Note the usage of OpenRTK330 is described with the OpenRTK330 EVK. There are two types of user APP provided to interact with both the module and a NTRIP server over the internet providing GNSS correction data for RTK positioning:
PC: using the Ethernet interface
Ethernet connectivity between module and NTRIP server with a lightweight TCP/IP stack embedded in firmware
Module settings on positioning parameters and user configuration with a web GUI embedded in firmware
Map and positioning information display on the online web GUI ("OpenRTK Monitor") of Aceinna developer website
Android: the "OpenRTK" Android App with the following contents
The following two subsections cover the detailed steps of using the two types of user App.
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: useOpenRTK/On-a-PC useOpenRTK/Go-Mobile useOpenRTK/EVK-Vehicle-Installation