Restructured initial conditions to have python scripts generate particle distributions instead of doing so inside the C++ code. This improves the code's flexibility.
Add option to output data in HDF5 format. Post-processing scripts only work with the original binary format, since yt only reads the binary format.
Add realtime output of scalar quantities to make basic analysis many times faster than with the post-processing scripts.
Include all of the basic post-processing scripts with Emu itself to avoid keeping multiple incompatible copies of them.
- Incorporated various feature additions used for Code Comparison for Fast Flavor Instability Simulations (https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.106.043011)
Using the new particle shape factor implementation, we now redistribute particles only at the end of each timestep instead of at every runge-kutta stage (#50).
Removed WarpX bilinear filter, since we don't need it to get stable evolution. Emu now does not include any WarpX code (#49).
Removed WarpX shape factors. Wrote new shape factor implementation in
so we now can evolve particles within ghost cells (#48). -
We now determine the shape factor order taking into account both the user-specified order and the dimensionality of the problem so we use order 0 in the directions where the domain contains only one cell (#47).
Fixed issue with flavor vector length so we can now run simulations with nonzero initial amounts of non-electron flavor neutrinos (#44).
- Emu has been through the LBNL licensing process for open source code. We release Emu under the BSD-3-Clause-LBNL license, the code is identical to v1.0.
- Version of Emu used for paper 1 Particle-in-cell Simulation of the Neutrino Fast Flavor Instability (https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.02745)