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Akamai CLI: Client Access Control Module

This module enables the use of Client Access Control (CAC) in the Akamai CLI tool

API Permissions

Please ensure your API client has access to the "Client Access Control" API (you may need to create a separate API client)


To install, use Akamai CLI:

$akamai install

You may also use this as a stand-alone command by cloning this repository and compiling it yourself.


$akamai cac [global flags] Commands

Global Flags

  • --edgerc value — Location of the credentials file (default: user's directory like "/Users/apadmana") [$AKAMAI_EDGERC]
  • --section value — Section of the credentials file (default: "default") [$AKAMAI_EDGERC_SECTION]
  • --debug - -d - prints debug information
  • --verbose - Print verbose information
  • --version, -v — Print the version
  • --help, -h — Show help


  • list-configurations — Lists all Client Access Control (CAC) configurations to which you have access. Output can be formatted as JSON, or text tables (default); which is a human readable ascii table showing the policy name, creation date and creation user (useful for inventorying purposes).
  • get-configuration — Retrieves a given CAC configuration for a specific configuration id (output can be saved into a file)
  • acknowledge-cidr - Acknowledge the Proposed CIDRs.

Required arguments: --configuration-id <config_id> --version <config_version>



This displays the usage of CAC akamai CLI.

$akamai cac --help
usage: akamai-cac [-h] [--verbose] [--debug] [--edgerc credentials_file]
                  [--section credentials_file_section]
                  [--accountSwitchKey Account Switch Key]
                  {list-configurations,get-configuration,acknowledge-cidr} ...

Process command line options.

positional arguments:
                        List all Configurations
    get-configuration   Gets a specific configuration
    acknowledge-cidr    Acknowledge CIDR

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --verbose, -v         Verbose mode
  --debug, -d           Debug mode (prints HTTP headers)
  --edgerc credentials_file, -e credentials_file
                        Location of the credentials file (default is
  --section credentials_file_section, -c credentials_file_section
                        Credentials file Section's name to use
  --accountSwitchKey Account Switch Key, -a Account Switch Key
                        Switch key to different account

Usage of list-configurations Command

This shows how to use list-configurations.

$ akamai cac list-configurations -h
$ akamai cac list-configurations --help
usage: akamai-cac list-configurations [-h] [--output-type json/text]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output-type json/text, -t json/text
                        Output type {json, text}. Default is text

List All the CAC Configurations

This shows all the CAC Configurations in the Account.

$ akamai cac --section default list-configurations
|          Config Name           |         Config Id         |             Description             |
|         TestAchuth-CAC         |           4240            |              Test Cac               |
| |           1192            |    Test config for symantec crl     |
|              xml               |                           |                                     |

List All the CAC Configurations in Json Format

This shows all the CAC Configurations in the Account in Json Format.

$ akamai cac --section default list-configurations --output-type json
    "configurationId": 4240,
    "name": "TestAchuth-CAC",
    "description": "Test Cac",
    "currentCidrs": {
      "cidrs": [
      "acknowledgeDate": "2020-08-04T14:04:37+0000",
      "version": 0
    "proposedCidrs": []
    "configurationId": 1192,
    "name": "",
    "description": "Test config for symantec crl",
    "currentCidrs": null,
    "proposedCidrs": []

List of all CAC Configurations with verbose mode.

Retrieve a list of all CAC configurations along with verbose mode

$ akamai cac --section default --verbose list-configurations

    "configurationId": 4240,
    "name": "TestAchuth-CAC",
    "description": "Test Cac",
    "currentCidrs": {
      "cidrs": [
      "acknowledgeDate": "2020-08-04T14:04:37+0000",
      "version": 0
    "proposedCidrs": []
    "configurationId": 1192,
    "name": "",
    "description": "Test config for symantec crl",
    "currentCidrs": null,
    "proposedCidrs": []

LOG: GET /client-access-control/v1/configurations 200 application/json;charset=UTF-8
|          Config Name           |         Config Id         |             Description             |
|         TestAchuth-CAC         |           4240            |              Test Cac               |
| |           1192            |    Test config for symantec crl     |
|              xml               |                           |                                     |

List of all CAC Configurations with debug mode.

This command displays list of the CAC configurations in debug mode which prints the HTTP headers.

$ akamai cac --section default --debug list-configurations

DEBUG:akamai.edgegrid.edgegrid:unsigned authorization header: EG1-HMAC-SHA256 client_token=akab-7akt7o5towbbkhzs-rlzj3dxkhvon6vwt;access_token=akab-7ea2zqjjsq726chb-4lcohffx5lcedzsl;timestamp=20200806T06:23:07+0000;nonce=c92f299c-819d-4b70-bf32-f220d238efe2;
DEBUG:akamai.edgegrid.edgegrid:body is ''
DEBUG:akamai.edgegrid.edgegrid:content hash is ''
DEBUG:akamai.edgegrid.edgegrid:data to sign: GET\thttps\\t/client-access-control/v1/configurations\t\t\tEG1-HMAC-SHA256 client_token=akab-7akt7o5towbbkhzs-rlzj3dxkhvon6vwt;access_token=akab-7ea2zqjjsq726chb-4lcohffx5lcedzsl;timestamp=20200806T06:23:07+0000;nonce=c92f299c-819d-4b70-bf32-f220d238efe2;
DEBUG:akamai.edgegrid.edgegrid:signing key: BqxyAybKEnH5ryOXmLjdoUaE1iH3ccVgd093dp3gTGc=
DEBUG:akamai.edgegrid.edgegrid:signed authorization header: EG1-HMAC-SHA256 client_token=akab-7akt7o5towbbkhzs-rlzj3dxkhvon6vwt;access_token=akab-7ea2zqjjsq726chb-4lcohffx5lcedzsl;timestamp=20200806T06:23:07+0000;nonce=c92f299c-819d-4b70-bf32-f220d238efe2;signature=ILA6gYI+OYTcJKqH+VWv3VOPe7Qq9Q5i8+C6H2QlVfw=
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
send: b'GET /client-access-control/v1/configurations HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nUser-Agent: AkamaiCLI\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\nAccept: */*\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nAuthorization: EG1-HMAC-SHA256 client_token=akab-7akt7o5towbbkhzs-rlzj3dxkhvon6vwt;access_token=akab-7ea2zqjjsq726chb-4lcohffx5lcedzsl;timestamp=20200806T06:23:07+0000;nonce=c92f299c-819d-4b70-bf32-f220d238efe2;signature=ILA6gYI+OYTcJKqH+VWv3VOPe7Qq9Q5i8+C6H2QlVfw=\r\n\r\n'
reply: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool: "GET /client-access-control/v1/configurations HTTP/1.1" 200 342
header: X-Content-Type-Options header: X-XSS-Protection header: Cache-Control header: Pragma header: Expires header: X-Frame-Options header: Content-Type header: X-Trace-Id header: Content-Length header: Date header: Connection +--------------------------------+---------------------------+-------------------------------------+
|          Config Name           |         Config Id         |             Description             |
|         TestAchuth-CAC         |           4240            |              Test Cac               |
| |           1192            |    Test config for symantec crl     |
|              xml               |                           |                                     |

Usage of Get-configurations Command

This shows how to use get particular CAC configuration detail.

$ akamai cac get-configuration --h
$ akamai cac get-configuration --help
usage: akamai-cac get-configuration [-h] [--output-file file_name]
                                    [--output-type json/text]

positional arguments:
  id                    Config id to retrieve

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output-file file_name, -f file_name
                        Save output to a file
  --output-type json/text, -t json/text
                        Output type {json, text}. Default is text

Get-configurations Command

This shows how to get particular CAC configuration Detail in text format.

$akamai cac --section default get-configuration 4240
Retrieving: 4240
|          Config Name           |         Config Id         |            Current CIDRs            |           Proposed CIDRs            |
|         TestAchuth-CAC         |           4240            |            ['']            |                 {}                  |

Get-configurations Command in Json

This shows how to get particular CAC configuration Detail in text format.

$akamai cac --section default get-configuration 4240 --output-type json
Retrieving: 4240
  "configurationId": 4240,
  "name": "TestAchuth-CAC",
  "description": "Test Cac",
  "currentCidrs": {
    "cidrs": [
    "acknowledgeDate": "2020-08-04T14:04:37+0000",
    "version": 0
  "proposedCidrs": []

Get-configurations output to a text file

This shows how to get particular CAC configuration and output to a text file.

$akamai cac --section default get-configuration 4240 --output-file conf.txt
Retrieving: 4240

Acknowledge CIDRs Help

This shows how to use Acknowledge CIDR command.

akamai cac --section default acknowledge-cidr --h
usage: akamai-cac acknowledge-cidr [-h] [--output-type json/text]
                                   config_id version_id

positional arguments:
  config_id             Config id to Acknowledge
  version_id            Version id to Acknowledge

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output-type json/text, -t json/text
                        Output type {json, text}. Default is text

####Acknowledge CIDRs This command is used to acknowlege a CIDR Block.

$akamai cac --section default acknowledge-cidr 4240 1
Are you sure:[Y/N]Y
Attempting to Acknowlede the CIDR block.........
Successfully Acknowledged