From 5f3d4dc5fad475afe101bf601f636b7a89dfc8af Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Emanuele Di Giacomo Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2024 12:34:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Fixed formatting in conf/format/ --- conf/format/ | 452 ++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 229 insertions(+), 223 deletions(-) diff --git a/conf/format/ b/conf/format/ index 4e3c51ba..8563a3f8 100644 --- a/conf/format/ +++ b/conf/format/ @@ -3,231 +3,237 @@ cosmo_centres = {78, 80, 200} # prodtab dict generated by a fortran program including literal cosmo code -prodtab={ -201: { -5: "PABS_RAD surface photosynthetic active radiation W m-2", -13: "SOHR_RAD solar radiation heating rate in the atmosphere K s-1", -14: "THHR_RAD thermal radiation heating rate in the atmosphere K s-1", -18: "ALHFL_BS averaged latent heat flux from bare soil evaporation W m-2", -19: "ALHFL_PL averaged latent heat flux from plants W m-2", -20: "DURSUN duration of sunshine s", -21: "RSTOM stomata resistance s/m", -22: "SWDIRS_RAD direct downward shortwave radiation at the surface W m-2", -23: "SWDIFDS_RAD diffuse downward sw radiation at the surface W m-2", -24: "SWDIFUS_RAD diffuse upward sw radiation at the surface W m-2", -25: "THDS_RAD downward lw radiation at the surface W m-2", -26: "THUS_RAD upward lw radiation at the surface W m-2", -27: "SODT_RAD solar downward radiation at top W m-2", -28: "ASWDIR_SN averaged direct downward sw radiation on a plane directed normal to the sun W m-2", -29: "CLC cloud area fraction 1", -30: "CLC_SGS subgrid scale cloud area fraction 1", -31: "QC specific cloud liquid water content kg kg-1", -33: "QI specific cloud ice content kg kg-1", -35: "QR specific rain content kg kg-1", -36: "QS specific snow content kg kg-1", -37: "TQR total rain water content vertically integrated kg m-2", -38: "TQS total snow content vertically integrated kg m-2", -39: "QG specific graupel content kg kg-1", -40: "TQG total graupel content vertically integrated kg m-2", -41: "TWATER total water content kg m-2", -42: "TDIV_HUM atmosphere water divergence kg m-2", -43: "QC_RAD sub scale specific cloud liquid water content kg kg-1", -44: "QI_RAD sub scale specific cloud ice content kg kg-1", -48: "TCOND_MAX vertically integrated hydrometeors track (max) over last output interval kg/m2", -49: "TCOND10_MX vertically integrated hydrometeors below -10 Celsius track (max) over last outpu kg/m2", -57: "DQVDT_CONV convective tendency of water vapor s-1", -58: "HBAS_SC height of shallow convective cloud base m", -59: "HTOP_SC height of shallow convective cloud top m", -61: "CLW_CON convective cloud liquid water 1", -68: "HBAS_CON height of convective cloud base m", -69: "HTOP_CON height of convective cloud top m", -72: "BAS_CON index of convective cloud base 1", -73: "TOP_CON index of convective cloud top 1", -74: "DT_CON convective tendency of temperature K s-1", -75: "DQV_CON convective tendency of specific humidity s-1", -78: "DU_CON convective tendency of u-wind component m s-2", -79: "DV_CON convective tendency of v-wind component m s-2", -82: "HTOP_DC height of dry convection top m", -84: "HZEROCL height of freezing level m", -85: "SNOWLMT height of the snow fall limit in m above sea level m", -88: "DQC_CON convective tendency of specific cloud water s-1", -89: "DQI_CON convective tendency of specific cloud ice s-1", -90: "TTDIAB_CONV convective tendency of diabatic temperature K s-1", -91: "C_T_LK shape factor of temperature profile in lake thermocline 1", -92: "GAMSO_LK attenuation coefficient for solar radiation in lake water m-1", -93: "DP_BS_LK thickness of thermally active layer of bottom sediments m", -94: "H_B1_LK thickness of the upper layer of bottom sediments m", -95: "H_ML_LK thickness of mixed layer m", -96: "DEPTH_LK lake depth m", -97: "FETCH_LK wind fetch over lake m", -99: "QRS precipitation water (water loading) 1", -100: "PRR_GSP mass flux density of large scale rainfall kg m-2 s-1", -101: "PRS_GSP mass flux density of large scale snowfall kg m-2 s-1", -102: "RAIN_GSP large scale rainfall kg m-2", -111: "PRR_CON mass flux density of convective rainfall kg m-2 s-1", -112: "PRS_CON mass flux density of convective snowfall kg m-2 s-1", -113: "RAIN_CON convective rainfall kg m-2", -123: "TOT_SNOW total snowfall amount kg m-2", -129: "FRESHSNW freshness of snow 1", -131: "PRG_GSP mass flux density of large scale graupel kg m-2 s-1", -132: "GRAU_GSP large scale graupel kg m-2", -133: "RHO_SNOW density of snow kg m-3", -134: "PRH_GSP mass flux density of large scale hail kg m-2 s-1", -135: "HAIL_GSP large scale hail kg m-2", -136: "TQH total hail content vertically integrated kg m-2", -137: "WLIQ_SNOW_M snow liquid water content m", -139: "PP deviation from reference pressure hPa", -140: "RCLD standard deviation of saturation deficit -", -141: "SDI_1 Supercell detection index 1 (rotating up-/downdrafts 1/s", -142: "SDI_2 Supercell detection index 2 (rotating updrafts, only 1/s", -143: "CAPE_MU cape of most unstable parcel J kg-1", -144: "CIN_MU convective inhibition of most unstable parcel J kg-1", -145: "CAPE_ML cape of mean surface layer parcel J kg-1", -146: "CIN_ML convective inhibition of mean surface layer parcel J kg-1", -147: "TKE_CON convective turbulent kinetic energy J kg-1", -148: "TKETENS tendency of turbulent kinetic energy m s-1", -151: "EDR dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy m2 s-3", -152: "TKE turbulent kinetic energy m2 s-2", -153: "TKVM diffusion coefficient of momentum m2 s-1", -154: "TKVH diffusion coefficient of heat m2 s-1", -155: "DTKE_SSO TKE tendency due to SSO wakes m2 s-3", -156: "DTKE_HSH TKE tendency due to horizontal shear m2 s-3", -157: "DTKE_CON TKE tendency due to convective buoyancy m2 s-3", -158: "TKHM horizontal diffusion coefficient of momentum m2 s-1", -159: "TKHH horizontal diffusion coefficient of heat m2 s-1", -170: "TCM drag coefficient of momentum 1", -171: "TCH drag coefficient of heat 1", -187: "VMAX_10M maximum 10m wind speed m s-1", -190: "T_BS_LK climatological temperature at bottom of thermally active layer of sediments K", -191: "T_BOT_LK temperature at water bottom sediment interface K", -192: "T_B1_LK temperature at bottom of upper layer of sediments K", -193: "T_WML_LK mixed layer temperature K", -194: "T_MNW_LK mean temperature of water column K", -196: "LPI Lightning Potential Index J kg-1", -197: "T_SO soil temperature K", -198: "W_SO soil water content m", -199: "W_SO_ICE soil frozen water content m", -200: "W_I canopy water amount m", -202: "SNOW_C snow fraction %", -203: "T_SNOW snow surface temperature K", -212: "RSMIN minimum stomata resistance s m-1", -215: "T_ICE temperature of ice upper surface K", -216: "VABSMX_10M maximum 10m wind speed without gust m s-1", -218: "VGUST_DYN_10M maximum 10m dynamical gust m s-1", -219: "VGUST_CON_10M maximum 10m convective gust m s-1", -220: "ASWDIR_SNO averaged direct downward sw radiation on a plane directed normal to the sun (exc W m-2", -230: "DBZ unattenuated radar reflectivity in Rayleigh approximation 1", -240: "MFLX_CON convective mass flux density kg m-2 s-1", -241: "CAPE_CON specific convectively available potential energy J kg-1", -242: "MCONV Horizontal low-level moisture convergence (1km-layer-average) kg/(kg*s)", -243: "QCVG_CON moisture convergence in the air for kuo type closure s-1"}, -202: { -32: "TINC_LH temperature increment due to latent heat K", -33: "FR_PAVED ground fraction covered by sealed/paved surfaces 1", -34: "AHF Yearly averaged anthropogenic heat flux by traffic and heating 1", -35: "TTENS_DIAB temperature tendency due to pure diabatic processes K", -36: "ECHOTOP Minimum pressure of ocurrence of reflectivity above a threshold, min over last o hPa", -37: "ECHOTOPinM Maximum height above sea of ocurrence of reflectivity above a threshold, max ove m", -38: "SKT skin temperature K", -39: "SKC skin conductivity W m-2 K-1", -43: "DT_SSO tendency of t due to SSO K s-1", -44: "DU_SSO tendency of u due to SSO m s-2", -45: "DV_SSO tendency of v due to SSO m s-2", -46: "SSO_STDH standard deviation of sub-grid scale orography m", -47: "SSO_GAMMA anisotropy of sub-grid scale orography -", -48: "SSO_THETA angle between principal axis of orography and east rad", -49: "SSO_SIGMA mean slope of sub-grid scale orography -", -55: "FR_LAKE fraction of inland lake water 1", -56: "EMIS_RAD thermal surface emissivity -", -57: "SOILTYP soil type 1", -61: "LAI leaf area index 1", -62: "ROOTDP root depth m", -64: "HMO3 air pressure at ozone maximum Pa", -65: "VIO3 vertical integrated ozone amount Pa", -67: "PLCOV_MX vegetation area fraction maximum 1", -68: "PLCOV_MN vegetation area fraction minimum 1", -69: "LAI_MX leaf area index maximum 1", -70: "LAI_MN leaf area index minimum 1", -75: "FOR_E ground fraction covered by evergreen forest -", -76: "FOR_D ground fraction covered by deciduous forest -", -84: "AER_SO4 aerosol sulfat 1", -86: "AER_DUST aerosol dust 1", -91: "AER_ORG aerosol organic 1", -92: "AER_BC aerosol black carbon 1", -93: "AER_SS aerosol sea salt 1", -94: "TWATFLXU total zonal water flux kg m-1 s-1", -95: "TWATFLXV total medirional water flux kg m-1 s-1", -96: "HORIZON horizon angle - topography ", -97: "SWDIR_COR topo correction of direct solar radiation 1", -98: "SLO_ANG slope angle - topography ", -99: "SLO_ASP slope aspect - topography ", -100: "SKYVIEW sky-view factor 1", -104: "DQVDT tendency of water vapor s-1", -105: "QVSFLX surface flux of water vapour s-1m-2", -113: "FC coriolis parameter s-1", -114: "RLAT latitude radian", -115: "RLON longitude radian", -121: "ZTD integrated total atmospheric refractivity ", -122: "ZWD integrated wet atmospheric refractivity ", -123: "ZHD integrated dry atmospheric refractivity ", -127: "ALB_DRY dry soil albedo 1", -128: "ALB_SAT saturated soil albedo 1", -129: "ALB_DIF diffuse solar albedo 1", -133: "VORTIC_U relative vorticity, u-component in rotated grid 1/s", -134: "VORTIC_V relative vorticity, v-component in rotated grid 1/s", -180: "O3 ozone mass mixing ratio kg kg-1", -231: "USTR_SSO u-stress due to SSO N m-2", -232: "VSTR_SSO v-stress due to SSO N m-2", -233: "VDIS_SSO vertical integrated dissipation of kinetic energy due to SSO W m-2", -234: "SOBS_RAD_CS clear-sky surface net downward shortwave radiation W m-2", -235: "THBS_RAD_CS clear-sky surface net downward longwave radiation W m-2", -250: "SUN_EL angle between the line of sight to the sun and the local horizont degree", -251: "SUN_AZI angle between the line of sight to the sun and reference direction degree", -252: "TURB_INTENS_MAX turbulence intensity 1"}, -203: { -35: "UH_MAX updraft helicity track (max amplitude) over last output interval J/kg", -36: "VORW_CTMAX rotation track (max amplitude) over last output interval 1/s", -37: "W_CTMAX updraft track (max) over last output interval m/s", -43: "WSOIL_FLX soil water flux between layers 1", -44: "Q_ROFF ground water runoff, aquifer m", -45: "WT_DEPTH depth of the water table 1", -46: "W_SO_SL soil moisture saturation level 1", -47: "W_SO_SAT soil moisture saturation 1", -50: "TKET_ADV pure advective tendency of turbulent kinetic energy m s-1", -135: "LCL_ML lifting condensation level of mean layer parcel m", -136: "LFC_ML level of free convection of mean layer parcel m", -137: "CAPE_3KM CAPE of mean layer parcel in the lowest 3 km J kg-1", -138: "SWISS00 showalter index with windshear K", -139: "SWISS12 surface lifted index with windshear K", -147: "SLI surface lifted index K", -149: "SI showalter index K", -155: "BRN Bulk Richardson Number 1", -156: "HPBL Height of boundary layer m", -157: "CEILING Cloud ceiling height (above MSL) m", -203: "CLDEPTH normalized cloud depth 1", -204: "CLCT_MOD modified_total_cloud_cover 1"}, -204: { -21: "FF_ANAI wind speed analysis increment m s-1", -22: "DD_ANAI wind direction analysis increment degree", -23: "T_ANAI temperature analysis increment K", -24: "FI_ANAI geopotential analysis increment m2 s-2", -25: "P_ANAI pressure analysis increment Pa", -26: "PMSL_ANAI msl pressure analysis increment Pa", -27: "QV_ANAI specific humidity analysis increment kg kg-1", -28: "QC_ANAI specific cloud water content analysis increment kg kg-1", -29: "TQV_ANAI precipitable water analysis increment kg m-2", -30: "TQC_ANAI cloud water analysis increment kg m-2"}, -205: { -1: "SYNME5 synthetic satellite images Meteosat5 -", -2: "SYNME6 synthetic satellite images Meteosat6 -", -3: "SYNME7 synthetic satellite images Meteosat7 -", -4: "SYNMSG synthetic satellite images MSG -", -5: "MSG_TB MSG brightness temperature K", -6: "MSG_TBC MSG clear-sky brightness temperature K", -7: "MSG_RAD MSG radiance W sr-1 m-2", -8: "MSG_RADC MSG clear-sky radiance W sr-1 m-2"} +prodtab = { + 201: { + 5: "PABS_RAD surface photosynthetic active radiation W m-2", + 13: "SOHR_RAD solar radiation heating rate in the atmosphere K s-1", + 14: "THHR_RAD thermal radiation heating rate in the atmosphere K s-1", + 18: "ALHFL_BS averaged latent heat flux from bare soil evaporation W m-2", + 19: "ALHFL_PL averaged latent heat flux from plants W m-2", + 20: "DURSUN duration of sunshine s", + 21: "RSTOM stomata resistance s/m", + 22: "SWDIRS_RAD direct downward shortwave radiation at the surface W m-2", + 23: "SWDIFDS_RAD diffuse downward sw radiation at the surface W m-2", + 24: "SWDIFUS_RAD diffuse upward sw radiation at the surface W m-2", + 25: "THDS_RAD downward lw radiation at the surface W m-2", + 26: "THUS_RAD upward lw radiation at the surface W m-2", + 27: "SODT_RAD solar downward radiation at top W m-2", + 28: "ASWDIR_SN averaged direct downward sw radiation on a plane directed normal to the sun W m-2", + 29: "CLC cloud area fraction 1", + 30: "CLC_SGS subgrid scale cloud area fraction 1", + 31: "QC specific cloud liquid water content kg kg-1", + 33: "QI specific cloud ice content kg kg-1", + 35: "QR specific rain content kg kg-1", + 36: "QS specific snow content kg kg-1", + 37: "TQR total rain water content vertically integrated kg m-2", + 38: "TQS total snow content vertically integrated kg m-2", + 39: "QG specific graupel content kg kg-1", + 40: "TQG total graupel content vertically integrated kg m-2", + 41: "TWATER total water content kg m-2", + 42: "TDIV_HUM atmosphere water divergence kg m-2", + 43: "QC_RAD sub scale specific cloud liquid water content kg kg-1", + 44: "QI_RAD sub scale specific cloud ice content kg kg-1", + 48: "TCOND_MAX vertically integrated hydrometeors track (max) over last output interval kg/m2", + 49: "TCOND10_MX vertically integrated hydrometeors below -10 Celsius track (max) over last outpu kg/m2", + 57: "DQVDT_CONV convective tendency of water vapor s-1", + 58: "HBAS_SC height of shallow convective cloud base m", + 59: "HTOP_SC height of shallow convective cloud top m", + 61: "CLW_CON convective cloud liquid water 1", + 68: "HBAS_CON height of convective cloud base m", + 69: "HTOP_CON height of convective cloud top m", + 72: "BAS_CON index of convective cloud base 1", + 73: "TOP_CON index of convective cloud top 1", + 74: "DT_CON convective tendency of temperature K s-1", + 75: "DQV_CON convective tendency of specific humidity s-1", + 78: "DU_CON convective tendency of u-wind component m s-2", + 79: "DV_CON convective tendency of v-wind component m s-2", + 82: "HTOP_DC height of dry convection top m", + 84: "HZEROCL height of freezing level m", + 85: "SNOWLMT height of the snow fall limit in m above sea level m", + 88: "DQC_CON convective tendency of specific cloud water s-1", + 89: "DQI_CON convective tendency of specific cloud ice s-1", + 90: "TTDIAB_CONV convective tendency of diabatic temperature K s-1", + 91: "C_T_LK shape factor of temperature profile in lake thermocline 1", + 92: "GAMSO_LK attenuation coefficient for solar radiation in lake water m-1", + 93: "DP_BS_LK thickness of thermally active layer of bottom sediments m", + 94: "H_B1_LK thickness of the upper layer of bottom sediments m", + 95: "H_ML_LK thickness of mixed layer m", + 96: "DEPTH_LK lake depth m", + 97: "FETCH_LK wind fetch over lake m", + 99: "QRS precipitation water (water loading) 1", + 100: "PRR_GSP mass flux density of large scale rainfall kg m-2 s-1", + 101: "PRS_GSP mass flux density of large scale snowfall kg m-2 s-1", + 102: "RAIN_GSP large scale rainfall kg m-2", + 111: "PRR_CON mass flux density of convective rainfall kg m-2 s-1", + 112: "PRS_CON mass flux density of convective snowfall kg m-2 s-1", + 113: "RAIN_CON convective rainfall kg m-2", + 123: "TOT_SNOW total snowfall amount kg m-2", + 129: "FRESHSNW freshness of snow 1", + 131: "PRG_GSP mass flux density of large scale graupel kg m-2 s-1", + 132: "GRAU_GSP large scale graupel kg m-2", + 133: "RHO_SNOW density of snow kg m-3", + 134: "PRH_GSP mass flux density of large scale hail kg m-2 s-1", + 135: "HAIL_GSP large scale hail kg m-2", + 136: "TQH total hail content vertically integrated kg m-2", + 137: "WLIQ_SNOW_M snow liquid water content m", + 139: "PP deviation from reference pressure hPa", + 140: "RCLD standard deviation of saturation deficit -", + 141: "SDI_1 Supercell detection index 1 (rotating up-/downdrafts 1/s", + 142: "SDI_2 Supercell detection index 2 (rotating updrafts, only 1/s", + 143: "CAPE_MU cape of most unstable parcel J kg-1", + 144: "CIN_MU convective inhibition of most unstable parcel J kg-1", + 145: "CAPE_ML cape of mean surface layer parcel J kg-1", + 146: "CIN_ML convective inhibition of mean surface layer parcel J kg-1", + 147: "TKE_CON convective turbulent kinetic energy J kg-1", + 148: "TKETENS tendency of turbulent kinetic energy m s-1", + 151: "EDR dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy m2 s-3", + 152: "TKE turbulent kinetic energy m2 s-2", + 153: "TKVM diffusion coefficient of momentum m2 s-1", + 154: "TKVH diffusion coefficient of heat m2 s-1", + 155: "DTKE_SSO TKE tendency due to SSO wakes m2 s-3", + 156: "DTKE_HSH TKE tendency due to horizontal shear m2 s-3", + 157: "DTKE_CON TKE tendency due to convective buoyancy m2 s-3", + 158: "TKHM horizontal diffusion coefficient of momentum m2 s-1", + 159: "TKHH horizontal diffusion coefficient of heat m2 s-1", + 170: "TCM drag coefficient of momentum 1", + 171: "TCH drag coefficient of heat 1", + 187: "VMAX_10M maximum 10m wind speed m s-1", + 190: "T_BS_LK climatological temperature at bottom of thermally active layer of sediments K", + 191: "T_BOT_LK temperature at water bottom sediment interface K", + 192: "T_B1_LK temperature at bottom of upper layer of sediments K", + 193: "T_WML_LK mixed layer temperature K", + 194: "T_MNW_LK mean temperature of water column K", + 196: "LPI Lightning Potential Index J kg-1", + 197: "T_SO soil temperature K", + 198: "W_SO soil water content m", + 199: "W_SO_ICE soil frozen water content m", + 200: "W_I canopy water amount m", + 202: "SNOW_C snow fraction %", + 203: "T_SNOW snow surface temperature K", + 212: "RSMIN minimum stomata resistance s m-1", + 215: "T_ICE temperature of ice upper surface K", + 216: "VABSMX_10M maximum 10m wind speed without gust m s-1", + 218: "VGUST_DYN_10M maximum 10m dynamical gust m s-1", + 219: "VGUST_CON_10M maximum 10m convective gust m s-1", + 220: "ASWDIR_SNO averaged direct downward sw radiation on a plane directed normal to the sun (exc W m-2", + 230: "DBZ unattenuated radar reflectivity in Rayleigh approximation 1", + 240: "MFLX_CON convective mass flux density kg m-2 s-1", + 241: "CAPE_CON specific convectively available potential energy J kg-1", + 242: "MCONV Horizontal low-level moisture convergence (1km-layer-average) kg/(kg*s)", + 243: "QCVG_CON moisture convergence in the air for kuo type closure s-1", + }, + 202: { + 32: "TINC_LH temperature increment due to latent heat K", + 33: "FR_PAVED ground fraction covered by sealed/paved surfaces 1", + 34: "AHF Yearly averaged anthropogenic heat flux by traffic and heating 1", + 35: "TTENS_DIAB temperature tendency due to pure diabatic processes K", + 36: "ECHOTOP Minimum pressure of ocurrence of reflectivity above a threshold, min over last o hPa", + 37: "ECHOTOPinM Maximum height above sea of ocurrence of reflectivity above a threshold, max ove m", + 38: "SKT skin temperature K", + 39: "SKC skin conductivity W m-2 K-1", + 43: "DT_SSO tendency of t due to SSO K s-1", + 44: "DU_SSO tendency of u due to SSO m s-2", + 45: "DV_SSO tendency of v due to SSO m s-2", + 46: "SSO_STDH standard deviation of sub-grid scale orography m", + 47: "SSO_GAMMA anisotropy of sub-grid scale orography -", + 48: "SSO_THETA angle between principal axis of orography and east rad", + 49: "SSO_SIGMA mean slope of sub-grid scale orography -", + 55: "FR_LAKE fraction of inland lake water 1", + 56: "EMIS_RAD thermal surface emissivity -", + 57: "SOILTYP soil type 1", + 61: "LAI leaf area index 1", + 62: "ROOTDP root depth m", + 64: "HMO3 air pressure at ozone maximum Pa", + 65: "VIO3 vertical integrated ozone amount Pa", + 67: "PLCOV_MX vegetation area fraction maximum 1", + 68: "PLCOV_MN vegetation area fraction minimum 1", + 69: "LAI_MX leaf area index maximum 1", + 70: "LAI_MN leaf area index minimum 1", + 75: "FOR_E ground fraction covered by evergreen forest -", + 76: "FOR_D ground fraction covered by deciduous forest -", + 84: "AER_SO4 aerosol sulfat 1", + 86: "AER_DUST aerosol dust 1", + 91: "AER_ORG aerosol organic 1", + 92: "AER_BC aerosol black carbon 1", + 93: "AER_SS aerosol sea salt 1", + 94: "TWATFLXU total zonal water flux kg m-1 s-1", + 95: "TWATFLXV total medirional water flux kg m-1 s-1", + 96: "HORIZON horizon angle - topography ", + 97: "SWDIR_COR topo correction of direct solar radiation 1", + 98: "SLO_ANG slope angle - topography ", + 99: "SLO_ASP slope aspect - topography ", + 100: "SKYVIEW sky-view factor 1", + 104: "DQVDT tendency of water vapor s-1", + 105: "QVSFLX surface flux of water vapour s-1m-2", + 113: "FC coriolis parameter s-1", + 114: "RLAT latitude radian", + 115: "RLON longitude radian", + 121: "ZTD integrated total atmospheric refractivity ", + 122: "ZWD integrated wet atmospheric refractivity ", + 123: "ZHD integrated dry atmospheric refractivity ", + 127: "ALB_DRY dry soil albedo 1", + 128: "ALB_SAT saturated soil albedo 1", + 129: "ALB_DIF diffuse solar albedo 1", + 133: "VORTIC_U relative vorticity, u-component in rotated grid 1/s", + 134: "VORTIC_V relative vorticity, v-component in rotated grid 1/s", + 180: "O3 ozone mass mixing ratio kg kg-1", + 231: "USTR_SSO u-stress due to SSO N m-2", + 232: "VSTR_SSO v-stress due to SSO N m-2", + 233: "VDIS_SSO vertical integrated dissipation of kinetic energy due to SSO W m-2", + 234: "SOBS_RAD_CS clear-sky surface net downward shortwave radiation W m-2", + 235: "THBS_RAD_CS clear-sky surface net downward longwave radiation W m-2", + 250: "SUN_EL angle between the line of sight to the sun and the local horizont degree", + 251: "SUN_AZI angle between the line of sight to the sun and reference direction degree", + 252: "TURB_INTENS_MAX turbulence intensity 1", + }, + 203: { + 35: "UH_MAX updraft helicity track (max amplitude) over last output interval J/kg", + 36: "VORW_CTMAX rotation track (max amplitude) over last output interval 1/s", + 37: "W_CTMAX updraft track (max) over last output interval m/s", + 43: "WSOIL_FLX soil water flux between layers 1", + 44: "Q_ROFF ground water runoff, aquifer m", + 45: "WT_DEPTH depth of the water table 1", + 46: "W_SO_SL soil moisture saturation level 1", + 47: "W_SO_SAT soil moisture saturation 1", + 50: "TKET_ADV pure advective tendency of turbulent kinetic energy m s-1", + 135: "LCL_ML lifting condensation level of mean layer parcel m", + 136: "LFC_ML level of free convection of mean layer parcel m", + 137: "CAPE_3KM CAPE of mean layer parcel in the lowest 3 km J kg-1", + 138: "SWISS00 showalter index with windshear K", + 139: "SWISS12 surface lifted index with windshear K", + 147: "SLI surface lifted index K", + 149: "SI showalter index K", + 155: "BRN Bulk Richardson Number 1", + 156: "HPBL Height of boundary layer m", + 157: "CEILING Cloud ceiling height (above MSL) m", + 203: "CLDEPTH normalized cloud depth 1", + 204: "CLCT_MOD modified_total_cloud_cover 1", + }, + 204: { + 21: "FF_ANAI wind speed analysis increment m s-1", + 22: "DD_ANAI wind direction analysis increment degree", + 23: "T_ANAI temperature analysis increment K", + 24: "FI_ANAI geopotential analysis increment m2 s-2", + 25: "P_ANAI pressure analysis increment Pa", + 26: "PMSL_ANAI msl pressure analysis increment Pa", + 27: "QV_ANAI specific humidity analysis increment kg kg-1", + 28: "QC_ANAI specific cloud water content analysis increment kg kg-1", + 29: "TQV_ANAI precipitable water analysis increment kg m-2", + 30: "TQC_ANAI cloud water analysis increment kg m-2", + }, + 205: { + 1: "SYNME5 synthetic satellite images Meteosat5 -", + 2: "SYNME6 synthetic satellite images Meteosat6 -", + 3: "SYNME7 synthetic satellite images Meteosat7 -", + 4: "SYNMSG synthetic satellite images MSG -", + 5: "MSG_TB MSG brightness temperature K", + 6: "MSG_TBC MSG clear-sky brightness temperature K", + 7: "MSG_RAD MSG radiance W sr-1 m-2", + 8: "MSG_RADC MSG clear-sky radiance W sr-1 m-2", + }, } + def format_product_cosmo(v): # get product description from table if v["style"] == "GRIB1":