Releases: ATTWoWAddon/AllTheThings
Releases · ATTWoWAddon/AllTheThings
4.1.13 (2024-12-14)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- small fixes
- Cataclysm: Fixed a number of Shadow Labyrinth drops that were moved in 7.3.5.
- Cataclysm: Leggings of Assassination originally dropped from Murmur pre 7.3.5.
- Unsorted
- Generate Missing
- Sort Recipes
- Harvest:
- Harvest:
- Harvest:
- Harvest:
- Harvest:
- Harvest:
- Harvest:
- Harvest:
- Harvest:
- Harvest:
- Harvest:
- Harvest:
- Harvest:
- Harvest:
- Harvest:
- Harvest:
- Harvest:
- Harvest:
- Harvest:
- Harvest:
- Untest
- Test
- Cata EF: Hyjal Thrall
- Fix minor errors
- Mount Hyjal BfA phase
- Classic: Fixed a bug with the added with patch tooltip value.
- Cataclysm: Fixed some leatherworking phase assignments and added the Bloodthirsty cloaks.
- Classic: Fixed an issue with the Find and Soft Reserves window.
- Retail: Removed repeatable check from Trackable visibility assignment
- Missing provider/coords for q:36219
- Setup Nvidia promo, fix some reported errors
- Added a ton of missing BoA tokens to BRF due to Blizzard not utilizing modID at the time for Item variants between difficulties/sources
- Raw Repeatable Quests are always considered available
Retail: Trackable Things should remain visible when they are raw repeatable - Adjusted coloring of Debug information on Filters to better-indicate which Filters are currently active or not as to why Filtering would be excluding tooltip information, etc.
- Retail: Removed storage of 'CommonItems' which is no longer used
- Retail: Adjusted caching of Mounts to utilize a 'Mounts' table instead of 'Spells'. Additionally, Mounts are no primarily stored only in AccountWideData, with only a few Character-specific Mounts being cached by Character (As each Character is relogged, this will result in smaller ATT saved variable file as the redundant storage is cleaned up)
Retail: Added a 'PartialSyncCharacterData' for Mounts data when recalculating Account data
Retail: Spells cached for Mounts are no longer stored in the Character or Account 'Spells' cache - Retail: Fixed Battle Pet collection always showing account-wide credit collection icon
- Retail: BattlePets can use typical collected logic since they're automatically considered account-wide
- Use 'was' instead of 'were' for singular references
- Adjust base check for whether a Class must define its CACHE field
Added CACHE to Classes where applicable - Moved base Class fields 'modItemID' and '_missing' to be available in Classic versions as well since some upcoming tech changes will require this for simplicity
- Removed duplicated Family Battler from Pet Battles section (proper listing is under Outdoor Zones)
Regex whitespace cleanup in Pet Battles file - AddSimpleCollectibleSwap now includes the swap during the OnStartup event to ensure the function is properly set prior to initial updates
- [Quest] Update Exiles Reach's timeline.
- Added a debug information type for Item Bonuses
- Exiles Reach: Correction
- Some indentation and cleanup
- Update
- PTR: a little more clear up, added exploration for Siren Isle
- Contribute: Couple more spammy treasures
- Update felcycle secret with 9 O'clock basin solve
- Exploration: Broken Isles (Powered by Dora... I mean, Darkal the Explorer)
And some minor stuff from around the Azeroth - [Report Issue] Add some description for feature request.
- [Report Issue] Use ChatGPT to optimize descriptions.
- [Report Issue] Correct wording.
- [Report Issue] Add feature request template.
- Vashj'ir: Erunak Stonespeaker
- Fixed timeline for duplicated Character > Heirloom > Band of Radiant Echoes (eventually plan to re-work Heirlooms with better ATT tech)
- Contribute: Fixed map Lua error
Fixed LFR Wings of Shattered Sorrow getting eaten by the LFR Warband version - Contribute: Don't report areas that are already sourced (some can cross maps in weird cases... maybe those are technically different areaIDs and can be manually figured out from Wago data)
- [Misc.] Update release schedule.
- Fix some reported errors
- Retail: TWW exploration
Azj-Kahet with dupes nodes, that commented out. They trigger report if you manage to discover them from other locations/bordered side of maps. - Contribute: Fixed GameObject format & added a couple more
Moved Bountiful Coffer as provider of Bountiful content - Ignore a valve in ICC from Object check
- Skip checking for exploration Areas if inside an Instance
Fixed Contribute checking for coords on Quests inside Instances (when no valid coords are returned... some special instances do still allow coords) - visit_exploration types are now completely omitted from Classic builds unless specified as valid within 'ValidExplorationAreaIDsForClassic'
Added a bunch of Mount Hyjal explorations - Fixed a duplicated areaID in valid Classic table
Resetting Reports will now allow missing areas to be re-reported
Moved the missing area check so that it processes even when no API-based areas exist, and only run the extra check if in 'Contribute' mode - Retail: __merge is now inherited if already existing from the merge Source (fixes weird recursion issue in Firelands)
- Another Public Servant
- Retail: Migrated an Heirloom collection Event to the actual Heirloom module
- Retail: Added 'bonuses' field for Items (not yet used)
- Dun Morogh: A Public Servant
- Adding descriptions to various New Character weapon entries (#1860)
Adding descriptions to New Character Hunter weapons
Filling out allied race weapons
- Parser: Minor adjustment to Cost handling which seems to remove Parse errors with some Costs within Objectives...
- Uploading some stashed changes I have for weeks: Fixed CN only tag.
- Uploading some stashed changes I have for weeks: Added sound to exploration reports.
- Cata Zul'Aman: Minor fixes
- PTR: clearing up stuff
- Fix some reported errors
4.1.12 (2024-12-08)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- Cataclysm: You can enchant the Twilight Cultist set to collect it permanently.
- Cataclysm: Darkmoon Pit Fighter not available until Hour of Twilight.
- Gruffscale Leggings was added in Wrath, removed in Cata, and then added back with BFA.
- Living Cowl was removed with Cataclysm and added back in BFA.
- Added Shatterscale Mightfish to Mount Hyjal and Twilight Highlands.
- Cataclysm: Foundations of Courage was added with Dragon Soul, not Firelands.
- Cataclysm: Rift Bracers was removed from the game with 4.0.3 and then added back in 7.1.5.
- Classic: Fixed a bug with exploration achievements caused by impossible to collect criteria introduced as visitation in Retail ATT.
- Pyrox Flats was added with Cataclysm.
- Cataclysm: Fixed BB King achievement criteria.
- Retail: Holding Shift when looking at an achievement will now display the full criteria structure like it does in ATT Classic.
- Update
- Cataclysm: Removed an unused Stratholme criteria. (it was added later after Cataclysm launch)
- Cataclysm: Fixed the To All the Squirrels Who Cared for Me achievement criteria.
- Moved a couple more over to the root outdoor zones achievements header.
- Moved Surveying the Damage to the root Outdoor Zones achievements header.
- Moved Stood in the Fire to the root Outdoor Zones Achievements section.
- Added the ifclassic helper function for values whose state is changed between retail and classic. (ANYCLASSIC)
- Format Adjustment: ", {" to ", {". Removed an extraneous space.
- Exploration: Northrend & Broken Isles
- Now that classic supports criteria the same way that retail does (at least for cataclysm...) we can remove some of these classic only sections.
- Added some "merge" symlink entries to remove a parser warning.
- Removed some "merge" symlink entries to remove a parser warning.
- Shared Description for mechanar bounty.
- [Msic.] Fix format error.
- [Misc.] Change location.
- [Misc.] Update release schedule.
- [Misc.] Add release schedule.
- Retail: Spreading The HQTs
- [Issue Report] New bug report form.
- Contribute: Fix not capturing unsourced objects by leaving when we ignore instead of leaving when we don't ignore 🤦
- Retail: when you want to sort radiant remnant, but find rabbit hole
ongoing thing
Note: some of stuff in area tied to active wqs, seems like it, or depend on weekly quests .-. - Wanderer's Festival HQT
Contribute: Don't check for missing objects if they're marked in MobileDB - 735
- Updated the criteria for the To Current Matters breadcrumbs
- Retail: bunch of sesstion fixes
- moved hqt under ef -> dragonscale expedition by Darkal request
- Contribute: Fixed not passing the id to the ignore check functions
- Another coord for Void-Seeped Cache
- Contribute: Set the correct 'id' value in Report text
Contribute: Added another 'Opening' spell (there's like 140+ of them on Wowhead, I hope not all of them are relevant...) - Contribute: Use distance of 2 (instead of 0 for testing) for object coord detection
- PTR: more clean up
- Added some preliminary Object-looting tracking and reporting to /att contribute [NOTE: This requires the game option 'Enable Interact Key' to be enabled, and for in-game Objects to be interacted with via the 'Interact With Target' key at this time]
- I have not done a super extensive amount of testing with this so please report anything weird if you use this feature
- Added /att report-reset - can be used to reset any Reports which were generated without needing to reload UI
- Parser: Now handles Criteria which require Followers and Missions automatically
Parser: Can use '_doautomation' on an Achievement if Parser doesn't want to automate it due to where it is listed (i.e. under a 'real' NPC)
Retail: Missions are Things
Added a bunch of Missions that Parser told me to... or else
Cleaned up a bit more achievements which are automated properly - Misplaced Fishing header
- Few more automatable achievements that work correctly now [WIP]
Retail: Added Mission ID information type - Removed a couple noautomation/achraw which seem to work fine with current data/logic (WIP)
- Retail: Isle of Dorn coords fixes
- added DF sourseless hqt
- exile reach has different npcID for one quest for some reason, added note to it
- hqt for teaching enchanting (probably new one otherwise idk why there wasn't reports)
- also some wierd npcids off for some quests, I blame only Blizzard for this
- Parser: Achievements whose CriteriaTree specifies a Progress Bar or an Amount greater than 1 for the requirements will now force the nesting of the incorporated Criterias (previously this was always being forced as a temporary measure to fix certain Achievements [e.g. 1832] but caused wacky behavior for others [e.g. 429,1836,1837]
- Retail: Opening Professions with 'Debugging' enabled will now properly export all harvested Reagents
- Retail: Re-harvested all Professions' Reagents manually (since some are still missing Recipes)
- Update 11.0.7 PetDB
- Un-break pre-processor
Added warbound-only version of Wings of Shattered Sorrow from LFR 😩 - Fix some promo timelines
- De-orphaned 'Hero's Call: Duskwood!' breadcrumbs (26728/28564)
Removed inaccurate comment on q:26365 - Removed a Rank 1 Curio that can be missed and impossible to collect (or wiped via saved var reset)
- PTR: Siren Isle battle pets
- Retail: actually, let's move them into NYI and fix typo
- Retail: The Ringing Deeps missing quest requirement for alts
- moved drinks for vendor machine into objects (from unsorted) and added costs for them as for clarity
- few exploration in zone
- TODO: there some [PH], need re-confirm their IDs from in-game. Wowhead have old -beta- names.
- Add Razer promotion and Break The Meta, move SteelSeries promotion
- Some Contribute adjustments for upcoming additions
- Completed Quests are not available also
- Costs now use IsQuestAvailable to check chaining costs through Quest-linked Things (i.e. fixes a niche case where an Item is needed for an account-locked Quest which provides another Cost for something currently available to that Character, and that first Item is then marked as a Cost)
- Added simple function to return if a Quest is available per current ATT settings
- Added some safety concat values for app:SearchLink() if a bad group is provided
- Jenafur steps converted to HQT and fixed a bit of data structure to current standards
- DmF: Spawn of Jubjub
- Fix some ensemble hqts
- Retail: exploration and leveling fixes
- Fix shop ensemble
- Tweak some promo items
- Retail: More /attrandom code compression!
Retail: Added 'Factions' and 'Titles' to /attrandom for those of you who have clearly exhausted all existing options :rolling_eyes:
Retail: Titles are properly considered a 'Thing' - Zul Gurub: Coherent guide for Gurubashi Tribute.
- Retail: Bit more /attrandom simplification
- Retail: Refactored and simplified a lot of logic for /attran(dom)
- Retail: GetRelativeFieldInSet returns the actual matching value from the group instead of just '1'
Retail: Filled NPC data will now always use the proper Header from which the filled data was Sourced (i.e. if an Item is linked via 'crs' under a CBD Header, it will retain that CBD Header when filled under the corresponding NPC. This should help to clarify some content in older raids/dungeons which is common vs. what is individually dropped on a boss) - discord promo fixes
- Fix some reported errors
- Add new store bundle and discord quest
- Old Crafty and Old Ironjaw criteria hidden because that just created more confusion
- I have a question for Blizzard. Why.
- I hate Blizzard
- Retail: Fixed tooltip for popout roots showing unnecessary data in the 'Contains' section
- Retail: Fixed Achievement Criteria not always showing what Achievement they belong to in tooltips
- [Localization] Update zhTW.
- [Misc] Update git install script.
- Strip questid 26741 from questdb to fix bad faction tagging in reused HQT
- exploration quick fix
- For the Brotherhood! (Westfall stuff)
- Potentially fixed the "Explore Wetlands" achievement issue on Classic Anniversary realms. (as well as Era/SOD)
- Exploration: Outland & Northrend (powered by Darkal)
And some minor stuff in Elwynn Forest - Guest Relations Object names
- Update 2 - Nerub'ar Palace.lua
Curio now lists the vendor as source so that you know where the turn-in is.
4.1.11 (2024-12-01)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- Data parsing is converting data from one format to another. Widely used for data structuring, it is generally done to make the existing, often unstructured, unreadable data more comprehensible
- Verify December 2024 Trading post, bump build number
- Exploration: Outland (powered by Darkal the Explorer)
- Added NPC tooltip hook for Plentiful Perplexing Puzzles (likely others missing from other delve varieties)
- Add remaining December 2024 trading post items
- Added map for the Archives quests
- added couple trading post items, rest when wowhead posts them since im too lazy to manually type every itemid/name
- Shifted various Legendary Raid groups to match other more recent Legendary Raid Item headers using the actual Item/Achievement name(s) for proper localization
Sulfuras isn't a direct raid drop; moved to standard Legendary Item header structure for clarity
Added some missing initial Dragonwrath quest data for Alliance - Fixed an issue with the Contribute setting where certain aspects of Quest checks might not be applied to the resulting report
- You no take candle! (Elwynn Forest exploration, vendors and quests)
Descriptions on removed quests were added below "timelines" on purpose. Some of them get marked as Completed when you complete a post-Cataclysm re-vamped quest. - Added Splintered Spark of Awakening as a CBD in DF w/ attached Currency tracker for drop limitations
Removed Karazhan Catacombs (46) from being linked to Deadwind Pass (42) due to so much content now being listed in Catacombs
Switched Karazhan Catacombs header to be a raw map due to the amount of content listed in this Zone (TBD -- probably put entire Felcycle Secret under it's own Secret header instead of nested under unrelated Guest Relations) - Adjusted logic for Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme's OnUpdate slightly.
- Update zhCN locales (#1855)
- Jade Forest: Correcting timeline for 'The Art of War'.
- Northen Barrens: Waptor Twapping clarification.
- update 5 O'clock basin secret pets
- PTR: yeeted stuff for build 57788
- Fix some reported errors
- Moved ValidExplorationAreaIDsForClassic into Constants/Miscellaneous.lua to help make Shortcuts less data-spammy
- Pilgrim's Bounty: Description for daily quests
The optimal solution would be sharedDescription to every daily, but trying that only have me a headache. - Some exploration encountered while playing
Close #1469, no sourceQuest required. - Retail: Archives weekly (5th week) hqt
- Twilight Highlands and Vashj'ir descriptions
- Catch explorations which have api accessible coordinates in classic era, fix tabs
- Update Achievements.lua
- Classic: Added an "Enable" checkbox on /attsync to bypass syncing while its busted.
- Add 7 O'clock basin watcher statue HQTs, strip exploration(507)
- Adjusted the visit_exploration shortcut so that Classic verisons can revert specific AreaID's to being collectible via confirmed valid API detection in the respective version
- Add December trading post (?) why is it so small
- Retail: bunch of exploration stuff
- Retail: figure out for what mount this hqt was
- Remaining Mythic NP HQTs
- Add some exploration areas, fix some reported errors
- Exploration: Pandaria
- Exploration: Draenor
- adjustment to A Surprising Investigation secret note
- Clarify on 'nothing to select' message when using /attrandom
- A few missing Felcycle step HQTs
- Many various minor data tweaks from #retail-errors
- Something, something, minor preprocessor and exploration stuff
- Removed non-required sq for 'Crush the Witherbark'
- Some missing quest locking in Desolace
- wotlk promos was just an idea
- Update InGameShop.lua (#1854)
Not available in the In-Game Shop for Cataclysm Classic (only Retail), and therefore should not appear in Cataclysm Classic. - more classic promo stuff
- added cata promos
- Update some felcycle notes
- Update guest relations and felcycle secrets, fix some reported errors, set a new record for longest description?
- Added a 'containsAnyKey' table method
- Inaccurate quest check now checks for 'in-game' recursively outwards to ensure that an available quest isn't hidden within a removed header (Parser fixes a lot of these situations automatically currently based on applied timelines, but sometimes the timelines can't imply the persistence of content within a removed header and we need '_forcetimeline')
Fixed 'Time to Reflect' being hidden in removed header - Exploration was omitted from AccountWide data sync process, causing some Exploration areas to not be counted for AccountWide progress
- swapped the 2 latest promo pets
- [Quest] Fix Exile's Reach ach info.
- razeshi b pet (future promo)
- source greedchief pet
- added gill'el
- make it look a little bit better
- note for contributors to find brrrgl pet
- ai isnt smart
- prime descriptions no longer show on items that have other sources like the bmah
- Fix comment typo
- [Quest] Update Exile's Reach info.
- Fixed an issue related to an API that doesn't exist in Classic Era/Anniversary Realms. C_TooltipInfo.GetItemByItemModifiedAppearanceID
- [Quest] Add sources for BFA guided quest.
- PTR: another bunch
- PTR: 11.0.7 build 57641 fixes
- Update PvP.lua
- Retail: Fixed an issue where 'Retrieving data' on ATT rows would be ignored when rendered in a tooltip (leading to coordinates or some other data acting as the top row of the tooltip)
- Couple tidbits in Guest Relations & best source for Small Flame Sac
- [Quest] 'An Urgent Meeting' is unobtainable.
- Merge branch 'master' of
- 'master' of
Update Contributor.lua
Added a new tooltip API call for grabbing Item link from SourceID Filled in a ton of SourceID's based on new tooltip API from 10.2.7
Tweak felcycle listing
some revendreth pet battle notes
Some more felcycle clarifications
- 'master' of
- Update Contributor.lua
- Added a new tooltip API call for grabbing Item link from SourceID
Filled in a ton of SourceID's based on new tooltip API from 10.2.7 - Tweak felcycle listing
- some revendreth pet battle notes
- Some more felcycle clarifications
4.1.10 (2024-11-24)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- release4parse
- Tweak some felcycle notes
- Update felcycle secrets
- Update Contributor.lua
- Update guest relations and helcycle secrets
- Couple Guest Relations adjustments from personal progress
- Twilight Highlands: Battle Pets
- Replaced some criteriaID still using index instead of UID
- moar exploar
- ATT popup dialogs now properly focus itself each time when opened (also can close with ESC properly each time)
- Added all TWW NYI sources.
- Fix some reported errors
- Fetch Wago file path from config because we're pros here
- Changes integrated plus made an update script for the PTR Wago files so the computer can do my work for me
- Incorporated changes from #1594 due to conflicts on PR (closes #1594)
- Skip filling Chromie's alternate goodie bags (fixes #1852)
- Add some exploration areas and tweak felcycle secrets
- Update guest relations and felcycle secrets
- Add some exploration areas and fix some reported errors
- Cleaned up a lot more pointless MISC filterID assignments (was only necessary to prevent Parser from turning random stuff into Recipes)
- Adjusted some lock criteria for A/H Murkblood Invaders based on recent reports & testing
- Cleaned up some duplicated Trinkets on ZC Rares
Removed some non-existent Rares in ZC - Added all TWW profession gear with sources. Time to collect them too :)
- Test commit for secret objectids
- Anniversary: New Timewarped items for Historian Ma'di, Wintersaber Commendation faction update
Azj-Kahet: Updates to couple of rumors
Tirigarde Sound: Enable a world quest - PTR: 11.0.7 build 57641 data (reparsed with retail)
- fixed Tranquil Strand which I forgot to edit after copy-paste .-.
- fixed quest giver coords
- added new vendor stuff
- commented out Ashvane Issued Workboots treasure, seems like they gone
- ZG: Cache of Madness
Couldn't get the intended descriptions to work, so this removes the dysfunctional code altogether. Adding descriptions only to the correct artifacts was not a meaningful improvement anyway. - the condition for this step is basically untestable while popular because players in other phases can complete it in your phase, nothing can be controlled for
- Add valorstone equipment chest, add timelines and tweak 11.0.7 mount/pets
- [TOC] Remove outdated versions.
- Adjust felcycle secret notes, add pointless treasure salesman
- Update guest relations and felcycle secrets
- Add some todo notes
- Update felcycle secrets
- Couple more account wide quests & sorted
- Add missed felcycle HQT
- Update felcycle secret pebbles
- Update guest relations quests, add parts of Felcycle secret, adjust some exploration mapid to use constants
- Retail: IQD - Soryn sells same content as Orus
- Added coord for Amurra Thistledew
Used map constant for The Dreamgrove - Stop buying downgrade crests, they're permanent player power removal 😩
- Fixed the stupid brackets :(
- Wago files are split for PTR, Beta, Classic and Retail
- Added some more infos to Guest Relations & Crates based on personal experience
- Fix some reported errors
- Only report unmapped areas if a valid coord exists on the current map
Coords are only 1/10 precision - Found New Area renamed to Found Unmapped Area and can report areas without coords as well
Couple exploration adjustments - Add some exploration areas and fix some reported errors
- Retail: Added '/att all-hidden' to show a single window containing all Hidden ATT content
- ..
- Retail: BuildSearchResponse/BuildTargettedSearchResponse 'criteria' now accepts the 'ParentInclusionCriteria' table to define any custom parent inclusion function(s) instead of being hard-coded within the hierarchy match logic
- Retail: BuildSearchResponse/BuildTargettedSearchResponse now accept a 'criteria' param which is a table containing possible keys SearchCriteria/SearchValueCriteria which replace the default criteria functions when selecting search results
Retail: 'Removed with Patch' dynamic group now uses a custom criteria function to only include search results where the 'rwp' value is greater than or equal to the current patch - Retail: BuildSearchResponse no longer accepts 'clear' and 'keep' parameters, but instead a single 'drop' parameter to indentify fields which should be dropped from returned search results (sym is always true by default)
- Add new guest relations quests
- Retail: [WIP] Partially refactored some search response logic to make it more friendly to performing more advanced searches
Retail: Added app:BuildTargettedSearchResponse which allows providing the exact group or set of groups to search (akin to Classic) - Parser: 'rwp' is only removed when the 'awp' is within the version of the current Parser parse (i.e. don't remove 'rwp' because of something known to be re-added in the theoretical Classic future)
- Parser: Removed the 'rwp' value from Things which have a more recent 'awp' value (i.e. 'rwp' will only continue to exist on Things which are currently removed, or will be removed in future)
- Changed to visit_exploration shortcut.
- Retail: 47253 is obsolete
- Added new shortcut: exploration_visit -- requires manually visiting an area (due to Blizzard's API gaps) and is thus non-collectible by default (for now)
New Areas Reported with /att contribute and /att realtime-exploration-check (or when actually being explored in-game for the first time) now provide a copy-paste Lua line for the respective exploration_visit() data entry - -- Exploration Overhaul & Revision (based on Retail testing)
- ExplorationDB removed from ATT as it serves no purpose other than to export information from harvests
- ExplorationDB / ExplorationAreaPositionDB are now properly stored in 'AllTheThingsHarvestItems' for exporting so that they don't permanently persist forever in user's saved variables
- Revised coordinate algorithm for captured explored areas to now calculate the nearest valid coordinate to the consolidated average coordinate based on all exploration area coordinates which fall within the actual map boundaries reported by the world map (note: Retail API data is still super wacky in this regard but it seems like this is way more accurate to getting you near a location to actually trigger the area being 'explored')
- Re-exported TWW Exploration Areas based on new algorithm (there still exist many areas which I personally cannot get to report in the API on my Main, so they haven't properly been simplified)
- Consolidated a bunch of functionality into standalone functions to make life easier
- /att harvest-exploration no longer takes a 'simplify' parameter as simplification of resulting area coordinates is done automatically for export
- /att harvest-map now also exports the harvested data
- /att harvest-map now accepts a 'simplify' parameter (allowing omission to show thousands of waypoints at once via TomTom to help visualize the reported map areas)
- Exploration areas with no determined coords / maps with no determined areas are cleaned up prior to export
- /att harvest-exploration now has more chat reporting of information to help sanity-check results based on each map harvested, based on the character doing the harvest
Retail: CreateMiniListForGroup now accepts a second parameter to force the window to be re-created even if the root group's hash has already been turned into a popout
- Retail uses system message ID 396 for new map exploration, so Exploration should properly collect automatically when being explored now
- Slight rename of character exploration cache to remove naming confusion
- Exploration now shows the saved checkmark if the current character has the area cached in ATT (either via API or visit)
- Added known API-based Exploration groups to Goblin areas
- Minor coordinate updates, Soridormi MobileNPC
4.1.9 (2024-11-17)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- digital item sold out before physical item
- stuffs
- PTR: 11.0.7 57528 another bunch of fixes, wait room for next build
- PTR: 11.0.7 57528 Siren Isle data fixes
- Forgot a timeline
- Siren Isle and some other 11.0.7 achievements, and new Wago files for glorious automation!
- 11.0.7 meta achievement changes
- Objectioes
- Update Guest Relations.lua
Sourcequests are already filtered - Add new guest relations secret, update some formatting
- Fixed all items from Luminous Nerubian Catalyst Stone. 512 items thrown in the bin, thanks Blizzard.
- [Quest] Remove dummy quest item.
4.1.8 (2024-11-15)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- Add note on BRD key caps
- Sort some hqts
- Add new guest relations secrets
- [GitHub Action] Extend the artifact retention days from 1 to 7.
- [GitHub Action] Alpha release changes from weekly builds to daily builds.
- Removed Hidden Categories Window due to a major bug.
I'll add this in the future when I'll have working solution that won't be re-writing current categories. - [GitHub Action] Run All flavors in single job.
- [GitHub Action] Build with multi flavors.
- Deepen history in a different way
- Fetch the last 2 tags
- Fetch tags manually
Can't do that through actions/checkout due to actions/checkout#1467 - Try fetching through actions/checkout
- [GitHub Action] Add job depends.
- [GitHub Action] Fetch without all tags.
- [GitHub Action] Remove dummy fetch.
- [GitHub Action] Limit Fetch to only the latest 200 commits.
- [Github Action] clone without LFS.
- [GitHub Action] Remove delete db files.
- [Github Action] Update artifact flow from v3 to v4.
- [GitHub Action] hybrid build flow test phase 1.
- PTR: 11.0.7 build 57528
- Retail: More localisation, added questID for previous TW week
wow anniversary fix for text field replace itself with static text - ShouldExcludeFromTooltip should also apply to object tooltips. (noticed in Hellfire Ramparts)
- But like actually this time
- Update guest relations quest and hqts
- Add new guest relations secrets
- ZG: removes descriptions from faulty artifacts.
- Retail: localisation (a bit) and sneaky ptr update
- Added a few tags to faction/class restricted Mounts
- Fixed flags in Hidden Categories window.
- Added Hidden Categories Window: /att hidden
Individual sub-categories can still be called with commands: nyi, hat, hct, hqt, sourceless, unsorted - Non-consequential Parser code changes from trying to debug stuff
- Guest Relations Temp Object Data
- Removed some pointless filter assignments on Achievements
- Add 11.0.7 MoP timewalking rewards
- Update guest relations secrets
- Classic: Fixed a Lua error when trying to plot waypoints
- Migrated all ExplorationDBs into version-specific files
Reparsed all versions - Parser: Now includes the constant 'debugging' metatable at the end of the localizationDB instead of in a non-related file
Migrated Presets.lua into Retail/Classic ClassPresetsDB.lua
Reparse all flavors to remove reliance on Presets.lua - Bag of Timewarped Badges contains Timewarped Badges
- Moved Retail ExplorationDB to ExportDB for consistency and removal from /db/ folder
- ExportDB can now store '_Compressed' keys to indicate which DB outputs should be compressed instead of including newlines for each key
AccountWideQuestsDB and ReagentsDB will now be compressed in ReferenceDB - Added some of the TWW Hidden Currencies.
- Added some HAT timelines and changed them all into ADDED instead of CREATED.
- Added Hidden Currency Triggers / Trackers.
- Update zhCN locales (#1848)
- More BFA metas
- Removed warnings for 'Player'-shared Quests in Contributor mode
- Parser: Can use '_forcetimeline' to ensure that the applied timeline of a group does not get ignored due to a parent group with an earlier removal (only needed in rare circumstances)
Adjusted a couple 13th anniversary quests to be accurate - Updates
- Update Guest Relations.lua
Lets fix this provider - Removed notes from BC Vendor Ensembles since they're learned 100% after relog
- Parser: Removed Ensemble Cleanup logic as it has become apparent that Blizz now properly grants all Appearances even when Class/Armor differentiated from the general requirements of the Ensemble (Please report any weird Ensemble issues if encountered of course)
- Update The Theater Troupe.lua
Coord fix - With parse we sometimes can fix incorrect id's
- FIxed ranks and ordering of some JC SL recipes (fixes #1729)
- Add some new 11.0.7 meta achievements and new Cata/Legion timewalking rewards
- Adjusted areaID value checking slightly when checking player location exploration (fixes #1847)
- Add new guest relations quest
- Retail: Don't think we want to arbitrarily mark all quest objectives as uncollectible...
- Update Contributor.lua
Added Direbeak Hatchling - DF Season 4 Normal Tier Sets are still obtainable in Catalyst from Mythic Dungeon Items.
- PTR: 11.0.7 build 57409 data (once more)
- Added object data for Drakkari History Tablet.
- Cata: Adjusted the Defense Protocol Common Boss Drops header to not show the source outside the mini list so that it obeys the filtering rules established by the presence of the buffs.
- Cata/Wrath: Updated the BuffIDs for the rest of the wrath dungeons.
- Cata: Updated the BuffIDs in Trial of the Champion's Defense Protocols.
- Classic: Fixed a bug with achievements that don't have rewards not showing their meta achievement data.
- Added some of the upcoming meta achievements
- Reworked Zul'Gurub description again. This time with nomerge so it works as expected.
- Fixed MissingItems.txt from stashed changes merge.
- Reverting Darkal's changes to Zul'Gurub (it broke descriptions)
- Removed some unused commented out code. (now that DPA uses a different format)
- Cata: Fixed some incorrect criteriaIDs for Gamma achievements.
- Cata: Fixed a bug with Champion of the Frozen Wastes showing under every version of Cyanigosa.
- Cata/Wrath: Updated the format of all the Defense Protocol Dungeons.
- Whoops, missed one.
- Cata: Added maps to the Protocol Inferno Common Boss Drops header.
- Cata: Added Protocol Inferno for Heroic+ Cata Dungeons.
- Drake of the North Wind also drops from normal mode.
- Removed some duplicated listings of Techniques in M+ versions of dungeons
- Cata: Added Protocol Inferno dungeon achievements.
- Classic: Updated Halls of Lightning and Halls of Stone to utilize the new Defense Protocol Headers.
- Parser: Fixed a bug involving negative headerID values generating a non-unique hash for encounterHashes.
- fixing hallows end fudge
- Elegant Rune already properly linked in the providers list.
- Updated Parser to allow nesting encounter data underneath specific headers. (this is prep work for Defense Protocol Alpha, Beta, Gamma, etc)
- more old QIs & fixing candy bucket error text for parsing (hi darkal!)
- Added a helper for "ShouldExcludeFromTooltip" to replace the relative difficulty logic filtering. This is to allow for non-difficulty headers to also override their source visibility conditionally. (such as for titan rune dungeons, etc)
- Moved the creatureID default field to the shared default field section.
4.1.7 (2024-11-10)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- Added Defense Protocol and Protocol Inferno headers for future work refactoring how they appear in the classic version of the DB.
- parrsseeee
- "cleaned" up Guest Relations using AQD/HQD
fixed an incorrect itemid and objectid - Azj-Kahet/Rumors: Fix a coordinate issue implemented in 71f3db4
- Sweep some reported errors
- Ignore contrib shell script when packaging
And remove no longer present files from the ignore list - Discovered map areas by minimap subzone check will now be cached
- Found Map area chat link now only shown if /att contribute is active
- another quest giver..
- Deleted unused database files. (these were baked into ReferenceDB at my suggestion)
- Sync'd TOC file contents between Classic versions.
- PTR: 11.0.7 build 57409 data
- Retail: cost fix
- Guest Relations: Some updates to the quests, coordinates and descriptions
- Detection of new Exploration Area will now attempt to grab the proper AreaID based on name matching
- Added the Storming the Citadel source achievements.
- Properly checking ActiveRowReference for 'sharedDescription' now since in some cases search results will be detatched from their parent references to prevent other inaccuracies
- Added a warning when using 'description' in bubbleDown to use 'sharedDescription' instead
Fixed all instances of the 'description' in being repeated via sharedData/bubbleDown as needed - Added the Snowfall Glade Pup objective data.
- [Misc] add Link ATT to WoW for Mac.
- Merge branch 'master' of
- [Misc] Remove un-used links.
- added tiktok lul
- Changed shared description to a lighter version.
- Cataclysm: Zul'Aman and Zul'Gurub
- Couple map and coord updates for anniversary stuff to show where it exists
- Added vendors that sell specialty crafting items and the Sands of Time for the Firelands quest.
- Add some 11.0.7 meta achievements
- Update Treasure Chests.lua (#1843)
Update description for Empty Nightcap Cask - Adjusted 'AddEventRegistration' so it can still be properly utilized after the 'OnReady' event has fired
Added /att realtime-exploration-check for contrib and debugging purposes - Add new guest relations secret
- Adjusted the Update batch file to also update all relative git folders should it find any.
- Add Warcraft 30th Anniversary Direct mounts
- Retail: 86398 is wierd bonus chance for 1 of 2 mount that I missing
- PTR: 11.0.7 build 57361 data (missing vendor stuff)
- Parser: No longer propagates force-obtainable status from objectives into the parent (weird bubbleDowns are able to wrap objectives in timelines that differ from the parent quest, so this shouldn't also cause the quest, with a different timeline, to magically become available)
- brom back to removed row
- Added an extra check for Exploration caching based on sub-zone name displayed by the minimap when performing an ATT Refresh. This way the buggy Blizzard Exploration API can be bypassed based on the actual place the player is at. Maybe eventually the API will be sensible...
Missing Exploration Area Discord popup now includes the Player 'coord' value
Marked 'The Den of Flame' non-collectible in Dustwallow Marsh (no clue where this even is to match the minimap name for forced collection) - Deleted the unused link_att batch file. (Use the other one!)
- Fixed /J in the link script.
- Fixed a broken icon for mechanized chests.
- Moved the PTR and Beta db files into the Retail folder. (This is so that if a PTR/Beta folder ever needs to be made for Classic, we can do so without a folder conflict)
Added a GitHub Action for Updating Submodules. (In preparation for adding the db and contributor submodules) - The Imprisoned Archmage had the wrong quest giver data.
- Fixed some more Tol Barad timeline values.
- Fixed the timeline on Swamp Bait.
- Diablo Events: Update for the Treasure Nabbin' bag description
- test
- Classic: Fixed Recipes being forced into Account Wide mode once activated once.
- Classic: Titles are no longer stuck in Account Wide.
- Added the Charred Bone Fragment objectID.
- Add Forgotten Filio, Adjust Guest Relations and start mount secret
- Update Timewalking vendors to use filter groups, add some new 11.0.7 items
- Added Keanna's Log.
- Further simplification on exploration harvesting
Using /att collect-exploration now by default performs a simpler scan of only the Exploration objects with known coordinates which runs much faster (~30-60 sec) with no noticable lag. [Providing an extra parameter to the command will perform the previous 'robust' scanning] - Retail: Migrated a huge chunk of UI logic into Retail Window Logic
Retail: Converted Row operations into Events so that they can be utilized without necessarily requiring all logic defined relative to the row logic itself (sooo many code references still hooked into RowOnEnter, phew) - Add new guest relations content, fix some anniversary errors
- [TOC] Update for SoD Phase 6.
- [Git LFS] Move Out Categories.lua from LFS.
- Removed map 645 from NYI (it was found and sorted)
Fixed formating. - [GitHub Action] build with Git LFS enable.
- Added back git lfs tracking for all categories.lua files. (it was mistakenly purged earlier)
- Reparsed all DBs so that Git LFS will do its thing hopefully.
- Merge branch 'master' of
- [Git LFS] Track all Categories.lua using Git LFS.
- Moved Beledar's Attunement to the vendor
- Categories.lua is now git LFS tracked rather than as text.
- Deleted the apparently unused AllTheThingsMissingSources folder that had a toc file version from legion.
- Add new secret chain, fix reported errors
- Merge pull request #1837 from ATTWoWAddon/dependabot/github_actions/peter-evans/create-pull-request-7
Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 5 to 7 - Merge pull request #1836 from ATTWoWAddon/dependabot/github_actions/actions/setup-python-5
Bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5 - Updated links to reflect the new ATTWoWAddon organization.
- Added a tooltip option to only ignore NPCs while in Combat (tired of changing my ATT settings 230 times per raid night)
- Use ATT prefix for flight path localization msg
Note about map 994 for flightpath nodes
Account-wide quest 79456
Some old stashed examples about Quest links for future reference - Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 5 to 7
Bumps peter-evans/create-pull-request from 5 to 7.
updated-dependencies:- dependency-name: peter-evans/create-pull-request
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-major
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] [email protected]
- dependency-name: peter-evans/create-pull-request
- Bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5
Bumps actions/setup-python from 4 to 5.
updated-dependencies:- dependency-name: actions/setup-python
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-major
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] [email protected]
- dependency-name: actions/setup-python
- Revert "Merge branch 'master' into git_lfs"
This reverts commit a508c8a, reversing
changes made to 5e39b1e. - Revert "[GitHub Action] Clone with LFS."
- [GitHub Action] Clone with LFS.
- Merge branch 'master' into git_lfs
- Tweak Guest Relations quests
- Guest Relations: The Case of a Good Book, and Battered Celebration Crate added
- Add new BC Timewalking Tabards, add Diablo Immortal promo
- Adjusted Missing Source tooltip text slightly so it exactly matches what a contrib needs to add for the Item-Source link
- Missing Appearance tooltip info is now shown regardless of Shared Appearances being enabled
BrokenUniqueSources checking is now performed regardless of Shared Appearances being enabled
Removed some unnecessary visualID assignments that don't make sense - Added few new sources.
- Fixed a logic gap for Criteria being shown incomplete for users not using Account Mode/Account-Wide Achievements
- [Git LFS] Add remaining db.
- [Git LFS] add ptr db.
- [Git LFS] Add beta db.
- [Git LFS] Add library files.
- [Git LFS] Add execution files.
4.1.6 (2024-11-05)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- Had a string of unexpected issues in the classic version of att/wow, hopefully they should all be fixed now and att work correctly in every version of wow
- Fixed Currency statistic text not updating when your currency amounts change
- Add new Guest Relations quest, input Mtn Dew pet species ids
- Re-duplicated the BRD raid drops so that we can accurately list their respective key costs... maybe eventually another way to handle this organization without duplicating the Items...
- Set Achievement Criteria as 'Trackable' as this can be used to allow incomplete Criteria to be shown in lists even if their Achievement is already earned (relates to #1782)
- Achievement Criteria only show 'saved' indicator if the criteria has specifically been completed (they continue to be considered collected if the Achievement itself has been earned) (relates to #1782)
- Fixed variants setup for Breadcrumb-type Quests
- Removed pre-registration of the LOOT_CLOSED event (relates to #1792)
- Fixed possibility of Lua error for minilist tooltip when in a Location that fails to return a mapID (fixes #1707)
- Classic: Fixed Item cost logic on gold-cost Items (fixed #1833)
- Parser: Fixed tabel reference for non-en FlightPathNames
- Add Mtn Dew promo itemids, start adding some 11.0.7 meta achievements, fix some reported errors
4.1.5 (2024-11-04)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- parse and added belt
- cata (again)
- classic parses
- Revert "[Localization] update Shatter Point." (#1832)
- Fix Malown's Slam and wrongly priced Hallow's End toy
- Update Hallow's End.lua
Little Wickerman cost 100 tricky treat - Added a table for specific Events which should never be put on a Runner as they will be used for user-based UI interactions
- Adjusted some debug prints for upcoming Events
- Retail: Minilist data is now temporarily cached when changing maps, and quickly re-entering a cached map/zone will swap the existing data back into the list without re-triggering a Rebuild or Full Update of the minilist (e.g. moving back into a recent map within a minute since it was left will be much smoother now)
- Fixed a couple wonky DATAS situations which caused categories to randomly have differences
- Parser: Timeline inheritance logic converted into generic logic controlled by .config files (more fields will eventually be migrated to this design instead of being arbitrarily performed in hardcoded Parser logic)
Added some config info to the Classic configs - Parser: Added a new hierarchical field handling type: Any Propogation (i.e. if any child group has a value in the field, then copy it to the parent)
Parser: Cleaned up Timeline handling & logging output
Parser: Processing sequence now passes through the parent data as well (this can be used in the future to improve other hierarchical persistence of data more cleanly)
Parser: timeline values now persist down data hierarchy if not specifically defined (i.e. like automatic bubbleDown)
Parser: timelines which have an added value later than their parent with a removed timeline can potentially cause the parent to not be removed (caveats: child is added in a patch earlier than the removed of the parent, or any inherited/defaulted timelines will be ignored)
Parser: rwp values will now be captured for previously-removed content (previously it only captured rwp values for future removal patches)
Parser: Fixed a potential logic issue where hierarchical processing could perform incorrect hierarchical changes (no evidence this actually happened anywhere) - Fixed a bunch of vague or inaccurate timeline values based on some Parser changes for timeline handling
- Fixed some timelines based on some new timeline handling in Parser (soon, more to fix)
- Dropped races field from Tricky Treat.
Fixed 19th anniversary unobtainable stuff. - Setup some 11.0.7 meta achievements
4.1.4a (2024-11-04)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- Revert "[Localization] update Shatter Point."