Extracts subcatchment polygons and routing between subcatchments from a SWMM input file (*.inp). The tool saves the subcatchments as a polygon shapefile and the routing between the subcatchment polygon centroids as a line shapefile.
This utility tool is suitable for any SWMM5 input file, i.e., it is not restricted to GisToSWMM5 generated files.
The subcatchment polygon shapefile has the following attributes:
Name | Attribute | Unit |
Name | Name of the subcatchment | - |
Rgage | Name of rain gage assigned to subcatchment | - |
OutID | Name of node or subcatchment that receives runoff from subcatchment | - |
Area | Subcatchment area | m2 |
Imperv_pct | Imperviousness of subcatchment | % |
Width | Characteristic width of subcatchment | m |
Slope | Subcatchment slope | % |
Clength | Total curb length | m |
Nimp | Manning's n for overland flow over the impervious sub-area | - |
Nperv | Manning's n for overland flow over the pervious sub-area | - |
Simp | Depression storage for impervious sub-area | mm |
Sperv | Depression storage for pervious sub-area | mm |
Zero_pct | Percent of impervious area with no depression storage | % |
RouteTo | Defines routing between pervious and impervious areas inside the subacathment | - |
If Horton infiltration model is used, the shapefile will also have the following attributes:
Name | Attribute | Unit |
MaxRate | Maximum infiltration rate on Horton curve | mm/h |
MinRate | Minimum infiltration rate on Horton curve | mm/h |
Decay | Decay rate constant of Horton curve | 1/h |
DryTime | Time it takes for fully saturated soil to dry | d |
MaxInf | Maximum infiltration volume possible | mm |
If Green-Ampt infiltration model is used, the shapefile will also have the following attributes:
Name | Attribute | Unit |
Psi | Soil capillary suction | mm |
Ksat | Soil saturated hydraulic conductivity | mm/h |
IMD | Initial soil moisture deficit | - |
If the landuse for each subcatchment is specified as a comment in the inp-file, the shapefile will also have the following attribute:
Name | Attribute |
landuse | Landuse for the subcatchment |
If there are LID's in use on any of the subcatchments, the shapefile will also have the following attributes:
Name | Attribute | Unit |
LID | Name of an LID process | - |
LIDNumber | Number of replicate LID units deployed | - |
LIDArea | Area of each replicate unit | m2 |
LIDWidth | Width of the outflow face of each identical LID unit | m |
LIDInitSat | Degree of initially water filling in the unit's soil | % |
LIDFromImp | Percent of the impervious portion of the subcatchment’s non-LID area whose runoff is treated by the LID practice | % |
LIDToPerv | A value indicating whether (1 ) or not (0 )the surface and drain flow from the LID unit should be routed back onto the pervious area of the subcatchment that contains it. |
- |
If tags have been specified for any of the subcatchments, the shapefile will also have the following attribute:
Name | Attribute |
Tag | Tag for the subcatchment |
The subcatchment routing shapefile has the following attributes:
Name | Attribute |
from | Name of the origin subcatchment |
to | Name of the target subcatchment/node |
Extracts subcatchment polygons and node points from a SWMM5 input file (*.inp) together with subcatchment and node simulation results from the corresponding SWMM5 report file (by default *.rpt). The tool merges the information and saves the subcatchment results as a polygon shapefile and node results as point shapefile.
This utility tool is suitable for any SWMM5 input/report file, i.e., it is not restricted to GisToSWMM5 generated files.
The subcatchment results polygon shapefile has the following attributes:
Name | Attribute | Unit |
name | Name of the subcatchment | - |
precip_mm | Total precipitation | mm |
runon_mm | Total runon | mm |
evap_mm | Total evaporation | mm |
infil_mm | Total infiltration | mm |
runoff_mm | Total runoff | mm |
runoff_ML | Total runoff | 10^6 l |
Q_peak_LPS | Peak runoff | l/s |
Cr | Runoff coefficient | - |
If there are LID's in use on any of the subcatchments, the shapefile will also have the following attributes:
Name | Attribute | Unit |
LID | LID Control | - |
LQin_mm | LID total inflow volume | mm |
Levap_mm | LID evaporation loss | mm |
Linfil_mm | LID infiltration loss | mm |
LQout_S_mm | LID surface outflow | mm |
LQout_D_mm | LID underdrain outflow | mm |
LIniSto_mm | LID initial storage volume | mm |
LFinSto_mm | LID final storage volume | mm |
LError_pct | LID continuity error | % |
Note: all quantities are expressed as depths (in or mm) over the LID unit’s surface area. |
If subcatchment washoff has been simulated, the shapefile will also have attributes describing total mass of each pollutant washed off the subcatchment (kg).
The node results point shapefile has the following attributes:
Name | Attribute | Unit |
name | Name of the node | - |
type | Type of the node | - |
avgDepth | Node average water depth | m |
maxDepth | Node maximum water depth | m |
maxHGL | Node maximum hydraulic head (HGL) elevation | m |
maxDTime | Time of maximum water depth at node | - |
repMaxD | Node maximum water depth at reporting times | m |
maxLatIn | Node maximum lateral inflow | l/s |
maxTotIn | Node maximum total inflow | l/s |
maxInTime | Time of maximum total inflow at node | - |
latInVol | Node total lateral inflow volume | 10^6 l |
totInVol | Node total inflow volume | 10^6 l |
error_pct | Node flow balance error | % |
Note: Total inflow consists of lateral inflow plus inflow from connecting links. |
If there are any surcharged nodes, the shapefile will also have the following attributes
Name | Attribute | Unit |
surchgDur | The time node is surcharged | h |
maxHAC | Maximum height of surcharge above node’s crown | m |
minDBR | Minimum depth of surcharge below node’s top rim | m |
Note: surcharging occurs when water rises above the crown of the highest conduit. |
If there are any flooding nodes, the shapefile will also have the following attributes
Name | Attribute | Unit |
floodedDur | Time node is flooded | h |
maxFldRate | Node maximum flooding rate | l/s |
maxFldTime | Time of maximum flooding at node | - |
totFldVol | Node total flood volume | 10^6 l |
maxPondD | Node maximum depth of ponded surface water | m |
Note: flooding refers to all water that overflows a node, whether it ponds or not. |
Collates time series data from a given link (in several) SWMM5 report file(s) into a single .csv file.
This utility tool is suitable for any SWMM5 report file, i.e., it is not restricted to GisToSWMM5 generated files.
Creates a shapefile of adaptive subcatchments with given subcatchment attributes using the information from "[PATH TO OUTPUT BASE FILENAME]_subcatchments.asc" and "[PATH TO OUTPUT BASE FILENAME]_subcatchments_attr.wkt" files.
Extracts subcatchment summary results from the SWMM5 report file (by default *.rpt) and presents them as subcatchment attributes in a Well-Known-Text file.
Particularly useful for creating subcatchment runoff results shapefile from adaptive model results, as this shapefile cannot be directly produced using the *.inp and *.rpt files. To produce the shapefile, first create a *.wkt file of subcatchment runoff results using ExtractSubcatchmentResults.py and then use adap2shp.py with the "[PATH TO OUTPUT BASE FILENAME]_subcatchments.asc" and the newly created *.wkt file as inputs to produce the final shapefile.
Converts all .wkt files in a given folder into shapefiles (e.g. for ArcMap).