Releases: Accenture/Ocaramba
Version 3.2.10
Fixed support of net 4.5,
fixed support for Symbol snupkg
Version 3.2.9
Added support of net 4.5,
Added possibility to EnableVerboseLogging for Chrome,
Added support for Edge Chromium.Fixes #123,
Removed OpenCover,
Added support for for debugging and Symbol snupkg
Version 3.2.8
Updated net. core to version 3.1.
Removed Microsoft.AnalysisServices and System.Data.SqlClient from OcarambaLite
Fixed TestOutput paths.
Updated Documentation project.
Added ExecutingTestsOnDocker
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration 3.1.2
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json 3.1.2
Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk Version 16.5.0
System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager 4.7.0
Version 3.2.7
Creation of lighten version of Ocaramba - Ocaramba Lite - without selenium drivers.
Previous Ocaramba package works without any changes.
Version 3.2.6
Added GetBrowserDriversFolder method to solve problem in .net Core and Selenium with finding drivers in bin folder.
Updated Dockerfile.
Fixed nlog path on linux.
Enabled SeleniumScreenShotEnabled on L.inux
Set proper path to datadriven on linux.
Added icon logo, added PackageIconUrl for Nuget package.
Fixed reference to NLog.Web.AspNetCore.
Replace Selenium.WebDriver.GeckoDriver.Win64 by Selenium.WebDriver.GeckoDriver.
Added FirefoxArguments to appsettings.json.
Version 3.2.5
Added support for .NET Core 2.2
Changed .NET Framework from 4.5 to 4.7.2
Updated SpecFlow to version 3.0.22
Version 3.1.17
Added Capabilities to remote web driver to use proxies.
Added options to control different proxies, - to do - maybe move it to separate config file.
Added option to control remote webdriver timeout
Version 3.1.16
Set Ocaramba.Features, Ocaramba.MsTest, Ocaramba.Nunit and Ocaramba.Xunit as [DEPRECATED],
Use Install-Package Ocaramba
Added Ocaramba.nuspec.
Replaced Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient by Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.retail.amd64.
Updated Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver.75.0.3770.140.
Version 3.1.15
Fixed execution test on Edge, added CreateDefaultService, more details here
Added executing tests when setting path to folder with drivers
fixed links to
Updated EWSoftware.SHFB 2019.4.14
NUnit.Console 3.10.0
NUnit.ConsoleRunner 3.10.0
NUnit.Runners 3.10.0
NUnit3TestAdapter 3.13.0
Selenium.WebDriver.IEDriver 3.141.59
Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver 73.0.3683.68
Selenium.WebDriver.GeckoDriver.Win64 0.24.0
Version 3.1.14
Breaking change:
Renamed Objectivity.Test.Automation to Ocaramba framework
Uninstall previous packages:
Install-Package Ocaramba.Features or
Install-Package Ocaramba.MsTest or
Install-Package Ocaramba.NUnit or
Install-Package Ocaramba.xUnit
Replace "using Objectivity.Test.Automation.Common" to "using Ocaramba"