Releases: ATTWoWAddon/AllTheThings
SL-2.5.2 (2021-11-08)
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Notable changes:
- Added sources to all new Night Fae soulshapes and crittershapes.
- Added sources to new druid travel forms.
- Added Trial of Style shoes to vendor.
- Black Market vendors now show their goodies in the tooltip.
- Fixed BoE filter in settings.
- Fixed infinite loop breaking addon in rare circumstances.
- Fixed MoP Caches of Treasures.
- Castle Nathria LFR tokens rewarded by Covenant Campaign Quests will show their 'Contains' properly now.
- More prep for new Timewalking dungeons.
- Some quest fixes.
- Other fixes.
SL-2.5.1a (2021-11-03)
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- Symlink the Heirloom upgrade items in Oribos so that the main list doesn't get extra Upgrades pushed into it
Note to improve appearance added/removed logic to help reduce lag in cases like switching Covenants - ATT sounds now each properly have a 1 second cooldown with the same sound 'category' (previously it was only a cooldown for the 'fanfare' sound) (fixes #875)
- Mythic Sylvanas HQT
- Fixed Parser not properly assigning Toys/Pets in some situations
- Enable autochangelog
SL-2.5.1 (2021-11-03)
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Highlights of this update
9.1.5 content
- Legion Timewalking: vendor, new dungeons, Mage Tower
- Removed/added new TW dungeons
- Heirlooms
- Scouting map toys
- Covenant toys
- Soulshapes
- Korthia quests
- Inscription Recipes
- New Trial of Style Cosmetics
- New Holiday Toys/Achievements
- New PvP Gear
- New PvP Achievements
- New M+ Achievements and Titles
- Lightforged paladin mount
- And more!
Notable changes:
- Updated more icons!
- More consolidation in WoD Garrison content.
- Sorted more WoD quests.
- Legion Class Hall updates for multiple classes.
- World Bosses will be at the top of the minilist once again.
- Fixed content being hidden because we made a mistake in merging logic for groups (Stormheim quests only showing for Archaeology characters, etc).
- Fixes to the map logic rewrite, should be less duplicated headers now.
- Narrowed inaccurate quest filter to only be if the quest requires a 'profession/class/race/customcollect' since it would report if someone disabled Seasonal filters and then accepted Seasonal quests.
- New store mount 😻
/att random
for 'Everything' will now only return 'collectible' Things (based on current filters) instead of any visible group -> you won't be able to roll the whole zone/category anymore.- Map names shown in tooltips should no longer show the same map name multiple times even when they are technically different 'maps' in-game.
- Other fixes.
SL-2.5.0 (2021-10-28)
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Highlights of this update
This is a BIG update:
Settings overhaul ⚙
Settings were completely reworked:
- We tried to put related settings together: on the first tab they are grouped into Account-Wide, General, Expansion, Additional Things and List Behavior; some settings were moved between tabs.
- Filters finally behave the same as Things, you need to check something to track it, not the other way around (Check Darkmoon Faire/Black Market/etc to track it)
- We've added ATT chat commands in the Features tab, you might learn something new!
- Added expansion icon for expansion content.
- Tried to color code more settings, including coloring settings required for the Insane Mode.
- Insane Mode now requires tracking all Seasonal content.
- More settings names should be localized in all languages now.
- "Mage Tower"/"WoD Legacy Cache"/"WoW Anniversary [Removed]" filters were removed, it's part of "Removed From Game" filter now.
Pet Battles filter 🐾
We already had the "Pets" toggle however it only controlled pets as a Thing. A long standing request was to filter everything related to pets (including Achievements, Quests, etc). It is similar in nature to the PvP filter and might have the same issue of us not tagging some content as related to Pet Battles, so feel free to send bug reports! P.S. "Pets" filter continues to exist.
Underlying map tech changes 🗺
Mainly it is to make the life of contributors easier but a couple of user facing changes are:
- Holiday-related groups no longer cause duplicate entries of themselves within a list
- Minilist data will always be sorted properly within its respective hierarchy
- Adjusted logic for 'Contains' showing the Map name for a Thing to include up to 3 Maps for Things listed under 'mapped' groups (i.e. "Lunarfall/Frostwall")
Notable changes:
- The missing/wrongly marked as never implemented Quest report dialog now contains more and fancier information! Please be sure to click the chat link of the missing quest to include additional information to the Discord :)
- Added a report dialog if the character accepts/completes a quest which does not meet the current filters in ATT
- Ad-Hoc Window updates are no longer in beta.
- Fixed ATT thinking any Spell tooltip was a Recipe (i.e. fixed Talent/spec tooltips showing collection status).
- Goblin/Gnomish Engineering recipes should retain their specialization requirements in all places now.
- Fixed a bug where a player generates a tooltip for a recipe which is known on a character but ATT does not know the name of the character...
- More WoD quest fixes.
- More Legion Class Hall fixes.
- Fixed a bug with Main Only mode considering un-restricted Sources as 'collected' when shared with a known, restricted & non-transmoggable Source.
- Fixed World boss loot not showing calculated drop chances.
- Shadowlands Necks/Rings should properly be accounted for in Loot Drop Chance calculations.
- Fixed WoD Engineering helms and ranted about Blizzard's actions that cause actual physical pain to ATT contribs.
- Added NYI tags to some WoD craftables which now exist post 9.0 but have never been obtained. 1 other one is still actually obtainable, so yea...
- Some Hallow's End adjustments (mainly Candy Bucket coordinates).
- Automatic Faction descriptions are now considered 'Lore'.
- Garrison Building information in tooltips is now considered 'Lore'.
- Different profession things from Garrisons moved from Professions to Garrisons.
- Horde/Allience Garrison content is in the process of deduplication.
- Other fixes.
We have started work on Profiles feature, it's not quite ready for the prime time yet but due to the underlying changes some of your Unobtainable/Seasonal filters might have been reset.
SL-2.5.0-beta (2021-10-25)
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Highlights of this update
This is a BIG update:
Settings overhaul ⚙
Settings were completely reworked:
- We tried to put related settings together: on the first tab they are grouped into Account-Wide, General, Expansion, Additional Things and List Behavior; some settings were moved between tabs.
- Filters finally behave the same as Things, you need to check something to track it, not the other way around (Check Darkmoon Faire/Black Market/etc to track it)
- We've added ATT chat commands in the Features tab, you might learn something new!
- Added expansion icon for expansion content.
- Tried to color code more settings, including coloring settings required for the Insane Mode.
- Insane Mode now requires tracking all Seasonal content.
- More settings names should be localized in all languages now.
- "Mage Tower"/"WoD Legacy Cache"/"WoW Anniversary [Removed]" filters were removed, it's part of "Removed From Game" filter now.
Pet Battles filter 🐾
We already had the "Pets" toggle however it only controlled pets as a Thing. A long standing request was to filter everything related to the actual Pet Battling in-game activity (including Achievements, Quests, etc). It is similar in nature to the PvP filter and might have the same issue of us not tagging some content as related to Pet Battles, so feel free to send bug reports! P.S. "Pets" filter continues to exist.
Underlying map tech changes 🗺
Mainly it is to make the life of contributors easier but a couple of user facing changes are:
- Holiday-related groups no longer cause duplicate entries of themselves within a list
- Minilist data will always be sorted properly within its respective hierarchy
- Adjusted logic for 'Contains' showing the Map name for a Thing to include up to 3 Maps for Things listed under 'mapped' groups (i.e. "Lunarfall/Frostwall")
Notable changes:
- The missing/wrongly marked as never implemented Quest report dialog now contains more and fancier information! Please be sure to click the chat link of the missing quest to include additional information to the Discord :)
- Ad-Hoc Window updates are no longer in beta.
- Fixed ATT thinking any Spell tooltip was a Recipe (i.e. fixed Talent/spec tooltips showing collection status).
- Goblin/Gnomish Engineering recipes should retain their specialization requirements in all places now.
- Fixed a bug where a player generates a tooltip for a recipe which is known on a character but ATT does not know the name of the character...
- More WoD quest fixes.
- More Legion Class Hall fixes.
- Fixed a bug with Main Only mode considering un-restricted Sources as 'collected' when shared with a known, restricted & non-transmoggable Source.
- Fixed World boss loot not showing calculated drop chances.
- Shadowlands Necks/Rings should properly be accounted for in Loot Drop Chance calculations.
- Fixed WoD Engineering helms and ranted about Blizzard's actions that cause actual physical pain to ATT contribs.
- Added NYI tags to some WoD craftables which now exist post 9.0 but have never been obtained. 1 other one is still actually obtainable, so yea...
- Some Hallow's End adjustments (mainly Candy Bucket coordinates).
- Automatic Faction descriptions are now considered 'Lore'.
- Other fixes.
We have started work on Profiles feature, it's not quite ready for the prime time yet but due to the underlying changes some of your Unobtainable/Seasonal filters might have been reset.
SL-2.4.9 (2021-10-12)
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Highlights of this update
Mainly fixes after the last release that had lots of reworked logic.
Notable changes:
- Recipe reagents in the tradeskill UI will once again properly show ATT information.
- For all you Unique collectors out there fixed a special case when Blizzard returns invalid data about items. You will see in the tooltip if you need another manual refresh (Shift+Click) to fix it.
- Fixed tooltips showing "---" when using "Collection Progress > Icon Only".
- Fixed Recipes not showing collection status in tooltip.
- "Known by" list is properly alphabetized again.
- Drop chance logic:
- Best Loot Spec chance now shows all specs which were calculated to have the same best chance
- Adjusted alignment/colors for drop chances
- Added "Sarge's Tale", new Hearthstone mount. In order to receive this mount, complete Hearthstone's Mercenaries Mode tutorial and send your party on a mission.
Known issues:
If you track recipes, some extra things (like talents or "Revive all Battle Pets" abilities) will have the "Collected/Not collected" text.
SL-2.4.8 (2021-10-10)
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Highlights of this update
Icon updates
- Small color tweaks to WoD, MoP and TBC icons.
- Faction flag updated to a banner.
- Updated World drops icon nothing big just a better looking icon.
- New Icons for Zone drops, Rewards, Vendor and weapon types including Heirloom, Artifact and Legendary.
WoD deduplication
Started work on WoD dungeons clean up. Instead of listing the same gear piece in every dungeon we now have Common Dungeon Drop header. If you want to know where the particular piece drops, Right click it in the list to see new window with the Sources header. To see the particular dungeon with unique + common drops you can Right click it too.
Notable changes:
Did you know you can sort your ATT lists? Shift+Right click will sort them alphabetically by default and if you turn on Settings->Features->Sort By Progress it will 👀 sort by progress. Sorting Factions now sorts based on current reputation level when not yet Exalted.
Improved performance for refreshing appearances after a new ATT version release or force refresh (Shift+Click).
Revised the Unique collection logic.
Please let @ImUnicke in Discord know if you use Unique mode and notice a difference in performance when doing a force-refresh of your collection. Ideally use the ad-hoc update mode with the Main list closed for a more direct comparison.
You should see less weird stuff (like Factions) in your profession list.
Fixed collection logic for "Main Only" mode.
Fixed search function for finding Shared Appearances in popout windows so that it will ensure to find a result which meets the current filters as a priority (i.e. ICC tier items sold by opposite faction vendors would be hidden, etc.).
Sorting groups by Name will now properly sort Achievements.
Fixed not showing "Collection Progress" in tooltips when no other information is displayed in the tooltip from ATT.
Fixed duplicate tooltips (again).
Warlock Legion Class Hall Clean Up.
Hivemind mount has been added to the Secrets category.
Various fixes.
SL-2.4.7 (2021-10-04)
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Highlights of this update ❕👑
Bonus Objectives ❕
Some of them were classified as quests, some of them were just tracked in the background but invisible in ATT lists. Now most of them should be listed under Bonus Objectives header in their respective zone lists.
Titles 👑
- Categorized and sourced Titles
- Added some missed ones
- New shiny icon for titles 👑
- Gender-based Titles will now count as 2 Titles in Account/Debug, to accurately reflect needing to collect both raw TitleID's for proper Account-wide collecting
- Gender-based Titles will show an extra tooltip line in Account/Debug indicating the two variations of the Title, and which are collected on your account
Notable changes:
- Queen's Conservatory was reorganized, check it out, fellow Night Fae!
- Quests waypoints will now be skipped if they are already active in your quest log, unless directly clicked.
- Once again fixed duplicated descriptions on creatures + Legion Invasions.
- Lots of small quest fixes and improvemements in various expansions.
- Even more syncing with Classic versions of addon, look out for any potential errors in TBC dungeons and raids and holidays.
- Some fixes for Argus rares/World Quests.
- Updated icons for Brewfest 🍺, Love is in the Air 💖, Midsummer Fire Festival 🔥 and Hallow's End 🎃
- Fixes for some quirky items with bonusIDs/ weird sourceIDs/etc.
- More fixes for
, including remaining time for WQs (and it's no longer mushed into the description). - Quest groups linked into chat will use a proper link when the character is currently on the quest.
- Quest groups will now show their ATT Source.
- Quest links clicked from chat will now show the corresponding ATT Source location for the Quest.
- Fixed NPC's or Headers being considered 'saved' when they weren't if 'Only First Time' (Quests) was enabled with collectible repeatable quests.
- Various fixes.
SL-2.4.6 (2021-09-25)
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Highlights of this update
- Containers like Tribute of the Ambitious once again show their contents.
- All newly added Cataclysm Timewalking recipes are marked as available now (some were marked as removed from the game in previous release). Go buy them while you still can before reset!
Notable changes:
- Fixed items having too many filters on them. Example: heirloom tokens that can be bought with PvP/holiday currencies had PvP and holiday filters applied to them. Due to this fix Items might show up in places they were previously being filtered due to never being tagged correctly for that specific Source of an Item. Just report it in #errors and it will be addressed. Thanks.
- Moved around and added/fixed some stuff in Legion and Battle for Azeroth including zone drops/rares/questlines.
- Battle Pet/Mount flavor text is now considered "Lore". You can disable lore descriptions in ATT Settings->Interface->Lore.
- More things should have PvP filter now.
- Once again fixed duplicate descriptions/lore/etc. sometimes showing for tooltips of ATT windows (hopefully permanently). (This was fixed twice since last release 🤭)
- Fixed some crafted tooltips showing completed Things when 'Show Completed Groups' is enabled.
- The generic 'Type' categories will no longer show in tooltips as 'Sources' for: Battle Pets/Mounts/Titles/Toys (i.e. ATT > Mounts > etc.).
- Mage Tower and The Deaths of Chromie moved to Expansion Features.
- Various fixes.
SL-2.4.5 (2021-09-21)
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Highlights of this update
Cataclysm Timewalking now includes some previously removed recipes, go buy them!
Notable changes:
- Yet another pass at making 'cost' logic work better & more accurately without requiring multiple force-refreshes. WIP - May still need to identify outlier situations and determine cause/fix for those situations. Feel free to report in #errors channel on our Discord server anything weird. Discord link is
- Equalized a few more gender-based titles.
- Eversong Woods, Ghostlands, Deeprun Tram, Silvermoon City, Azuremyst Isle, Bloodmyst Isle and Brewfest were synced with Classic, feel free to report any bugs/removed content.
- More Legion quests were sorted in addition to some never implemented quests.
- Various fixes.