microphysics runtime parameters in the
inputs file instead of probin. Each group of parameters has a
namesapce for the inputs file when set this way
(e.g. eos.use_coulomb = 1), and the C++ inputs value will take
precedence over the value set in probin if it is set in both
places. (#1527)
Release 21.01
The minimum C++ standard supported by Castro is now C++17. Most modern compilers
support C++17; the notable exception is RHEL 7 and its derivatives like CentOS 7,
where the default compiler is gcc 4.8. In that case a newer compiler must be loaded,
particularly a version of gcc >= 7.0, for example by installing devtoolset-7 or (if
running on an HPC cluster that provides modules) using a more recent gcc module. (#1506) -
There can now be multiple _prob_params files throughout the source
tree. We read the problem's file last and that takes precedence over
any other _prob_params files found. (#1500) -
The timestep limiter dtnuc_T has been removed. dtnuc_e and dtnuc_X
are still available for controlling the burning timestep. (#1501) -
A bug was fixed in the 2nd order true SDC (with reactions) that
was giving the wrong solution and convergence (#1494). A second
bug was fixed in defining the weights for the Radau quadrature
when using true SDC (#1493) -
Compiling with the PGI compiler is no longer a requirement for the CUDA build of Castro.
We recommend using COMP=gnu with a version of gcc that is C++17 compliant (gcc >= 7).
Release 20.12
An issue with incorrect application of HSE boundary conditions on derived quantities
is now resolved (#1356). Also, at this point the old Fortran implementations hypfill,
denfill, ext_hypfill, and ext_denfill have been removed; problem-specific boundary
conditions should be implemented using the new C++ interface in this release from #1289. -
The minimum supported Hypre version is now 2.19.0. (#1333)
We have switched from a Fortran to a C++ implementation of VODE in Microphysics.
As a result we have also switched the Strang and simplified SDC burners in Castro
to use this C++ implementation. Most networks used in Castro have already been
ported to C++. While networks are not required to have a C++ implementation,
networks implemented only in Fortran will not be useable on GPUs, and eventually
we will use C++ only. (#1313) -
are moved to C++ from Fortran. See
Exec/science/wdmerger for an example of the new scheme.Problem.f90
are now deleted from the code; if you were using these to implement problem-specific
functionality, you can still manually add these files to theMake.package
for your
problem setup. (#1311) -
For setups using Poisson gravity, tagging is now turned off in locations where
the fine levels would have been adjacent to a physical boundary. (This previously
led to an abort.) (#1302) -
An interface for doing problem tagging in C++ has been added. (#1289)
Simplified SDC now only supports the C++ integrators (#1294)
MHD problems can now do the magnetic field initialization in C++
Release 20.11
The minimum C++ standard supported by Castro is now C++14. Most modern compilers
support C++14; the notable exception is RHEL 7 and its derivatives like CentOS 7,
where the default compiler is gcc 4.8. In that case a newer compiler must be loaded,
particularly a version of gcc >= 5.0, for example by installing devtoolset-7 or (if
running on an HPC cluster that provides modules) using a more recent gcc module. (#1284) -
A new option,
, has been added. In some
cases a small or negative density retry may be triggered on an update that
moves a zone already close to small_dens just below it. This is not uncommon
for "ambient"/"fluff" material outside a star. Since these zones are not
dynamically important anyway, triggering a retry is unnecessary (and possibly
counterproductive, since it may require a very small timestep to avoid). By
setting this cutoff value appropriately, the retry will be skipped if the
density of the zone prior to the update was below the cutoff. (#1273)