The component internally uses highlight.js
to highlight the markdown code blocks. To reduce the size of the component, it only uses the configuration for 3 languages: json
, yaml
and bash
. The rest are rendered as plain text. However, the package provides the instance of the highlight.js
outside the package with which you can, for example, add a custom language configuration.
To add configuration for an additional language, import configuration from highlight.js/lib/languages/{LANGUAGE}
is a language name and load it using the registerLanguage
function. There is a list of supported languages.
See how to add a configuration in the example below:
import AsyncApiComponent, { hljs } from "@asyncapi/react-component";
import csharp from 'highlight.js/lib/languages/csharp';
hljs.registerLanguage('csharp', csharp);
// And then you can use the comppnent.
render(<AsyncApiComponent schema={schema} config={config} />, document.getElementById("root"));
NOTE: You need to load the configuration before rendering the component.