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Spectacular AI C++ SDK for OAK-D

You can find the non-commercial C++ SDK for OAK-D from

For commercial licenses and version for other OS and CPU architectures, contact us at


Quick start

  1. Unpack the SDK archive

  2. Install the system dependencies

    sudo apt install zlib libstdc++ libusb-1.0-0-dev
  3. Attach your OAK-D device to a USB3 port, using a USB3 cable

  4. (optional smoke test) Run the JSONL example:

    cd bin
    # Now you should see rapidly flowing JSONL text
    # press Ctrl+C to exit
  5. Run the Python example (in the bin directory)

    pip install matplotlib # install dependencies
  6. Move the OAK-D around, avoid pointing at blank walls or covering the cameras. The plotted trajectory should follow the movement of the device.

Installation as a library

  1. Install the system dependencies as instructed in "Quick start"

  2. Select where you want the library installed, e.g.,

    export MY_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/.local
    # or: export MY_INSTALL_PREFIX=`pwd`/installed
  3. Run make PREFIX=$MY_INSTALL_PREFIX install (or sudo make install)

  4. Make sure you have CMake and Git (sudo apt install cmake git)

  5. Build the example using CMake

    make PREFIX=$MY_INSTALL_PREFIX examples

Running on specific hardware


Running on Jetson (Nano) requires some additional steps in order to get the SDK working. Luxonis has more detailed at, but below are the minimum required steps.

Open a terminal window and run the following commands:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo reboot now

Change the size of your SWAP. These instructions come from the Getting Started with AI on Jetson from Nvidia:

# Disable ZRAM:
sudo systemctl disable nvzramconfig

# Create 4GB swap file
sudo fallocate -l 4G /mnt/4GB.swap
sudo chmod 600 /mnt/4GB.swap
sudo mkswap /mnt/4GB.swap

(Optional) If you have an issue with the final command, you can try the following:

sudo vi /etc/fstab

# Add this line at the bottom of the file
/mnt/4GB.swap swap swap defaults 0 0

# Reboot
sudo reboot now


Quick start

  1. Unpack the SDK archive

  2. Attach your OAK-D device to a USB3 port, using a USB3 cable

  3. (optional smoke test) Run the JSONL example:

    cd bin
    # Now you should see rapidly flowing JSONL text
    # press Ctrl+C to exit
  4. Run the Python example (in the bin directory)

    pip install matplotlib # install dependencies
  5. Move the OAK-D around, avoid pointing at blank walls or covering the cameras. The plotted trajectory should follow the movement of the device.

Using as a library

You need to install following tools if you don't already have them:

Now you are all set to use the VIO plugin. Let's compile the example to see it works:

cd examples
mkdir target
cd target

To properly pass arguments to cmake in PowerShell we need a bit more elaborate command, depending on the shell you are using pick A) or B). A) In PowerShell: Start-Process cmake -ArgumentList "-G ""Visual Studio 16 2019"" -A x64 -DspectacularAI_depthaiPlugin_DIR=..\lib\cmake\spectacularAI -Ddepthai_DIR=..\lib\cmake\depthai .." -NoNewWindow

B) In Git Bash or similar: cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -DspectacularAI_depthaiPlugin_DIR=../lib/cmake/spectacularAI -Ddepthai_DIR=../lib/cmake/depthai ..

Then execute the build:

cmake --build . --config Release -- -m

Finally running the vio_jsonl.exe should give you the pose of the OAK-D device in real time:

cd Release

Example output:


License information

See share/doc/spectacularAI_depthaiPlugin/LICENSE for copyright notices that must be included in all software using this SDK.