Aceinna Cloud server includes Aceinna Network, Aceinna Computing Server and Aceinna Ntrip Caster. Aceinna Cloud server provides high precision correction data in an open standard format (RTCM) simply by connecting any GNSS-enabled devices over internet. This correction data are used on the GNSS device to enhance its position even down to a centimetre based on RTK technology. The advantages clearly outperform the old and complicated process of reference station setup and maintenance. Furthermore, Aceinna Cloud server also supports cloudRTK mode, instead of receiving correction data, GNSS device transmits observation to Aceinna Cloud server. Aceinna Computing Server will do RTK for customers and return centimetre-level position.
The following pages cover:
- Aceinna Network Coverage
- API key generation
- Ntrip configuration
- RTK/Cloud RTK
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: Network/coverage Network/getapikey Network/ntripconfi Network/rtk_cloudrtk