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Sofia 2014 Act BOF

Todd Rinaldo edited this page Aug 26, 2014 · 4 revisions

A holding pen for ideas, for the moment.

  • DrForr just ran across KonOpas which is a convention scheduling display tool used for WorldCon. Open source and has the fun JS and infinite scrolling fu that people seem to have come to expect from their websites.
  • DrForr also has some notions as to how to do scheduling. Interactive tools like Google Spreadsheets and Trello boards are good, but are too inflexible and too variable for scheduling needs. Cells should be sized based on their duration, not their title. And being able to pin cells to a fixed grid such as what you get with hashgrid.js lets you visualize the schedule layout much more cleanly.
  • [ | Notes from the BoF in Asheville at YAPC::NA 2011]

=== Some (incomplete) notes by [user:domm] ===

  • Theo: instead of adding new features to the very old ACT core, we should rewrite it using modern stuff
  • What about Getty's effort?
  • First Milestone? DBIx::Class?
  • Backwards Compat? * Render the old conferences in static HTML and archive that * Future events can use the new version as soon as it's available
  • One instance or many instances? * one "master" ACT server, local instances should sync * offline version
  • Decentraliziation is a side-effekt of a proper API ([user:sawyer_x])
  • ACT Hackathon 9th/10th May 2015, Oslo (near to Nordic Perl Workshop) ([user:sjn]) * add features to current version * make signup easier * sane templates * basic tests * Docker image * => installable & usable for users
  • Come up with a new API based on the data
  • ignore the act code and use the act data
  • keep hacking on current one, and do a rewrite
  • don't throw the old stuff away, build new stuff in steps while keeping the old code, link it via Plack
  • First thing should be to get ACT running with Plack, so we can mount the old ACT and a new ACT as two apps *
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