Allow a user / developer can get EEG data and PM from Emotiv Advance Library.
Allow a application which is linked to Advance Edk library can work with EEG and PM from emotiv headset.
Information of SDK license key:
- Date_from and Date_to : period of a license.
- Scopes : type of license: 2 type:
- EEG : Enable EEG data - BASIC
- EEG - PM : Enable EEG data and Performance Metric - PRIME
- Seat_count : number of seat
- Seat_info : information of a seat
If user dont have a license. or license expried, they can use Advance library as a Community library.
Need connect to the Internet once time to activate a SDK license
1 session = 30 min. Counting start from connect to EmoEngine. Stop when disconnect to EmoEngine
- Call IEE_ActivateLicense(licenseID); to activate a license. You just call this API one time for activation.