- Change Background color (A black on white color scheme would be better)
- Use different fill colors for when the wave is above / below the zero line
- Incrementally load plots to decrease load time
- Add lines between plots
- Show waveform outside of cross-correlation window when making picks
- Make pick lines thick to stop their overlap
- Show station names instead of file names
- Scale waves based on visable window
- Color titles to match waves
- read colors of pick lines from ttconfig
- read colors of selected / deselected seismograms from ttconfig
- Decrease padding between plots
- Reorder buttons to a more natural order
- Update Setup.py, to not conflict with the original AIMBAT
- Keep array stack at the top
- Add quality labels to plot title
- Resize window based on display resolution
- Line up by T2 when refine clicked
- Line up by T3 when finalize clicked
- Override autoscale button to not zoom out to full plot
- Use GMT for plotting stations
- Calculate bounding lat lon for plotting stations