diff --git a/doc/Makefile b/doc/Makefile index fc07ac3..14b124c 100644 --- a/doc/Makefile +++ b/doc/Makefile @@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ clean: %.pdf: $(SPHINXBUILD) -b latex $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/$*/pdf - cp $(SOURCEDIR)/share/sphinx.sty $(BUILDDIR)/$*/pdf $(MAKE) -C $(BUILDDIR)/$*/pdf all-pdf LATEXOPTS="-interaction=nonstopmode" %.txt: diff --git a/doc/share/conf.py b/doc/share/conf.py index 9abc20b..df19a8c 100644 --- a/doc/share/conf.py +++ b/doc/share/conf.py @@ -86,9 +86,12 @@ def get_version(): latex_elements.PAGE_BLANK + latex_elements.TOC_CMD + latex_elements.LATEX_HYPHEN + - latex_elements.doc_settings(DOCS[doc_name]['title'], - get_version()), - 'tableofcontents': latex_elements.TOC} + latex_elements.doc_settings(DOCS[doc_name]['title'], get_version()) + + latex_elements.FOOTER, + 'tableofcontents': latex_elements.TOC +} + +latex_table_style = ["standard", "colorrows"] latex_documents = [ (master_doc, '%s.tex' % doc_name, project, u'AdaCore', 'manual')] @@ -99,5 +102,5 @@ def get_version(): def setup(app): - app.add_lexer('ada', ada_pygments.AdaLexer()) - app.add_lexer('gpr', ada_pygments.GNATProjectLexer()) + app.add_lexer('ada', ada_pygments.AdaLexer) + app.add_lexer('gpr', ada_pygments.GNATProjectLexer) diff --git a/doc/share/latex_elements.py b/doc/share/latex_elements.py index cf8fbe1..e64c852 100644 --- a/doc/share/latex_elements.py +++ b/doc/share/latex_elements.py @@ -57,6 +57,27 @@ \tolerance=1000 ''' +FOOTER = r""" +\usepackage{titleref} + +\makeatletter +\@ifundefined{fancyhf}{}{ + \fancypagestyle{normal}{ + \fancyhf{} + % Define footers + \fancyfoot[LE,RO]{{\py@HeaderFamily\thepage}} + \fancyfoot[LO,RE]{\TR@currentTitle} + } + \fancypagestyle{plain}{ + \fancyhf{} + % Define footers + \fancyfoot[LE,RO]{{\py@HeaderFamily\thepage}} + \fancyfoot[LO,RE]{\TR@currentTitle} + } +} +\makeatother +""" + def doc_settings(full_document_name, version): return '\n'.join([ diff --git a/doc/share/sphinx.sty b/doc/share/sphinx.sty deleted file mode 100644 index 4b637a9..0000000 --- a/doc/share/sphinx.sty +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1960 +0,0 @@ -% -% sphinx.sty -% -% Adapted from the old python.sty, mostly written by Fred Drake, -% by Georg Brandl. -% - -\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1995/12/01] -\ProvidesPackage{sphinx}[2019/09/02 v2.3.0 LaTeX package (Sphinx markup)] - -% provides \ltx@ifundefined -% (many packages load ltxcmds: graphicx does for pdftex and lualatex but -% not xelatex, and anyhow kvoptions does, but it may be needed in future to -% use \sphinxdeprecationwarning earlier, and it needs \ltx@ifundefined) -\RequirePackage{ltxcmds} - -%% for deprecation warnings -\newcommand\sphinxdeprecationwarning[4]{% #1 the deprecated macro or name, -% #2 = when deprecated, #3 = when removed, #4 = additional info - \edef\spx@tempa{\detokenize{#1}}% - \ltx@ifundefined{sphinx_depr_\spx@tempa}{% - \global\expandafter\let\csname sphinx_depr_\spx@tempa\endcsname\spx@tempa - \expandafter\AtEndDocument\expandafter{\expandafter\let\expandafter - \sphinxdeprecatedmacro\csname sphinx_depr_\spx@tempa\endcsname - \PackageWarningNoLine{sphinx}{^^J**** SPHINX DEPRECATION WARNING:^^J - \sphinxdeprecatedmacro^^J - \@spaces- is deprecated at Sphinx #2^^J - \@spaces- and removed at Sphinx #3.^^J - #4^^J****}}% - }{% warning already emitted (at end of latex log), don't repeat - }} - - -%% PACKAGES -% -% we delay handling of options to after having loaded packages, because -% of the need to use \definecolor. -\RequirePackage{graphicx} -\@ifclassloaded{memoir}{}{\RequirePackage{fancyhdr}} -% for \text macro and \iffirstchoice@ conditional even if amsmath not loaded -\RequirePackage{amstext} -\RequirePackage{textcomp}% "warn" option issued from template -\RequirePackage[nobottomtitles*]{titlesec} -\@ifpackagelater{titlesec}{2016/03/15}% - {\@ifpackagelater{titlesec}{2016/03/21}% - {}% - {\newif\ifsphinx@ttlpatch@ok - \IfFileExists{etoolbox.sty}{% - \RequirePackage{etoolbox}% - \patchcmd{\ttlh@hang}{\parindent\z@}{\parindent\z@\leavevmode}% - {\sphinx@ttlpatch@oktrue}{}% - \ifsphinx@ttlpatch@ok - \patchcmd{\ttlh@hang}{\noindent}{}{}{\sphinx@ttlpatch@okfalse}% - \fi - }{}% - \ifsphinx@ttlpatch@ok - \typeout{^^J Package Sphinx Info: ^^J - **** titlesec 2.10.1 successfully patched for bugfix ****^^J}% - \else - \AtEndDocument{\PackageWarningNoLine{sphinx}{^^J% -******** titlesec 2.10.1 has a bug, (section numbers disappear) ......|^^J% -******** and Sphinx could not patch it, perhaps because your local ...|^^J% -******** copy is already fixed without a changed release date. .......|^^J% -******** If not, you must update titlesec! ...........................|}}% - \fi - }% - }{} -\RequirePackage{tabulary} -% tabulary has a bug with its re-definition of \multicolumn in its first pass -% which is not \long. But now Sphinx does not use LaTeX's \multicolumn but its -% own macro. Hence we don't even need to patch tabulary. See sphinxmulticell.sty -% X or S (Sphinx) may have meanings if some table package is loaded hence -% \X was chosen to avoid possibility of conflict -\newcolumntype{\X}[2]{p{\dimexpr - (\linewidth-\arrayrulewidth)*#1/#2-\tw@\tabcolsep-\arrayrulewidth\relax}} -\newcolumntype{\Y}[1]{p{\dimexpr - #1\dimexpr\linewidth-\arrayrulewidth\relax-\tw@\tabcolsep-\arrayrulewidth\relax}} -% using here T (for Tabulary) feels less of a problem than the X could be -\newcolumntype{T}{J}% -% For tables allowing pagebreaks -\RequirePackage{longtable} -% User interface to set-up whitespace before and after tables: -\newcommand*\sphinxtablepre {0pt}% -\newcommand*\sphinxtablepost{\medskipamount}% -% Space from caption baseline to top of table or frame of literal-block -\newcommand*\sphinxbelowcaptionspace{.5\sphinxbaselineskip}% -% as one can not use \baselineskip from inside longtable (it is zero there) -% we need \sphinxbaselineskip, which defaults to \baselineskip -\def\sphinxbaselineskip{\baselineskip}% -% The following is to ensure that, whether tabular(y) or longtable: -% - if a caption is on top of table: -% a) the space between its last baseline and the top rule of table is -% exactly \sphinxbelowcaptionspace -% b) the space from last baseline of previous text to first baseline of -% caption is exactly \parskip+\baselineskip+ height of a strut. -% c) the caption text will wrap at width \LTcapwidth (4in) -% - make sure this works also if "caption" package is loaded by user -% (with its width or margin option taking place of \LTcapwidth role) -% TODO: obtain same for caption of literal block: a) & c) DONE, b) TO BE DONE -% -% To modify space below such top caption, adjust \sphinxbelowcaptionspace -% To add or remove space above such top caption, adjust \sphinxtablepre: -% notice that \abovecaptionskip, \belowcaptionskip, \LTpre are **ignored** -% A. Table with longtable -\def\sphinxatlongtablestart - {\par - \vskip\parskip - \vskip\dimexpr\sphinxtablepre\relax % adjust vertical position - \vbox{}% get correct baseline from above - \LTpre\z@skip\LTpost\z@skip % set to zero longtable's own skips - \edef\sphinxbaselineskip{\dimexpr\the\dimexpr\baselineskip\relax\relax}% - }% -% Compatibility with caption package -\def\sphinxthelongtablecaptionisattop{% - \spx@ifcaptionpackage{\noalign{\vskip-\belowcaptionskip}}{}% -}% -% Achieves exactly \sphinxbelowcaptionspace below longtable caption -\def\sphinxlongtablecapskipadjust - {\dimexpr-\dp\strutbox - -\spx@ifcaptionpackage{\abovecaptionskip}{\sphinxbaselineskip}% - +\sphinxbelowcaptionspace\relax}% -\def\sphinxatlongtableend{\@nobreakfalse % latex3/latex2e#173 - \prevdepth\z@\vskip\sphinxtablepost\relax}% -% B. Table with tabular or tabulary -\def\sphinxattablestart{\par\vskip\dimexpr\sphinxtablepre\relax}% -\let\sphinxattableend\sphinxatlongtableend -% This is used by tabular and tabulary templates -\newcommand*\sphinxcapstartof[1]{% - \vskip\parskip - \vbox{}% force baselineskip for good positioning by capstart of hyperanchor - % hyperref puts the anchor 6pt above this baseline; in case of caption - % this baseline will be \ht\strutbox above first baseline of caption - \def\@captype{#1}% - \capstart -% move back vertically, as tabular (or its caption) will compensate - \vskip-\baselineskip\vskip-\parskip -}% -\def\sphinxthecaptionisattop{% locate it after \sphinxcapstartof - \spx@ifcaptionpackage - {\caption@setposition{t}% - \vskip\baselineskip\vskip\parskip % undo those from \sphinxcapstartof - \vskip-\belowcaptionskip % anticipate caption package skip - % caption package uses a \vbox, not a \vtop, so "single line" case - % gives different result from "multi-line" without this: - \nointerlineskip - }% - {}% -}% -\def\sphinxthecaptionisatbottom{% (not finalized; for template usage) - \spx@ifcaptionpackage{\caption@setposition{b}}{}% -}% -% The aim of \sphinxcaption is to apply to tabular(y) the maximal width -% of caption as done by longtable -\def\sphinxtablecapwidth{\LTcapwidth}% -\newcommand\sphinxcaption{\@dblarg\spx@caption}% -\long\def\spx@caption[#1]#2{% - \noindent\hb@xt@\linewidth{\hss - \vtop{\@tempdima\dimexpr\sphinxtablecapwidth\relax -% don't exceed linewidth for the caption width - \ifdim\@tempdima>\linewidth\hsize\linewidth\else\hsize\@tempdima\fi -% longtable ignores \abovecaptionskip/\belowcaptionskip, so do the same here - \abovecaptionskip\sphinxabovecaptionskip % \z@skip - \belowcaptionskip\sphinxbelowcaptionskip % \z@skip - \caption[{#1}]% - {\strut\ignorespaces#2\ifhmode\unskip\@finalstrut\strutbox\fi}% - }\hss}% - \par\prevdepth\dp\strutbox -}% -\def\sphinxabovecaptionskip{\z@skip}% Do not use! Flagged for removal -\def\sphinxbelowcaptionskip{\z@skip}% Do not use! Flagged for removal -% This wrapper of \abovecaptionskip is used in sphinxVerbatim for top -% caption, and with another value in sphinxVerbatimintable -% TODO: To unify space above caption of a code-block with the one above -% caption of a table/longtable, \abovecaptionskip must not be used -% This auxiliary will get renamed and receive a different meaning -% in future. -\def\spx@abovecaptionskip{\abovecaptionskip}% -% Achieve \sphinxbelowcaptionspace below a caption located above a tabular -% or a tabulary -\newcommand\sphinxaftertopcaption -{% - \spx@ifcaptionpackage - {\par\prevdepth\dp\strutbox\nobreak\vskip-\abovecaptionskip}{\nobreak}% - \vskip\dimexpr\sphinxbelowcaptionspace\relax - \vskip-\baselineskip\vskip-\parskip -}% -% varwidth is crucial for our handling of general contents in merged cells -\RequirePackage{varwidth} -% but addition of a compatibility patch with hyperref is needed -% (tested with varwidth v 0.92 Mar 2009) -\AtBeginDocument {% - \let\@@vwid@Hy@raisedlink\Hy@raisedlink - \long\def\@vwid@Hy@raisedlink#1{\@vwid@wrap{\@@vwid@Hy@raisedlink{#1}}}% - \edef\@vwid@setup{% - \let\noexpand\Hy@raisedlink\noexpand\@vwid@Hy@raisedlink % HYPERREF ! - \unexpanded\expandafter{\@vwid@setup}}% -}% -% Homemade package to handle merged cells -\RequirePackage{sphinxmulticell} -\RequirePackage{makeidx} -% For framing code-blocks and warning type notices, and shadowing topics -\RequirePackage{framed} -% The xcolor package draws better fcolorboxes around verbatim code -\IfFileExists{xcolor.sty}{ - \RequirePackage{xcolor} -}{ - \RequirePackage{color} -} -% For highlighted code. -\RequirePackage{fancyvrb} -\define@key{FV}{hllines}{\def\sphinx@verbatim@checkifhl##1{\in@{, ##1,}{#1}}} -% sphinxVerbatim must be usable by third party without requiring hllines set-up -\def\sphinxresetverbatimhllines{\def\sphinx@verbatim@checkifhl##1{\in@false}} -\sphinxresetverbatimhllines -% For hyperlinked footnotes in tables; also for gathering footnotes from -% topic and warning blocks. Also to allow code-blocks in footnotes. -\RequirePackage{footnotehyper-sphinx} -% For the H specifier. Do not \restylefloat{figure}, it breaks Sphinx code -% for allowing figures in tables. -\RequirePackage{float} -% For floating figures in the text. Better to load after float. -\RequirePackage{wrapfig} -% Separate paragraphs by space by default. -\IfFileExists{parskip-2001-04-09.sty}% since September 2018 TeXLive update -% new parskip.sty, but let it rollback to old one. -% hopefully TeX installation not broken and LaTeX kernel not too old - {\RequirePackage{parskip}[=v1]} -% standard one from 1989. Admittedly \section of article/book gives possibly -% anomalous spacing, but we can't require September 2018 release for some time. - {\RequirePackage{parskip}} -% For parsed-literal blocks. -\RequirePackage{alltt} -% Display "real" single quotes in literal blocks. -\RequirePackage{upquote} -% control caption around literal-block -\RequirePackage{capt-of} -\RequirePackage{needspace} -% LaTeX 2018-04-01 and later provides \@removefromreset -\ltx@ifundefined{@removefromreset} - {\RequirePackage{remreset}} - {}% avoid warning -% to make pdf with correct encoded bookmarks in Japanese -% this should precede the hyperref package -\ifx\kanjiskip\@undefined -% for non-Japanese: make sure bookmarks are ok also with lualatex - \PassOptionsToPackage{pdfencoding=unicode}{hyperref} -\else - \RequirePackage{atbegshi} - \ifx\ucs\@undefined - \ifnum 42146=\euc"A4A2 - \AtBeginShipoutFirst{\special{pdf:tounicode EUC-UCS2}} - \else - \AtBeginShipoutFirst{\special{pdf:tounicode 90ms-RKSJ-UCS2}} - \fi - \else - \AtBeginShipoutFirst{\special{pdf:tounicode UTF8-UCS2}} - \fi -\fi - -\ifx\@jsc@uplatextrue\@undefined\else - \PassOptionsToPackage{setpagesize=false}{hyperref} -\fi - -% These options can be overriden inside 'hyperref' key -% or by later use of \hypersetup. -\PassOptionsToPackage{colorlinks,breaklinks,% - linkcolor=InnerLinkColor,filecolor=OuterLinkColor,% - menucolor=OuterLinkColor,urlcolor=OuterLinkColor,% - citecolor=InnerLinkColor}{hyperref} - -% stylesheet for highlighting with pygments -\RequirePackage{sphinxhighlight} -% fix baseline increase from Pygments latex formatter in case of error tokens -% and keep \fboxsep's scope local via added braces -\def\PYG@tok@err{% - \def\PYG@bc##1{{\setlength{\fboxsep}{-\fboxrule}% - \fcolorbox[rgb]{1.00,0.00,0.00}{1,1,1}{\strut ##1}}}% -} -\def\PYG@tok@cs{% - \def\PYG@tc##1{\textcolor[rgb]{0.25,0.50,0.56}{##1}}% - \def\PYG@bc##1{{\setlength{\fboxsep}{0pt}% - \colorbox[rgb]{1.00,0.94,0.94}{\strut ##1}}}% -}% - - -%% OPTIONS -% -% Handle options via "kvoptions" (later loaded by hyperref anyhow) -\RequirePackage{kvoptions} -\SetupKeyvalOptions{prefix=spx@opt@} % use \spx@opt@ prefix - -% Sphinx legacy text layout: 1in margins on all four sides -\ifx\@jsc@uplatextrue\@undefined -\DeclareStringOption[1in]{hmargin} -\DeclareStringOption[1in]{vmargin} -\DeclareStringOption[.5in]{marginpar} -\else -% Japanese standard document classes handle \mag in a special way -\DeclareStringOption[\inv@mag in]{hmargin} -\DeclareStringOption[\inv@mag in]{vmargin} -\DeclareStringOption[.5\dimexpr\inv@mag in\relax]{marginpar} -\fi - -\DeclareStringOption[0]{maxlistdepth}% \newcommand*\spx@opt@maxlistdepth{0} -\DeclareStringOption[-1]{numfigreset} -\DeclareBoolOption[false]{nonumfigreset} -\DeclareBoolOption[false]{mathnumfig} -% \DeclareBoolOption[false]{usespart}% not used -% dimensions, we declare the \dimen registers here. -\newdimen\sphinxverbatimsep -\newdimen\sphinxverbatimborder -\newdimen\sphinxshadowsep -\newdimen\sphinxshadowsize -\newdimen\sphinxshadowrule -% \DeclareStringOption is not convenient for the handling of these dimensions -% because we want to assign the values to the corresponding registers. Even if -% we added the code to the key handler it would be too late for the initial -% set-up and we would need to do initial assignments explicitely. We end up -% using \define@key directly. -% verbatim -\sphinxverbatimsep=\fboxsep - \define@key{sphinx}{verbatimsep}{\sphinxverbatimsep\dimexpr #1\relax} -\sphinxverbatimborder=\fboxrule - \define@key{sphinx}{verbatimborder}{\sphinxverbatimborder\dimexpr #1\relax} -% topic boxes -\sphinxshadowsep =5pt - \define@key{sphinx}{shadowsep}{\sphinxshadowsep\dimexpr #1\relax} -\sphinxshadowsize=4pt - \define@key{sphinx}{shadowsize}{\sphinxshadowsize\dimexpr #1\relax} -\sphinxshadowrule=\fboxrule - \define@key{sphinx}{shadowrule}{\sphinxshadowrule\dimexpr #1\relax} -% verbatim -\DeclareBoolOption[true]{verbatimwithframe} -\DeclareBoolOption[true]{verbatimwrapslines} -\DeclareBoolOption[true]{verbatimhintsturnover} -\DeclareBoolOption[true]{inlineliteralwraps} -\DeclareStringOption[t]{literalblockcappos} -\DeclareStringOption[r]{verbatimcontinuedalign} -\DeclareStringOption[r]{verbatimcontinuesalign} -% parsed literal -\DeclareBoolOption[true]{parsedliteralwraps} -% \textvisiblespace for compatibility with fontspec+XeTeX/LuaTeX -\DeclareStringOption[\textcolor{red}{\textvisiblespace}]{verbatimvisiblespace} -\DeclareStringOption % must use braces to hide the brackets - [{\makebox[2\fontcharwd\font`\x][r]{\textcolor{red}{\tiny$\m@th\hookrightarrow$}}}]% - {verbatimcontinued} -% notices/admonitions -% the dimensions for notices/admonitions are kept as macros and assigned to -% \spx@notice@border at time of use, hence \DeclareStringOption is ok for this -\newdimen\spx@notice@border -\DeclareStringOption[0.5pt]{noteborder} -\DeclareStringOption[0.5pt]{hintborder} -\DeclareStringOption[0.5pt]{importantborder} -\DeclareStringOption[0.5pt]{tipborder} -\DeclareStringOption[1pt]{warningborder} -\DeclareStringOption[1pt]{cautionborder} -\DeclareStringOption[1pt]{attentionborder} -\DeclareStringOption[1pt]{dangerborder} -\DeclareStringOption[1pt]{errorborder} -% footnotes -\DeclareStringOption[\mbox{ }]{AtStartFootnote} -% we need a public macro name for direct use in latex file -\newcommand*{\sphinxAtStartFootnote}{\spx@opt@AtStartFootnote} -% no such need for this one, as it is used inside other macros -\DeclareStringOption[\leavevmode\unskip]{BeforeFootnote} -% some font styling. -\DeclareStringOption[\sffamily\bfseries]{HeaderFamily} -% colours -% same problems as for dimensions: we want the key handler to use \definecolor. -% first, some colours with no prefix, for backwards compatibility -\newcommand*{\sphinxDeclareColorOption}[2]{% - \definecolor{#1}#2% - \define@key{sphinx}{#1}{\definecolor{#1}##1}% -}% -\sphinxDeclareColorOption{TitleColor}{{rgb}{0.126,0.263,0.361}} -\sphinxDeclareColorOption{InnerLinkColor}{{rgb}{0.208,0.374,0.486}} -\sphinxDeclareColorOption{OuterLinkColor}{{rgb}{0.216,0.439,0.388}} -\sphinxDeclareColorOption{VerbatimColor}{{rgb}{1,1,1}} -\sphinxDeclareColorOption{VerbatimBorderColor}{{rgb}{0,0,0}} -% now the colours defined with "sphinx" prefix in their names -\newcommand*{\sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption}[2]{% - % set the initial default - \definecolor{sphinx#1}#2% - % set the key handler. The "value" ##1 must be acceptable by \definecolor. - \define@key{sphinx}{#1}{\definecolor{sphinx#1}##1}% -}% -% Default color chosen to be as in minted.sty LaTeX package! -\sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{VerbatimHighlightColor}{{rgb}{0.878,1,1}} -% admonition boxes, "light" style -\sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{noteBorderColor}{{rgb}{0,0,0}} -\sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{hintBorderColor}{{rgb}{0,0,0}} -\sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{importantBorderColor}{{rgb}{0,0,0}} -\sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{tipBorderColor}{{rgb}{0,0,0}} -% admonition boxes, "heavy" style -\sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{warningBorderColor}{{rgb}{0,0,0}} -\sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{cautionBorderColor}{{rgb}{0,0,0}} -\sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{attentionBorderColor}{{rgb}{0,0,0}} -\sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{dangerBorderColor}{{rgb}{0,0,0}} -\sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{errorBorderColor}{{rgb}{0,0,0}} -\sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{warningBgColor}{{rgb}{1,1,1}} -\sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{cautionBgColor}{{rgb}{1,1,1}} -\sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{attentionBgColor}{{rgb}{1,1,1}} -\sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{dangerBgColor}{{rgb}{1,1,1}} -\sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{errorBgColor}{{rgb}{1,1,1}} - -\DeclareDefaultOption{\@unknownoptionerror} -\ProcessKeyvalOptions* -% don't allow use of maxlistdepth via \sphinxsetup. -\DisableKeyvalOption{sphinx}{maxlistdepth} -\DisableKeyvalOption{sphinx}{numfigreset} -\DisableKeyvalOption{sphinx}{nonumfigreset} -\DisableKeyvalOption{sphinx}{mathnumfig} -% user interface: options can be changed midway in a document! -\newcommand\sphinxsetup[1]{\setkeys{sphinx}{#1}} - - -%% ALPHANUMERIC LIST ITEMS -\newcommand\sphinxsetlistlabels[5] -{% #1 = style, #2 = enum, #3 = enumnext, #4 = prefix, #5 = suffix - % #2 and #3 are counters used by enumerate environement e.g. enumi, enumii. - % #1 is a macro such as \arabic or \alph - % prefix and suffix are strings (by default empty and a dot). - \@namedef{the#2}{#1{#2}}% - \@namedef{label#2}{#4\@nameuse{the#2}#5}% - \@namedef{p@#3}{\@nameuse{p@#2}#4\@nameuse{the#2}#5}% -}% - - -%% MAXLISTDEPTH -% -% remove LaTeX's cap on nesting depth if 'maxlistdepth' key used. -% This is a hack, which works with the standard classes: it assumes \@toodeep -% is always used in "true" branches: "\if ... \@toodeep \else .. \fi." - -% will force use the "false" branch (if there is one) -\def\spx@toodeep@hack{\fi\iffalse} - -% do nothing if 'maxlistdepth' key not used or if package enumitem loaded. -\ifnum\spx@opt@maxlistdepth=\z@\expandafter\@gobbletwo\fi -\AtBeginDocument{% -\@ifpackageloaded{enumitem}{\remove@to@nnil}{}% - \let\spx@toodeepORI\@toodeep - \def\@toodeep{% - \ifnum\@listdepth<\spx@opt@maxlistdepth\relax - \expandafter\spx@toodeep@hack - \else - \expandafter\spx@toodeepORI - \fi}% -% define all missing \@list... macros - \count@\@ne - \loop - \ltx@ifundefined{@list\romannumeral\the\count@} - {\iffalse}{\iftrue\advance\count@\@ne}% - \repeat - \loop - \ifnum\count@>\spx@opt@maxlistdepth\relax\else - \expandafter\let - \csname @list\romannumeral\the\count@\expandafter\endcsname - \csname @list\romannumeral\the\numexpr\count@-\@ne\endcsname - % workaround 2.6--3.2d babel-french issue (fixed in 3.2e; no change needed) - \ltx@ifundefined{leftmargin\romannumeral\the\count@} - {\expandafter\let - \csname leftmargin\romannumeral\the\count@\expandafter\endcsname - \csname leftmargin\romannumeral\the\numexpr\count@-\@ne\endcsname}{}% - \advance\count@\@ne - \repeat -% define all missing enum... counters and \labelenum... macros and \p@enum.. - \count@\@ne - \loop - \ltx@ifundefined{c@enum\romannumeral\the\count@} - {\iffalse}{\iftrue\advance\count@\@ne}% - \repeat - \loop - \ifnum\count@>\spx@opt@maxlistdepth\relax\else - \newcounter{enum\romannumeral\the\count@}% - \expandafter\def - \csname labelenum\romannumeral\the\count@\expandafter\endcsname - \expandafter - {\csname theenum\romannumeral\the\numexpr\count@\endcsname.}% - \expandafter\def - \csname p@enum\romannumeral\the\count@\expandafter\endcsname - \expandafter - {\csname p@enum\romannumeral\the\numexpr\count@-\@ne\expandafter - \endcsname\csname theenum\romannumeral\the\numexpr\count@-\@ne\endcsname.}% - \advance\count@\@ne - \repeat -% define all missing labelitem... macros - \count@\@ne - \loop - \ltx@ifundefined{labelitem\romannumeral\the\count@} - {\iffalse}{\iftrue\advance\count@\@ne}% - \repeat - \loop - \ifnum\count@>\spx@opt@maxlistdepth\relax\else - \expandafter\let - \csname labelitem\romannumeral\the\count@\expandafter\endcsname - \csname labelitem\romannumeral\the\numexpr\count@-\@ne\endcsname - \advance\count@\@ne - \repeat - \PackageInfo{sphinx}{maximal list depth extended to \spx@opt@maxlistdepth}% -\@gobble\@nnil -} - - -%% INDEX, BIBLIOGRAPHY, APPENDIX, TABLE OF CONTENTS -% -% fix the double index and bibliography on the table of contents -% in jsclasses (Japanese standard document classes) -\ifx\@jsc@uplatextrue\@undefined\else - \renewenvironment{sphinxtheindex} - {\cleardoublepage\phantomsection - \begin{theindex}} - {\end{theindex}} - - \renewenvironment{sphinxthebibliography}[1] - {\cleardoublepage% \phantomsection % not needed here since TeXLive 2010's hyperref - \begin{thebibliography}{#1}} - {\end{thebibliography}} -\fi - -% disable \@chappos in Appendix in pTeX -\ifx\kanjiskip\@undefined\else - \let\py@OldAppendix=\appendix - \renewcommand{\appendix}{ - \py@OldAppendix - \gdef\@chappos{} - } -\fi - -% make commands known to non-Sphinx document classes -\providecommand*{\sphinxmaketitle}{\maketitle} -\providecommand*{\sphinxtableofcontents}{\tableofcontents} -\ltx@ifundefined{sphinxthebibliography} - {\newenvironment - {sphinxthebibliography}{\begin{thebibliography}}{\end{thebibliography}}% - } - {}% else clause of \ltx@ifundefined -\ltx@ifundefined{sphinxtheindex} - {\newenvironment{sphinxtheindex}{\begin{theindex}}{\end{theindex}}}% - {}% else clause of \ltx@ifundefined - -% for usage with xindy: this string gets internationalized in preamble -\newcommand*{\sphinxnonalphabeticalgroupname}{} -% redefined in preamble, headings for makeindex produced index -\newcommand*{\sphinxsymbolsname}{} -\newcommand*{\sphinxnumbersname}{} - -%% COLOR (general) -% -% FIXME: \normalcolor should probably be used in place of \py@NormalColor -% elsewhere, and \py@NormalColor should never be defined. \normalcolor -% switches to the colour from last \color call in preamble. -\def\py@NormalColor{\color{black}} -% FIXME: it is probably better to use \color{TitleColor}, as TitleColor -% can be customized from 'sphinxsetup', and drop usage of \py@TitleColor -\def\py@TitleColor{\color{TitleColor}} -% FIXME: this line should be dropped, as "9" is default anyhow. -\ifdefined\pdfcompresslevel\pdfcompresslevel = 9 \fi - - -%% PAGE STYLING -% -% Style parameters and macros used by most documents here -\raggedbottom -\sloppy -\hbadness = 5000 % don't print trivial gripes - -% Use \pagestyle{normal} as the primary pagestyle for text. -% Redefine the 'normal' header/footer style when using "fancyhdr" package: -\@ifpackageloaded{fancyhdr}{% - \ltx@ifundefined{c@chapter} - {% no \chapter, "howto" (non-Japanese) docclass - \fancypagestyle{plain}{ - \fancyhf{} - \fancyfoot[C]{{\py@HeaderFamily\thepage}} - \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} - \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt} - } - % Same as 'plain', this way we can use it in template - % FIXME: shouldn't this have a running header with Name and Release like 'manual'? - \fancypagestyle{normal}{ - \fancyhf{} - \fancyfoot[C]{{\py@HeaderFamily\thepage}} - \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} - \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt} - } - }% - {% classes with \chapter command - \fancypagestyle{normal}{ - \fancyhf{} - \fancyfoot[RO]{{\py@HeaderFamily\thepage}} - \fancyfoot[LO]{{\py@HeaderFamily\nouppercase{\rightmark}}} - \fancyhead[RO]{{\py@HeaderFamily \@title\sphinxheadercomma\py@release}} - \if@twoside - \fancyfoot[LE]{{\py@HeaderFamily\thepage}} - \fancyfoot[RE]{{\py@HeaderFamily\nouppercase{\leftmark}}} - \fancyhead[LE]{{\py@HeaderFamily \@title\sphinxheadercomma\py@release}} - \fi - \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0.4pt} - \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0.4pt} - % define chaptermark with \@chappos when \@chappos is available for Japanese - \ltx@ifundefined{@chappos}{} - {\def\chaptermark##1{\markboth{\@chapapp\space\thechapter\space\@chappos\space ##1}{}}} - } - % Update the plain style so we get the page number & footer line, - % but not a chapter or section title. This is to keep the first - % page of a chapter `clean.' - \fancypagestyle{plain}{ - \fancyhf{} - \fancyfoot[RO]{{\py@HeaderFamily\thepage}} - \if@twoside\fancyfoot[LE]{{\py@HeaderFamily\thepage}}\fi - \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} - \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0.4pt} - } - } - } - {% no fancyhdr: memoir class - % Provide default for 'normal' style simply as an alias of 'plain' style - % This way we can use \pagestyle{normal} in LaTeX template - \def\ps@normal{\ps@plain} - % Users of memoir class are invited to redefine 'normal' style in preamble - } - -% geometry -\ifx\kanjiskip\@undefined - \PassOptionsToPackage{% - hmargin={\unexpanded{\spx@opt@hmargin}},% - vmargin={\unexpanded{\spx@opt@vmargin}},% - marginpar=\unexpanded{\spx@opt@marginpar}} - {geometry} -\else - % set text width for Japanese documents to be integer multiple of 1zw - % and text height to be integer multiple of \baselineskip - % the execution is delayed to \sphinxsetup then geometry.sty - \normalsize\normalfont - \newcommand*\sphinxtextwidthja[1]{% - \if@twocolumn\tw@\fi - \dimexpr - \numexpr\dimexpr\paperwidth-\tw@\dimexpr#1\relax\relax/ - \dimexpr\if@twocolumn\tw@\else\@ne\fi zw\relax - zw\relax}% - \newcommand*\sphinxmarginparwidthja[1]{% - \dimexpr\numexpr\dimexpr#1\relax/\dimexpr1zw\relax zw\relax}% - \newcommand*\sphinxtextlinesja[1]{% - \numexpr\@ne+\dimexpr\paperheight-\topskip-\tw@\dimexpr#1\relax\relax/ - \baselineskip\relax}% - \ifx\@jsc@uplatextrue\@undefined\else - % the way we found in order for the papersize special written by - % geometry in the dvi file to be correct in case of jsbook class - \ifnum\mag=\@m\else % do nothing special if nomag class option or 10pt - \PassOptionsToPackage{truedimen}{geometry}% - \fi - \fi - \PassOptionsToPackage{% - hmarginratio={1:1},% - textwidth=\unexpanded{\sphinxtextwidthja{\spx@opt@hmargin}},% - vmarginratio={1:1},% - lines=\unexpanded{\sphinxtextlinesja{\spx@opt@vmargin}},% - marginpar=\unexpanded{\sphinxmarginparwidthja{\spx@opt@marginpar}},% - footskip=2\baselineskip,% - }{geometry}% - \AtBeginDocument - {% update a dimension used by the jsclasses - \ifx\@jsc@uplatextrue\@undefined\else\fullwidth\textwidth\fi - % for some reason, jreport normalizes all dimensions with \@settopoint - \@ifclassloaded{jreport} - {\@settopoint\textwidth\@settopoint\textheight\@settopoint\marginparwidth} - {}% <-- "false" clause of \@ifclassloaded - }% -\fi - -% fix fncychap's bug which uses prematurely the \textwidth value -\@ifpackagewith{fncychap}{Bjornstrup} - {\AtBeginDocument{\mylen\textwidth\advance\mylen-2\myhi}}% - {}% <-- "false" clause of \@ifpackagewith - - -%% TITLES -% -% Since Sphinx 1.5, users should use HeaderFamily key to 'sphinxsetup' rather -% than defining their own \py@HeaderFamily command (which is still possible). -% Memo: \py@HeaderFamily is also used by \maketitle as defined in -% sphinxmanual.cls/sphinxhowto.cls -\newcommand{\py@HeaderFamily}{\spx@opt@HeaderFamily} - -% This sets up the fancy chapter headings that make the documents look -% at least a little better than the usual LaTeX output. -\@ifpackagewith{fncychap}{Bjarne}{ - \ChNameVar {\raggedleft\normalsize \py@HeaderFamily} - \ChNumVar {\raggedleft\Large \py@HeaderFamily} - \ChTitleVar{\raggedleft\Large \py@HeaderFamily} - % This creates (numbered) chapter heads without the leading \vspace*{}: - \def\@makechapterhead#1{% - {\parindent \z@ \raggedright \normalfont - \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne - \if@mainmatter - \DOCH - \fi - \fi - \interlinepenalty\@M - \if@mainmatter - \DOTI{#1}% - \else% - \DOTIS{#1}% - \fi - }} -}{}% <-- "false" clause of \@ifpackagewith - -% Augment the sectioning commands used to get our own font family in place, -% and reset some internal data items (\titleformat from titlesec package) -\titleformat{\section}{\Large\py@HeaderFamily}% - {\py@TitleColor\thesection}{0.5em}{\py@TitleColor}{\py@NormalColor} -\titleformat{\subsection}{\large\py@HeaderFamily}% - {\py@TitleColor\thesubsection}{0.5em}{\py@TitleColor}{\py@NormalColor} -\titleformat{\subsubsection}{\py@HeaderFamily}% - {\py@TitleColor\thesubsubsection}{0.5em}{\py@TitleColor}{\py@NormalColor} -% By default paragraphs (and subsubsections) will not be numbered because -% sphinxmanual.cls and sphinxhowto.cls set secnumdepth to 2 -\titleformat{\paragraph}{\py@HeaderFamily}% - {\py@TitleColor\theparagraph}{0.5em}{\py@TitleColor}{\py@NormalColor} -\titleformat{\subparagraph}{\py@HeaderFamily}% - {\py@TitleColor\thesubparagraph}{0.5em}{\py@TitleColor}{\py@NormalColor} - - -%% GRAPHICS -% -% \sphinxincludegraphics resizes images larger than the TeX \linewidth (which -% is adjusted in indented environments), or taller than a certain maximal -% height (usually \textheight and this is reduced in the environments which use -% framed.sty to avoid infinite loop if image too tall). -% -% In case height or width options are present the rescaling is done -% (since 2.0), in a way keeping the width:height ratio either native from -% image or from the width and height options if both were present. -% -\newdimen\spx@image@maxheight -\AtBeginDocument{\spx@image@maxheight\textheight} - -% box scratch register -\newdimen\spx@image@box -\newcommand*{\sphinxsafeincludegraphics}[2][]{% - % #1 contains possibly width=, height=, but no scale= since 1.8.4 - \setbox\spx@image@box\hbox{\includegraphics[#1,draft]{#2}}% - \in@false % use some handy boolean flag - \ifdim \wd\spx@image@box>\linewidth - \in@true % flag to remember to adjust options and set box dimensions - % compute height which results from rescaling width to \linewidth - % and keep current aspect ratio. multiply-divide in \numexpr uses - % temporarily doubled precision, hence no overflow. (of course we - % assume \ht is not a few sp's below \maxdimen...(about 16384pt). - \edef\spx@image@rescaledheight % with sp units - {\the\numexpr\ht\spx@image@box - *\linewidth/\wd\spx@image@box sp}% - \ifdim\spx@image@rescaledheight>\spx@image@maxheight - % the rescaled height will be too big, so it is height which decides - % the rescaling factor - \def\spx@image@requiredheight{\spx@image@maxheight}% dimen register - \edef\spx@image@requiredwidth % with sp units - {\the\numexpr\wd\spx@image@box - *\spx@image@maxheight/\ht\spx@image@box sp}% - % TODO: decide if this commented-out block could be needed due to - % rounding in numexpr operations going up - % \ifdim\spx@image@requiredwidth>\linewidth - % \def\spx@image@requiredwidth{\linewidth}% dimen register - % \fi - \else - \def\spx@image@requiredwidth{\linewidth}% dimen register - \let\spx@image@requiredheight\spx@image@rescaledheight% sp units - \fi - \else - % width is ok, let's check height - \ifdim\ht\spx@image@box>\spx@image@maxheight - \in@true - \edef\spx@image@requiredwidth % with sp units - {\the\numexpr\wd\spx@image@box - *\spx@image@maxheight/\ht\spx@image@box sp}% - \def\spx@image@requiredheight{\spx@image@maxheight}% dimen register - \fi - \fi % end of check of width and height - \ifin@ - \setbox\spx@image@box - \hbox{\includegraphics - [%#1,% contained only width and/or height and overruled anyhow - width=\spx@image@requiredwidth,height=\spx@image@requiredheight]% - {#2}}% - % \includegraphics does not set box dimensions to the exactly - % requested ones, see https://github.com/latex3/latex2e/issues/112 - \wd\spx@image@box\spx@image@requiredwidth - \ht\spx@image@box\spx@image@requiredheight - \leavevmode\box\spx@image@box - \else - % here we do not modify the options, no need to adjust width and height - % on output, they will be computed exactly as with "draft" option - \setbox\spx@image@box\box\voidb@x % clear memory - \includegraphics[#1]{#2}% - \fi -}% -% Use the "safe" one by default (2.0) -\def\sphinxincludegraphics{\sphinxsafeincludegraphics} - - -%% FIGURE IN TABLE -% -\newenvironment{sphinxfigure-in-table}[1][\linewidth]{% - \def\@captype{figure}% - \sphinxsetvskipsforfigintablecaption - \begin{minipage}{#1}% -}{\end{minipage}} -% store the original \caption macro for usage with figures inside longtable -% and tabulary cells. Make sure we get the final \caption in presence of -% caption package, whether the latter was loaded before or after sphinx. -\AtBeginDocument{% - \let\spx@originalcaption\caption - \@ifpackageloaded{caption} - {\let\spx@ifcaptionpackage\@firstoftwo - \caption@AtBeginDocument*{\let\spx@originalcaption\caption}% -% in presence of caption package, drop our own \sphinxcaption whose aim was to -% ensure same width of caption to all kinds of tables (tabular(y), longtable), -% because caption package has its own width (or margin) option - \def\sphinxcaption{\caption}% - }% - {\let\spx@ifcaptionpackage\@secondoftwo}% -} -% tabulary expands twice contents, we need to prevent double counter stepping -\newcommand*\sphinxfigcaption - {\ifx\equation$%$% this is trick to identify tabulary first pass - \firstchoice@false\else\firstchoice@true\fi - \spx@originalcaption } -\newcommand*\sphinxsetvskipsforfigintablecaption - {\abovecaptionskip\smallskipamount - \belowcaptionskip\smallskipamount} - - -%% CITATIONS -% -\protected\def\sphinxcite{\cite} - -%% FOOTNOTES -% -% Support large numbered footnotes in minipage -% But now obsolete due to systematic use of \savenotes/\spewnotes -% when minipages are in use in the various macro definitions next. -\def\thempfootnote{\arabic{mpfootnote}} - - -%% NUMBERING OF FIGURES, TABLES, AND LITERAL BLOCKS -\ltx@ifundefined{c@chapter} - {\newcounter{literalblock}}% - {\newcounter{literalblock}[chapter]% - \def\theliteralblock{\ifnum\c@chapter>\z@\arabic{chapter}.\fi - \arabic{literalblock}}% - }% -\ifspx@opt@nonumfigreset - \ltx@ifundefined{c@chapter}{}{% - \@removefromreset{figure}{chapter}% - \@removefromreset{table}{chapter}% - \@removefromreset{literalblock}{chapter}% - \ifspx@opt@mathnumfig - \@removefromreset{equation}{chapter}% - \fi - }% - \def\thefigure{\arabic{figure}}% - \def\thetable {\arabic{table}}% - \def\theliteralblock{\arabic{literalblock}}% - \ifspx@opt@mathnumfig - \def\theequation{\arabic{equation}}% - \fi -\else -\let\spx@preAthefigure\@empty -\let\spx@preBthefigure\@empty -% \ifspx@opt@usespart % <-- LaTeX writer could pass such a 'usespart' boolean -% % as sphinx.sty package option -% If document uses \part, (triggered in Sphinx by latex_toplevel_sectioning) -% LaTeX core per default does not reset chapter or section -% counters at each part. -% But if we modify this, we need to redefine \thechapter, \thesection to -% include the part number and this will cause problems in table of contents -% because of too wide numbering. Simplest is to do nothing. -% \fi -\ifnum\spx@opt@numfigreset>0 - \ltx@ifundefined{c@chapter} - {} - {\g@addto@macro\spx@preAthefigure{\ifnum\c@chapter>\z@\arabic{chapter}.}% - \g@addto@macro\spx@preBthefigure{\fi}}% -\fi -\ifnum\spx@opt@numfigreset>1 - \AtBeginDocument{% - \@addtoreset{figure}{section}% - \@addtoreset{table}{section}% - \@addtoreset{literalblock}{section}% - \ifspx@opt@mathnumfig - \@addtoreset{equation}{section}% - \fi% - }% - \g@addto@macro\spx@preAthefigure{\ifnum\c@section>\z@\arabic{section}.}% - \g@addto@macro\spx@preBthefigure{\fi}% -\fi -\ifnum\spx@opt@numfigreset>2 - \AtBeginDocument{% - \@addtoreset{figure}{subsection}% - \@addtoreset{table}{subsection}% - \@addtoreset{literalblock}{subsection}% - \ifspx@opt@mathnumfig - \@addtoreset{equation}{subsection}% - \fi% - }% - \g@addto@macro\spx@preAthefigure{\ifnum\c@subsection>\z@\arabic{subsection}.}% - \g@addto@macro\spx@preBthefigure{\fi}% -\fi -\ifnum\spx@opt@numfigreset>3 - \AtBeginDocument{% - \@addtoreset{figure}{subsubsection}% - \@addtoreset{table}{subsubsection}% - \@addtoreset{literalblock}{subsubsection}% - \ifspx@opt@mathnumfig - \@addtoreset{equation}{subsubsection}% - \fi% - }% - \g@addto@macro\spx@preAthefigure{\ifnum\c@subsubsection>\z@\arabic{subsubsection}.}% - \g@addto@macro\spx@preBthefigure{\fi}% -\fi -\ifnum\spx@opt@numfigreset>4 - \AtBeginDocument{% - \@addtoreset{figure}{paragraph}% - \@addtoreset{table}{paragraph}% - \@addtoreset{literalblock}{paragraph}% - \ifspx@opt@mathnumfig - \@addtoreset{equation}{paragraph}% - \fi% - }% - \g@addto@macro\spx@preAthefigure{\ifnum\c@subparagraph>\z@\arabic{subparagraph}.}% - \g@addto@macro\spx@preBthefigure{\fi}% -\fi -\ifnum\spx@opt@numfigreset>5 - \AtBeginDocument{% - \@addtoreset{figure}{subparagraph}% - \@addtoreset{table}{subparagraph}% - \@addtoreset{literalblock}{subparagraph}% - \ifspx@opt@mathnumfig - \@addtoreset{equation}{subparagraph}% - \fi% - }% - \g@addto@macro\spx@preAthefigure{\ifnum\c@subsubparagraph>\z@\arabic{subsubparagraph}.}% - \g@addto@macro\spx@preBthefigure{\fi}% -\fi -\expandafter\g@addto@macro -\expandafter\spx@preAthefigure\expandafter{\spx@preBthefigure}% -\let\thefigure\spx@preAthefigure -\let\thetable\spx@preAthefigure -\let\theliteralblock\spx@preAthefigure -\g@addto@macro\thefigure{\arabic{figure}}% -\g@addto@macro\thetable{\arabic{table}}% -\g@addto@macro\theliteralblock{\arabic{literalblock}}% - \ifspx@opt@mathnumfig - \let\theequation\spx@preAthefigure - \g@addto@macro\theequation{\arabic{equation}}% - \fi -\fi - - -%% LITERAL BLOCKS -% -% Based on use of "fancyvrb.sty"'s Verbatim. -% - with framing allowing page breaks ("framed.sty") -% - with breaking of long lines (exploits Pygments mark-up), -% - with possibly of a top caption, non-separable by pagebreak. -% - and usable inside tables or footnotes ("footnotehyper-sphinx"). - -% For extensions which use \OriginalVerbatim and compatibility with Sphinx < -% 1.5, we define and use these when (unmodified) Verbatim will be needed. But -% Sphinx >= 1.5 does not modify the \Verbatim macro anymore. -\let\OriginalVerbatim \Verbatim -\let\endOriginalVerbatim\endVerbatim - -% for captions of literal blocks -% at start of caption title -\newcommand*{\fnum@literalblock}{\literalblockname\nobreakspace\theliteralblock} -% this will be overwritten in document preamble by Babel translation -\newcommand*{\literalblockname}{Listing } -% file extension needed for \caption's good functioning, the file is created -% only if a \listof{literalblock}{foo} command is encountered, which is -% analogous to \listoffigures, but for the code listings (foo = chosen title.) -\newcommand*{\ext@literalblock}{lol} - -\newif\ifspx@inframed % flag set if we are already in a framed environment -% if forced use of minipage encapsulation is needed (e.g. table cells) -\newif\ifsphinxverbatimwithminipage \sphinxverbatimwithminipagefalse - -% Framing macro for use with framed.sty's \FrameCommand -% - it obeys current indentation, -% - frame is \fboxsep separated from the contents, -% - the contents use the full available text width, -% - #1 = color of frame, #2 = color of background, -% - #3 = above frame, #4 = below frame, #5 = within frame, -% - #3 and #4 must be already typeset boxes; they must issue \normalcolor -% or similar, else, they are under scope of color #1 -\long\def\spx@fcolorbox #1#2#3#4#5{% - \hskip\@totalleftmargin - \hskip-\fboxsep\hskip-\fboxrule - % use of \color@b@x here is compatible with both xcolor.sty and color.sty - \color@b@x {\color{#1}\spx@CustomFBox{#3}{#4}}{\color{#2}}{#5}% - \hskip-\fboxsep\hskip-\fboxrule - \hskip-\linewidth \hskip-\@totalleftmargin \hskip\columnwidth -}% -% #1 = for material above frame, such as a caption or a "continued" hint -% #2 = for material below frame, such as a caption or "continues on next page" -% #3 = actual contents, which will be typeset with a background color -\long\def\spx@CustomFBox#1#2#3{% - \begingroup - \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{{#3}}% inner braces to avoid color leaks - \vbox{#1% above frame - % draw frame border _latest_ to avoid pdf viewer issue - \kern\fboxrule - \hbox{\kern\fboxrule - \copy\@tempboxa - \kern-\wd\@tempboxa\kern-\fboxrule - \vrule\@width\fboxrule - \kern\wd\@tempboxa - \vrule\@width\fboxrule}% - \kern-\dimexpr\ht\@tempboxa+\dp\@tempboxa+\fboxrule\relax - \hrule\@height\fboxrule - \kern\dimexpr\ht\@tempboxa+\dp\@tempboxa\relax - \hrule\@height\fboxrule - #2% below frame - }% - \endgroup -}% -\def\spx@fcolorbox@put@c#1{% hide width from framed.sty measuring - \moveright\dimexpr\fboxrule+.5\wd\@tempboxa\hb@xt@\z@{\hss#1\hss}% -}% -\def\spx@fcolorbox@put@r#1{% right align with contents, width hidden - \moveright\dimexpr\fboxrule+\wd\@tempboxa-\fboxsep\hb@xt@\z@{\hss#1}% -}% -\def\spx@fcolorbox@put@l#1{% left align with contents, width hidden - \moveright\dimexpr\fboxrule+\fboxsep\hb@xt@\z@{#1\hss}% -}% -% -\def\sphinxVerbatim@Continued - {\csname spx@fcolorbox@put@\spx@opt@verbatimcontinuedalign\endcsname - {\normalcolor\sphinxstylecodecontinued\literalblockcontinuedname}}% -\def\sphinxVerbatim@Continues - {\csname spx@fcolorbox@put@\spx@opt@verbatimcontinuesalign\endcsname - {\normalcolor\sphinxstylecodecontinues\literalblockcontinuesname}}% -\def\sphinxVerbatim@Title - {\spx@fcolorbox@put@c{\unhcopy\sphinxVerbatim@TitleBox}}% -\let\sphinxVerbatim@Before\@empty -\let\sphinxVerbatim@After\@empty -% Defaults are redefined in document preamble according to language -\newcommand*\literalblockcontinuedname{continued from previous page}% -\newcommand*\literalblockcontinuesname{continues on next page}% -% -\def\spx@verbatimfcolorbox{\spx@fcolorbox{VerbatimBorderColor}{VerbatimColor}}% -\def\sphinxVerbatim@FrameCommand - {\spx@verbatimfcolorbox\sphinxVerbatim@Before\sphinxVerbatim@After}% -\def\sphinxVerbatim@FirstFrameCommand - {\spx@verbatimfcolorbox\sphinxVerbatim@Before\sphinxVerbatim@Continues}% -\def\sphinxVerbatim@MidFrameCommand - {\spx@verbatimfcolorbox\sphinxVerbatim@Continued\sphinxVerbatim@Continues}% -\def\sphinxVerbatim@LastFrameCommand - {\spx@verbatimfcolorbox\sphinxVerbatim@Continued\sphinxVerbatim@After}% - -% For linebreaks inside Verbatim environment from package fancyvrb. -\newbox\sphinxcontinuationbox -\newbox\sphinxvisiblespacebox -\newcommand*\sphinxafterbreak {\copy\sphinxcontinuationbox} - -% Take advantage of the already applied Pygments mark-up to insert -% potential linebreaks for TeX processing. -% {, <, #, %, $, ' and ": go to next line. -% _, }, ^, &, >, -, ~, and \: stay at end of broken line. -% Use of \textquotesingle for straight quote. -% FIXME: convert this to package options ? -\newcommand*\sphinxbreaksbeforelist {% - \do\PYGZob\{\do\PYGZlt\<\do\PYGZsh\#\do\PYGZpc\%% {, <, #, %, - \do\PYGZdl\$\do\PYGZdq\"% $, " - \def\PYGZsq - {\discretionary{}{\sphinxafterbreak\textquotesingle}{\textquotesingle}}% ' -} -\newcommand*\sphinxbreaksafterlist {% - \do\PYGZus\_\do\PYGZcb\}\do\PYGZca\^\do\PYGZam\&% _, }, ^, &, - \do\PYGZgt\>\do\PYGZhy\-\do\PYGZti\~% >, -, ~ - \do\PYGZbs\\% \ -} -\newcommand*\sphinxbreaksatspecials {% - \def\do##1##2% - {\def##1{\discretionary{}{\sphinxafterbreak\char`##2}{\char`##2}}}% - \sphinxbreaksbeforelist - \def\do##1##2% - {\def##1{\discretionary{\char`##2}{\sphinxafterbreak}{\char`##2}}}% - \sphinxbreaksafterlist -} - -\def\sphinx@verbatim@nolig@list {\do \`}% -% Some characters . , ; ? ! / are neither pygmentized nor "tex-escaped". -% This macro makes them "active" and they will insert potential linebreaks. -% Not compatible with math mode (cf \sphinxunactivateextras). -\newcommand*\sphinxbreaksbeforeactivelist {}% none -\newcommand*\sphinxbreaksafteractivelist {\do\.\do\,\do\;\do\?\do\!\do\/} -\newcommand*\sphinxbreaksviaactive {% - \def\do##1{\lccode`\~`##1% - \lowercase{\def~}{\discretionary{}{\sphinxafterbreak\char`##1}{\char`##1}}% - \catcode`##1\active}% - \sphinxbreaksbeforeactivelist - \def\do##1{\lccode`\~`##1% - \lowercase{\def~}{\discretionary{\char`##1}{\sphinxafterbreak}{\char`##1}}% - \catcode`##1\active}% - \sphinxbreaksafteractivelist - \lccode`\~`\~ -} - -% If the linebreak is at a space, the latter will be displayed as visible -% space at end of first line, and a continuation symbol starts next line. -\def\spx@verbatim@space {% - \nobreak\hskip\z@skip - \discretionary{\copy\sphinxvisiblespacebox}{\sphinxafterbreak} - {\kern\fontdimen2\font}% -}% - -% if the available space on page is less than \literalblockneedspace, insert pagebreak -\newcommand{\sphinxliteralblockneedspace}{5\baselineskip} -\newcommand{\sphinxliteralblockwithoutcaptionneedspace}{1.5\baselineskip} -% The title (caption) is specified from outside as macro \sphinxVerbatimTitle. -% \sphinxVerbatimTitle is reset to empty after each use of Verbatim. -\newcommand*\sphinxVerbatimTitle {} -% This box to typeset the caption before framed.sty multiple passes for framing. -\newbox\sphinxVerbatim@TitleBox -% This box to measure contents if nested as inner \MakeFramed requires then -% minipage encapsulation but too long contents then break outer \MakeFramed -\newbox\sphinxVerbatim@ContentsBox -% This is a workaround to a "feature" of French lists, when literal block -% follows immediately; usable generally (does only \par then), a priori... -\newcommand*\sphinxvspacefixafterfrenchlists{% - \ifvmode\ifdim\lastskip<\z@ \vskip\parskip\fi\else\par\fi -} -% Holder macro for labels of literal blocks. Set-up by LaTeX writer. -\newcommand*\sphinxLiteralBlockLabel {} -\newcommand*\sphinxSetupCaptionForVerbatim [1] -{% - \sphinxvspacefixafterfrenchlists - \needspace{\sphinxliteralblockneedspace}% -% insert a \label via \sphinxLiteralBlockLabel -% reset to normal the color for the literal block caption - \def\sphinxVerbatimTitle - {\py@NormalColor\sphinxcaption{\sphinxLiteralBlockLabel #1}}% -} -\newcommand*\sphinxSetupCodeBlockInFootnote {% - \fvset{fontsize=\footnotesize}\let\caption\sphinxfigcaption - \sphinxverbatimwithminipagetrue % reduces vertical spaces - % we counteract (this is in a group) the \@normalsize from \caption - \let\normalsize\footnotesize\let\@parboxrestore\relax - \def\spx@abovecaptionskip{\sphinxverbatimsmallskipamount}% -} -\newcommand*{\sphinxverbatimsmallskipamount}{\smallskipamount} -% serves to implement line highlighting and line wrapping -\newcommand\sphinxFancyVerbFormatLine[1]{% - \expandafter\sphinx@verbatim@checkifhl\expandafter{\the\FV@CodeLineNo}% - \ifin@ - \sphinxVerbatimHighlightLine{#1}% - \else - \sphinxVerbatimFormatLine{#1}% - \fi -}% -\newcommand\sphinxVerbatimHighlightLine[1]{% - \edef\sphinxrestorefboxsep{\fboxsep\the\fboxsep\relax}% - \fboxsep0pt\relax % cf LaTeX bug graphics/4524 - \colorbox{sphinxVerbatimHighlightColor}% - {\sphinxrestorefboxsep\sphinxVerbatimFormatLine{#1}}% - % no need to restore \fboxsep here, as this ends up in a \hbox from fancyvrb -}% -% \sphinxVerbatimFormatLine will be set locally to one of those two: -\newcommand\sphinxVerbatimFormatLineWrap[1]{% - \hsize\linewidth - \vtop{\raggedright\hyphenpenalty\z@\exhyphenpenalty\z@ - \doublehyphendemerits\z@\finalhyphendemerits\z@ - \strut #1\strut}% -}% -\newcommand\sphinxVerbatimFormatLineNoWrap[1]{\hb@xt@\linewidth{\strut #1\hss}}% -\g@addto@macro\FV@SetupFont{% - \sbox\sphinxcontinuationbox {\spx@opt@verbatimcontinued}% - \sbox\sphinxvisiblespacebox {\spx@opt@verbatimvisiblespace}% -}% -\newenvironment{sphinxVerbatim}{% - % first, let's check if there is a caption - \ifx\sphinxVerbatimTitle\empty - \sphinxvspacefixafterfrenchlists - \parskip\z@skip - \vskip\sphinxverbatimsmallskipamount - % there was no caption. Check if nevertheless a label was set. - \ifx\sphinxLiteralBlockLabel\empty\else - % we require some space to be sure hyperlink target from \phantomsection - % will not be separated from upcoming verbatim by a page break - \needspace{\sphinxliteralblockwithoutcaptionneedspace}% - \phantomsection\sphinxLiteralBlockLabel - \fi - \else - \parskip\z@skip - \if t\spx@opt@literalblockcappos - \vskip\spx@abovecaptionskip - \def\sphinxVerbatim@Before - {\sphinxVerbatim@Title\nointerlineskip - \kern\dimexpr-\dp\strutbox+\sphinxbelowcaptionspace - % if no frame (code-blocks inside table cells), remove - % the "verbatimsep" whitespace from the top (better visually) - \ifspx@opt@verbatimwithframe\else-\sphinxverbatimsep\fi - % caption package adds \abovecaptionskip vspace, remove it - \spx@ifcaptionpackage{-\abovecaptionskip}{}\relax}% - \else - \vskip\sphinxverbatimsmallskipamount - \def\sphinxVerbatim@After - {\nointerlineskip\kern\dimexpr\dp\strutbox - \ifspx@opt@verbatimwithframe\else-\sphinxverbatimsep\fi - \spx@ifcaptionpackage{-\abovecaptionskip}{}\relax - \sphinxVerbatim@Title}% - \fi - \def\@captype{literalblock}% - \capstart - % \sphinxVerbatimTitle must reset color - \setbox\sphinxVerbatim@TitleBox - \hbox{\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}% - % caption package may detect wrongly if top or bottom, so we help it - \spx@ifcaptionpackage - {\caption@setposition{\spx@opt@literalblockcappos}}{}% - \sphinxVerbatimTitle - \end{minipage}}% - \fi - \global\let\sphinxLiteralBlockLabel\empty - \global\let\sphinxVerbatimTitle\empty - \fboxsep\sphinxverbatimsep \fboxrule\sphinxverbatimborder - \ifspx@opt@verbatimwithframe\else\fboxrule\z@\fi - \let\FrameCommand \sphinxVerbatim@FrameCommand - \let\FirstFrameCommand\sphinxVerbatim@FirstFrameCommand - \let\MidFrameCommand \sphinxVerbatim@MidFrameCommand - \let\LastFrameCommand \sphinxVerbatim@LastFrameCommand - \ifspx@opt@verbatimhintsturnover\else - \let\sphinxVerbatim@Continued\@empty - \let\sphinxVerbatim@Continues\@empty - \fi - \ifspx@opt@verbatimwrapslines - % fancyvrb's Verbatim puts each input line in (unbreakable) horizontal boxes. - % This customization wraps each line from the input in a \vtop, thus - % allowing it to wrap and display on two or more lines in the latex output. - % - The codeline counter will be increased only once. - % - The wrapped material will not break across pages, it is impossible - % to achieve this without extensive rewrite of fancyvrb. - % - The (not used in sphinx) obeytabs option to Verbatim is - % broken by this change (showtabs and tabspace work). - \let\sphinxVerbatimFormatLine\sphinxVerbatimFormatLineWrap - \let\FV@Space\spx@verbatim@space - % Allow breaks at special characters using \PYG... macros. - \sphinxbreaksatspecials - % Breaks at punctuation characters . , ; ? ! and / (needs catcode activation) - \fvset{codes*=\sphinxbreaksviaactive}% - \else % end of conditional code for wrapping long code lines - \let\sphinxVerbatimFormatLine\sphinxVerbatimFormatLineNoWrap - \fi - \let\FancyVerbFormatLine\sphinxFancyVerbFormatLine - \VerbatimEnvironment - % workaround to fancyvrb's check of current list depth - \def\@toodeep {\advance\@listdepth\@ne}% - % The list environment is needed to control perfectly the vertical space. - % Note: \OuterFrameSep used by framed.sty is later set to \topsep hence 0pt. - % - if caption: distance from last text baseline to caption baseline is - % A+(B-F)+\ht\strutbox, A = \abovecaptionskip (default 10pt), B = - % \baselineskip, F is the framed.sty \FrameHeightAdjust macro, default 6pt. - % Formula valid for F < 10pt. - % - distance of baseline of caption to top of frame is like for tables: - % \sphinxbelowcaptionspace (=0.5\baselineskip) - % - if no caption: distance of last text baseline to code frame is S+(B-F), - % with S = \sphinxverbatimtopskip (=\smallskip) - % - and distance from bottom of frame to next text baseline is - % \baselineskip+\parskip. - % The \trivlist is used to avoid possible "too deeply nested" error. - \itemsep \z@skip - \topsep \z@skip - \partopsep \z@skip - % trivlist will set \parsep to \parskip (which itself is set to zero above) - % \leftmargin will be set to zero by trivlist - \rightmargin\z@ - \parindent \z@% becomes \itemindent. Default zero, but perhaps overwritten. - \trivlist\item\relax - \ifspx@inframed\setbox\sphinxVerbatim@ContentsBox\vbox\bgroup - \@setminipage\hsize\linewidth - % use bulk of minipage paragraph shape restores (this is needed - % in indented contexts, at least for some) - \textwidth\hsize \columnwidth\hsize \@totalleftmargin\z@ - \leftskip\z@skip \rightskip\z@skip \@rightskip\z@skip - \else - \ifsphinxverbatimwithminipage\noindent\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}\fi - \MakeFramed {% adapted over from framed.sty's snugshade environment - \advance\hsize-\width\@totalleftmargin\z@\linewidth\hsize\@setminipage - }% - \fi - % For grid placement from \strut's in \FancyVerbFormatLine - \lineskip\z@skip - % active comma should not be overwritten by \@noligs - \ifspx@opt@verbatimwrapslines - \let\verbatim@nolig@list \sphinx@verbatim@nolig@list - \fi - % will fetch its optional arguments if any - \OriginalVerbatim -} -{% - \endOriginalVerbatim - \ifspx@inframed - \egroup % finish \sphinxVerbatim@ContentsBox vbox - \nobreak % update page totals - \ifdim\dimexpr\ht\sphinxVerbatim@ContentsBox+ - \dp\sphinxVerbatim@ContentsBox+ - \ht\sphinxVerbatim@TitleBox+ - \dp\sphinxVerbatim@TitleBox+ - 2\fboxsep+2\fboxrule+ - % try to account for external frame parameters - \FrameSep+\FrameRule+ - % Usage here of 2 baseline distances is empirical. - % In border case where code-block fits barely in remaining space, - % it gets framed and looks good but the outer frame may continue - % on top of next page and give (if no contents after code-block) - % an empty framed line, as testing showed. - 2\baselineskip+ - % now add all to accumulated page totals and compare to \pagegoal - \pagetotal+\pagedepth>\pagegoal - % long contents: do not \MakeFramed. Do make a caption (either before or - % after) if title exists. Continuation hints across pagebreaks dropped. - % FIXME? a bottom caption may end up isolated at top of next page - % (no problem with a top caption, which is default) - \spx@opt@verbatimwithframefalse - \def\sphinxVerbatim@Title{\noindent\box\sphinxVerbatim@TitleBox\par}% - \sphinxVerbatim@Before - \noindent\unvbox\sphinxVerbatim@ContentsBox\par - \sphinxVerbatim@After - \else - % short enough contents: use \MakeFramed. As it is nested, this requires - % minipage encapsulation. - \noindent\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}% - \MakeFramed {% Use it now with the fetched contents - \advance\hsize-\width\@totalleftmargin\z@\linewidth\hsize\@setminipage - }% - \unvbox\sphinxVerbatim@ContentsBox - % some of this may be superfluous: - \par\unskip\@minipagefalse\endMakeFramed - \end{minipage}% - \fi - \else % non-nested \MakeFramed - \par\unskip\@minipagefalse\endMakeFramed % from framed.sty snugshade - \ifsphinxverbatimwithminipage\end{minipage}\fi - \fi - \endtrivlist -} -\newenvironment {sphinxVerbatimNoFrame} - {\spx@opt@verbatimwithframefalse - \VerbatimEnvironment - \begin{sphinxVerbatim}} - {\end{sphinxVerbatim}} -\newenvironment {sphinxVerbatimintable} - {% don't use a frame if in a table cell - \spx@opt@verbatimwithframefalse - \sphinxverbatimwithminipagetrue - % the literal block caption uses \sphinxcaption which is wrapper of \caption, - % but \caption must be modified because longtable redefines it to work only - % for the own table caption, and tabulary has multiple passes - \let\caption\sphinxfigcaption - % reduce above caption skip - \def\spx@abovecaptionskip{\sphinxverbatimsmallskipamount}% - \VerbatimEnvironment - \begin{sphinxVerbatim}} - {\end{sphinxVerbatim}} - - -%% PARSED LITERALS -% allow long lines to wrap like they do in code-blocks - -% this should be kept in sync with definitions in sphinx.util.texescape -\newcommand*\sphinxbreaksattexescapedchars{% - \def\do##1##2% put potential break point before character - {\def##1{\discretionary{}{\sphinxafterbreak\char`##2}{\char`##2}}}% - \do\{\{\do\textless\<\do\#\#\do\%\%\do\$\$% {, <, #, %, $ - \def\do##1##2% put potential break point after character - {\def##1{\discretionary{\char`##2}{\sphinxafterbreak}{\char`##2}}}% - \do\_\_\do\}\}\do\textasciicircum\^\do\&\&% _, }, ^, &, - \do\textgreater\>\do\textasciitilde\~% >, ~ - \do\textbackslash\\% \ -} -\newcommand*\sphinxbreaksviaactiveinparsedliteral{% - \sphinxbreaksviaactive % by default handles . , ; ? ! / - \lccode`\~`\~ % - % update \dospecials as it is used by \url - % but deactivation will already have been done hence this is unneeded: - % \expandafter\def\expandafter\dospecials\expandafter{\dospecials - % \sphinxbreaksbeforeactivelist\sphinxbreaksafteractivelist\do\-}% -} -\newcommand*\sphinxbreaksatspaceinparsedliteral{% - \lccode`~32 \lowercase{\let~}\spx@verbatim@space\lccode`\~`\~ -} -\newcommand*{\sphinxunactivateextras}{\let\do\@makeother - \sphinxbreaksbeforeactivelist\sphinxbreaksafteractivelist}% -% the \catcode13=5\relax (deactivate end of input lines) is left to callers -\newcommand*{\sphinxunactivateextrasandspace}{\catcode32=10\relax - \sphinxunactivateextras}% -% now for the modified alltt environment -\newenvironment{sphinxalltt} -{% at start of next line to workaround Emacs/AUCTeX issue with this file -\begin{alltt}% - \ifspx@opt@parsedliteralwraps - \sbox\sphinxcontinuationbox {\spx@opt@verbatimcontinued}% - \sbox\sphinxvisiblespacebox {\spx@opt@verbatimvisiblespace}% - \sphinxbreaksattexescapedchars - \sphinxbreaksviaactiveinparsedliteral - \sphinxbreaksatspaceinparsedliteral -% alltt takes care of the ' as derivative ("prime") in math mode - \everymath\expandafter{\the\everymath\sphinxunactivateextrasandspace - \catcode`\<=12\catcode`\>=12\catcode`\^=7\catcode`\_=8 }% -% not sure if displayed math (align,...) can end up in parsed-literal, anyway - \everydisplay\expandafter{\the\everydisplay - \catcode13=5 \sphinxunactivateextrasandspace - \catcode`\<=12\catcode`\>=12\catcode`\^=7\catcode`\_=8 }% - \fi } -{\end{alltt}} - -% Protect \href's first argument in contexts such as sphinxalltt (or -% \sphinxcode). Sphinx uses \#, \%, \& ... always inside \sphinxhref. -\protected\def\sphinxhref#1#2{{% - \sphinxunactivateextrasandspace % never do \scantokens with active space! -% for the \endlinechar business, https://github.com/latex3/latex2e/issues/286 - \endlinechar\m@ne\everyeof{{\endlinechar13 #2}}% keep catcode regime for #2 - \scantokens{\href{#1}}% normalise it for #1 during \href expansion -}} -% Same for \url. And also \nolinkurl for coherence. -\protected\def\sphinxurl#1{{% - \sphinxunactivateextrasandspace\everyeof{}% (<- precaution for \scantokens) - \endlinechar\m@ne\scantokens{\url{#1}}% -}} -\protected\def\sphinxnolinkurl#1{{% - \sphinxunactivateextrasandspace\everyeof{}% - \endlinechar\m@ne\scantokens{\nolinkurl{#1}}% -}} - - -%% TOPIC AND CONTENTS BOXES -% -% Again based on use of "framed.sty", this allows breakable framed boxes. -\long\def\spx@ShadowFBox#1{% - \leavevmode\begingroup - % first we frame the box #1 - \setbox\@tempboxa - \hbox{\vrule\@width\sphinxshadowrule - \vbox{\hrule\@height\sphinxshadowrule - \kern\sphinxshadowsep - \hbox{\kern\sphinxshadowsep #1\kern\sphinxshadowsep}% - \kern\sphinxshadowsep - \hrule\@height\sphinxshadowrule}% - \vrule\@width\sphinxshadowrule}% - % Now we add the shadow, like \shadowbox from fancybox.sty would do - \dimen@\dimexpr.5\sphinxshadowrule+\sphinxshadowsize\relax - \hbox{\vbox{\offinterlineskip - \hbox{\copy\@tempboxa\kern-.5\sphinxshadowrule - % add shadow on right side - \lower\sphinxshadowsize - \hbox{\vrule\@height\ht\@tempboxa \@width\dimen@}% - }% - \kern-\dimen@ % shift back vertically to bottom of frame - % and add shadow at bottom - \moveright\sphinxshadowsize - \vbox{\hrule\@width\wd\@tempboxa \@height\dimen@}% - }% - % move left by the size of right shadow so shadow adds no width - \kern-\sphinxshadowsize - }% - \endgroup -} - -% use framed.sty to allow page breaks in frame+shadow -% works well inside Lists and Quote-like environments -% produced by ``topic'' directive (or local contents) -% could nest if LaTeX writer authorized it -\newenvironment{sphinxShadowBox} - {\def\FrameCommand {\spx@ShadowFBox }% - \advance\spx@image@maxheight - -\dimexpr2\sphinxshadowrule - +2\sphinxshadowsep - +\sphinxshadowsize - +\baselineskip\relax - % configure framed.sty not to add extra vertical spacing - \ltx@ifundefined{OuterFrameSep}{}{\OuterFrameSep\z@skip}% - % the \trivlist will add the vertical spacing on top and bottom which is - % typical of center environment as used in Sphinx <= 1.4.1 - % the \noindent has the effet of an extra blank line on top, to - % imitate closely the layout from Sphinx <= 1.4.1; the \FrameHeightAdjust - % will put top part of frame on this baseline. - \def\FrameHeightAdjust {\baselineskip}% - % use package footnote to handle footnotes - \savenotes - \trivlist\item\noindent - % use a minipage if we are already inside a framed environment - \ifspx@inframed\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}\fi - \MakeFramed {\spx@inframedtrue - % framed.sty puts into "\width" the added width (=2shadowsep+2shadowrule) - % adjust \hsize to what the contents must use - \advance\hsize-\width - % adjust LaTeX parameters to behave properly in indented/quoted contexts - \FrameRestore - % typeset the contents as in a minipage (Sphinx <= 1.4.1 used a minipage and - % itemize/enumerate are therein typeset more tightly, we want to keep - % that). We copy-paste from LaTeX source code but don't do a real minipage. - \@pboxswfalse - \let\@listdepth\@mplistdepth \@mplistdepth\z@ - \@minipagerestore - \@setminipage - }% - }% - {% insert the "endminipage" code - \par\unskip - \@minipagefalse - \endMakeFramed - \ifspx@inframed\end{minipage}\fi - \endtrivlist - % output the stored footnotes - \spewnotes - } - - -%% NOTICES AND ADMONITIONS -% -% Some are quite plain -% the spx@notice@bordercolor etc are set in the sphinxadmonition environment -\newenvironment{sphinxlightbox}{% - \par - \noindent{\color{spx@notice@bordercolor}% - \rule{\linewidth}{\spx@notice@border}}\par\nobreak - {\parskip\z@skip\noindent}% - } - {% - % counteract previous possible negative skip (French lists!): - % (we can't cancel that any earlier \vskip introduced a potential pagebreak) - \sphinxvspacefixafterfrenchlists - \nobreak\vbox{\noindent\kern\@totalleftmargin - {\color{spx@notice@bordercolor}% - \rule[\dimexpr.4\baselineskip-\spx@notice@border\relax] - {\linewidth}{\spx@notice@border}}\hss}\allowbreak - }% end of sphinxlightbox environment definition -% may be renewenvironment'd by user for complete customization -\newenvironment{sphinxnote}[1] - {\begin{sphinxlightbox}\sphinxstrong{#1} }{\end{sphinxlightbox}} -\newenvironment{sphinxhint}[1] - {\begin{sphinxlightbox}\sphinxstrong{#1} }{\end{sphinxlightbox}} -\newenvironment{sphinximportant}[1] - {\begin{sphinxlightbox}\sphinxstrong{#1} }{\end{sphinxlightbox}} -\newenvironment{sphinxtip}[1] - {\begin{sphinxlightbox}\sphinxstrong{#1} }{\end{sphinxlightbox}} -% or just use the package options -% these are needed for common handling by notice environment of lightbox -% and heavybox but they are currently not used by lightbox environment -% and there is consequently no corresponding package option -\definecolor{sphinxnoteBgColor}{rgb}{1,1,1} -\definecolor{sphinxhintBgColor}{rgb}{1,1,1} -\definecolor{sphinximportantBgColor}{rgb}{1,1,1} -\definecolor{sphinxtipBgColor}{rgb}{1,1,1} - -% Others get more distinction -% Code adapted from framed.sty's "snugshade" environment. -% Nesting works (inner frames do not allow page breaks). -\newenvironment{sphinxheavybox}{\par - \setlength{\FrameRule}{\spx@notice@border}% - \setlength{\FrameSep}{\dimexpr.6\baselineskip-\FrameRule\relax} - \advance\spx@image@maxheight - -\dimexpr2\FrameRule - +2\FrameSep - +\baselineskip\relax % will happen again if nested, needed indeed! - % configure framed.sty's parameters to obtain same vertical spacing - % as for "light" boxes. We need for this to manually insert parskip glue and - % revert a skip done by framed before the frame. - \ltx@ifundefined{OuterFrameSep}{}{\OuterFrameSep\z@skip}% - \vspace{\FrameHeightAdjust} - % copied/adapted from framed.sty's snugshade - \def\FrameCommand##1{\hskip\@totalleftmargin - \fboxsep\FrameSep \fboxrule\FrameRule - \fcolorbox{spx@notice@bordercolor}{spx@notice@bgcolor}{##1}% - \hskip-\linewidth \hskip-\@totalleftmargin \hskip\columnwidth}% - \savenotes - % use a minipage if we are already inside a framed environment - \ifspx@inframed - \noindent\begin{minipage}{\linewidth} - \else - % handle case where notice is first thing in a list item (or is quoted) - \if@inlabel - \noindent\par\vspace{-\baselineskip} - \else - \vspace{\parskip} - \fi - \fi - \MakeFramed {\spx@inframedtrue - \advance\hsize-\width \@totalleftmargin\z@ \linewidth\hsize - % minipage initialization copied from LaTeX source code. - \@pboxswfalse - \let\@listdepth\@mplistdepth \@mplistdepth\z@ - \@minipagerestore - \@setminipage }% - } - {% - \par\unskip - \@minipagefalse - \endMakeFramed - \ifspx@inframed\end{minipage}\fi - % set footnotes at bottom of page - \spewnotes - % arrange for similar spacing below frame as for "light" boxes. - \vskip .4\baselineskip - }% end of sphinxheavybox environment definition -% may be renewenvironment'd by user for complete customization -\newenvironment{sphinxwarning}[1] - {\begin{sphinxheavybox}\sphinxstrong{#1} }{\end{sphinxheavybox}} -\newenvironment{sphinxcaution}[1] - {\begin{sphinxheavybox}\sphinxstrong{#1} }{\end{sphinxheavybox}} -\newenvironment{sphinxattention}[1] - {\begin{sphinxheavybox}\sphinxstrong{#1} }{\end{sphinxheavybox}} -\newenvironment{sphinxdanger}[1] - {\begin{sphinxheavybox}\sphinxstrong{#1} }{\end{sphinxheavybox}} -\newenvironment{sphinxerror}[1] - {\begin{sphinxheavybox}\sphinxstrong{#1} }{\end{sphinxheavybox}} -% or just use package options - -% the \colorlet of xcolor (if at all loaded) is overkill for our use case -\newcommand{\sphinxcolorlet}[2] - {\expandafter\let\csname\@backslashchar color@#1\expandafter\endcsname - \csname\@backslashchar color@#2\endcsname } - -% the main dispatch for all types of notices -\newenvironment{sphinxadmonition}[2]{% #1=type, #2=heading - % can't use #1 directly in definition of end part - \def\spx@noticetype {#1}% - % set parameters of heavybox/lightbox - \sphinxcolorlet{spx@notice@bordercolor}{sphinx#1BorderColor}% - \sphinxcolorlet{spx@notice@bgcolor}{sphinx#1BgColor}% - \spx@notice@border \dimexpr\csname spx@opt@#1border\endcsname\relax - % start specific environment, passing the heading as argument - \begin{sphinx#1}{#2}} - % workaround some LaTeX "feature" of \end command - {\edef\spx@temp{\noexpand\end{sphinx\spx@noticetype}}\spx@temp} - - -%% PYTHON DOCS MACROS AND ENVIRONMENTS -% (some macros here used by \maketitle in sphinxmanual.cls and sphinxhowto.cls) - -% \moduleauthor{name}{email} -\newcommand{\moduleauthor}[2]{} - -% \sectionauthor{name}{email} -\newcommand{\sectionauthor}[2]{} - -% Allow the release number to be specified independently of the -% \date{}. This allows the date to reflect the document's date and -% release to specify the release that is documented. -% -\newcommand{\py@release}{\releasename\space\version} -\newcommand{\version}{}% part of \py@release, used by title page and headers -% \releaseinfo is used on titlepage (sphinxmanual.cls, sphinxhowto.cls) -\newcommand{\releaseinfo}{} -\newcommand{\setreleaseinfo}[1]{\renewcommand{\releaseinfo}{#1}} -% this is inserted via template and #1=release config variable -\newcommand{\release}[1]{\renewcommand{\version}{#1}} -% this is defined by template to 'releasename' latex_elements key -\newcommand{\releasename}{} -% Fix issue in case release and releasename deliberately left blank -\newcommand{\sphinxheadercomma}{, }% used in fancyhdr header definition -\newcommand{\sphinxifemptyorblank}[1]{% -% test after one expansion of macro #1 if contents is empty or spaces - \if&\expandafter\@firstofone\detokenize\expandafter{#1}&% - \expandafter\@firstoftwo\else\expandafter\@secondoftwo\fi}% -\AtBeginDocument {% - \sphinxifemptyorblank{\releasename} - {\sphinxifemptyorblank{\version}{\let\sphinxheadercomma\empty}{}} - {}% -}% - -% Allow specification of the author's address separately from the -% author's name. This can be used to format them differently, which -% is a good thing. -% -\newcommand{\py@authoraddress}{} -\newcommand{\authoraddress}[1]{\renewcommand{\py@authoraddress}{#1}} - -% {fulllineitems} is the main environment for object descriptions. -% -\newcommand{\py@itemnewline}[1]{% - \kern\labelsep - \@tempdima\linewidth - \advance\@tempdima \labelwidth\makebox[\@tempdima][l]{#1}% - \kern-\labelsep -} - -\newenvironment{fulllineitems}{% - \begin{list}{}{\labelwidth \leftmargin - \rightmargin \z@ \topsep -\parskip \partopsep \parskip - \itemsep -\parsep - \let\makelabel=\py@itemnewline}% -}{\end{list}} - -% Signatures, possibly multi-line -% -\newlength{\py@argswidth} -\newcommand{\py@sigparams}[2]{% - \parbox[t]{\py@argswidth}{#1\sphinxcode{)}#2}} -\newcommand{\pysigline}[1]{\item[{#1}]} -\newcommand{\pysiglinewithargsret}[3]{% - \settowidth{\py@argswidth}{#1\sphinxcode{(}}% - \addtolength{\py@argswidth}{-2\py@argswidth}% - \addtolength{\py@argswidth}{\linewidth}% - \item[{#1\sphinxcode{(}\py@sigparams{#2}{#3}}]} -\newcommand{\pysigstartmultiline}{% - \def\pysigstartmultiline{\vskip\smallskipamount\parskip\z@skip\itemsep\z@skip}% - \edef\pysigstopmultiline - {\noexpand\leavevmode\parskip\the\parskip\relax\itemsep\the\itemsep\relax}% - \parskip\z@skip\itemsep\z@skip -} - -% Production lists -% -\newenvironment{productionlist}{% -% \def\sphinxoptional##1{{\Large[}##1{\Large]}} - \def\production##1##2{\\\sphinxcode{\sphinxupquote{##1}}&::=&\sphinxcode{\sphinxupquote{##2}}}% - \def\productioncont##1{\\& &\sphinxcode{\sphinxupquote{##1}}}% - \parindent=2em - \indent - \setlength{\LTpre}{0pt}% - \setlength{\LTpost}{0pt}% - \begin{longtable}[l]{lcl} -}{% - \end{longtable} -} - -% Definition lists; requested by AMK for HOWTO documents. Probably useful -% elsewhere as well, so keep in in the general style support. -% -\newenvironment{definitions}{% - \begin{description}% - \def\term##1{\item[{##1}]\mbox{}\\*[0mm]}% -}{% - \end{description}% -} - -%% FROM DOCTUTILS LATEX WRITER -% -% The following is stuff copied from docutils' latex writer. -% -\newcommand{\optionlistlabel}[1]{\normalfont\bfseries #1 \hfill}% \bf deprecated -\newenvironment{optionlist}[1] -{\begin{list}{} - {\setlength{\labelwidth}{#1} - \setlength{\rightmargin}{1cm} - \setlength{\leftmargin}{\rightmargin} - \addtolength{\leftmargin}{\labelwidth} - \addtolength{\leftmargin}{\labelsep} - \renewcommand{\makelabel}{\optionlistlabel}} -}{\end{list}} - -\newlength{\lineblockindentation} -\setlength{\lineblockindentation}{2.5em} -\newenvironment{lineblock}[1] -{\begin{list}{} - {\setlength{\partopsep}{\parskip} - \addtolength{\partopsep}{\baselineskip} - \topsep0pt\itemsep0.15\baselineskip\parsep0pt - \leftmargin#1\relax} - \raggedright} -{\end{list}} - -% From docutils.writers.latex2e -% inline markup (custom roles) -% \DUrole{#1}{#2} tries \DUrole#1{#2} -\providecommand*{\DUrole}[2]{% - \ifcsname DUrole\detokenize{#1}\endcsname - \csname DUrole\detokenize{#1}\endcsname{#2}% - \else% backwards compatibility: try \docutilsrole#1{#2} - \ifcsname docutilsrole\detokenize{#1}\endcsname - \csname docutilsrole\detokenize{#1}\endcsname{#2}% - \else - #2% - \fi - \fi -} - -\providecommand*{\DUprovidelength}[2]{% - \ifdefined#1\else\newlength{#1}\setlength{#1}{#2}\fi -} - -\DUprovidelength{\DUlineblockindent}{2.5em} -\ifdefined\DUlineblock\else - \newenvironment{DUlineblock}[1]{% - \list{}{\setlength{\partopsep}{\parskip} - \addtolength{\partopsep}{\baselineskip} - \setlength{\topsep}{0pt} - \setlength{\itemsep}{0.15\baselineskip} - \setlength{\parsep}{0pt} - \setlength{\leftmargin}{#1}} - \raggedright - } - {\endlist} -\fi - -%% TEXT STYLING -% -% to obtain straight quotes we execute \@noligs as patched by upquote, and -% \scantokens is needed in cases where it would be too late for the macro to -% first set catcodes and then fetch its argument. We also make the contents -% breakable at non-escaped . , ; ? ! / using \sphinxbreaksviaactive, -% and also at \ character (which is escaped to \textbackslash{}). -\protected\def\sphinxtextbackslashbreakbefore - {\discretionary{}{\sphinxafterbreak\sphinx@textbackslash}{\sphinx@textbackslash}} -\protected\def\sphinxtextbackslashbreakafter - {\discretionary{\sphinx@textbackslash}{\sphinxafterbreak}{\sphinx@textbackslash}} -\let\sphinxtextbackslash\sphinxtextbackslashbreakafter -% the macro must be protected if it ends up used in moving arguments, -% in 'alltt' \@noligs is done already, and the \scantokens must be avoided. -\protected\def\sphinxupquote#1{{\def\@tempa{alltt}% - \ifx\@tempa\@currenvir\else - \ifspx@opt@inlineliteralwraps - % break at . , ; ? ! / - \sphinxbreaksviaactive - % break also at \ - \let\sphinx@textbackslash\textbackslash - \let\textbackslash\sphinxtextbackslash - % by default, no continuation symbol on next line but may be added - \let\sphinxafterbreak\sphinxafterbreakofinlineliteral - % do not overwrite the comma set-up - \let\verbatim@nolig@list\sphinx@literal@nolig@list - \fi - % fix a space-gobbling issue due to LaTeX's original \do@noligs -% TODO: using \@noligs as patched by upquote.sty is now unneeded because -% either ` and ' are escaped (non-unicode engines) or they don't build -% ligatures (unicode engines). Thus remove this and unify handling of `, <, >, -% ' and - with the characters . , ; ? ! / as handled via -% \sphinxbreaksviaactive. -% Hence \sphinx@do@noligs will be removed, or rather replaced with code -% inserting discretionaries, as they allow a continuation symbol on start of -% next line to achieve common design with code-blocks. - \let\do@noligs\sphinx@do@noligs - \@noligs\endlinechar\m@ne\everyeof{}% (<- in case inside \sphinxhref) - \expandafter\scantokens - \fi {{#1}}}}% extra brace pair to fix end-space gobbling issue... -\def\sphinx@do@noligs #1{\catcode`#1\active\begingroup\lccode`\~`#1\relax - \lowercase{\endgroup\def~{\leavevmode\kern\z@\char`#1 }}} -\def\sphinx@literal@nolig@list {\do\`\do\<\do\>\do\'\do\-}% -\let\sphinxafterbreakofinlineliteral\empty - -% Some custom font markup commands. -\protected\def\sphinxstrong#1{\textbf{#1}} -\protected\def\sphinxcode#1{\texttt{#1}} -\protected\def\sphinxbfcode#1{\textbf{\sphinxcode{#1}}} -\protected\def\sphinxemail#1{\textsf{#1}} -\protected\def\sphinxtablecontinued#1{\textsf{#1}} -\protected\def\sphinxtitleref#1{\emph{#1}} -\protected\def\sphinxmenuselection#1{\emph{#1}} -\protected\def\sphinxguilabel#1{\emph{#1}} -\protected\def\sphinxkeyboard#1{\sphinxcode{#1}} -\protected\def\sphinxaccelerator#1{\underline{#1}} -\protected\def\sphinxcrossref#1{\emph{#1}} -\protected\def\sphinxtermref#1{\emph{#1}} -% \optional is used for ``[, arg]``, i.e. desc_optional nodes. -\long\protected\def\sphinxoptional#1{% - {\textnormal{\Large[}}{#1}\hspace{0.5mm}{\textnormal{\Large]}}} - -% additional customizable styling -\def\sphinxstyleindexentry #1{\texttt{#1}} -\def\sphinxstyleindexextra #1{ (\emph{#1})} -\def\sphinxstyleindexpageref #1{, \pageref{#1}} -\def\sphinxstyleindexpagemain#1{\textbf{#1}} -\protected\def\spxentry#1{#1}% will get \let to \sphinxstyleindexentry in index -\protected\def\spxextra#1{#1}% will get \let to \sphinxstyleindexextra in index -\def\sphinxstyleindexlettergroup #1% - {{\Large\sffamily#1}\nopagebreak\vspace{1mm}} -\def\sphinxstyleindexlettergroupDefault #1% - {{\Large\sffamily\sphinxnonalphabeticalgroupname}\nopagebreak\vspace{1mm}} -\protected\def\sphinxstyletopictitle #1{\textbf{#1}\par\medskip} -\let\sphinxstylesidebartitle\sphinxstyletopictitle -\protected\def\sphinxstyleothertitle #1{\textbf{#1}} -\protected\def\sphinxstylesidebarsubtitle #1{~\\\textbf{#1} \smallskip} -% \text.. commands do not allow multiple paragraphs -\protected\def\sphinxstyletheadfamily {\sffamily} -\protected\def\sphinxstyleemphasis #1{\emph{#1}} -\protected\def\sphinxstyleliteralemphasis#1{\emph{\sphinxcode{#1}}} -\protected\def\sphinxstylestrong #1{\textbf{#1}} -\protected\def\sphinxstyleliteralstrong#1{\sphinxbfcode{#1}} -\protected\def\sphinxstyleabbreviation #1{\textsc{#1}} -\protected\def\sphinxstyleliteralintitle#1{\sphinxcode{#1}} -\newcommand*\sphinxstylecodecontinued[1]{\footnotesize(#1)}% -\newcommand*\sphinxstylecodecontinues[1]{\footnotesize(#1)}% -% figure legend comes after caption and may contain arbitrary body elements -\newenvironment{sphinxlegend}{\par\small}{\par} -% reduce hyperref "Token not allowed in a PDF string" warnings on PDF builds -\AtBeginDocument{\pdfstringdefDisableCommands{% -% all "protected" macros possibly ending up in section titles should be here -% TODO: examine if \sphinxhref, \sphinxurl, \sphinnolinkurl should be handled - \let\sphinxstyleemphasis \@firstofone - \let\sphinxstyleliteralemphasis \@firstofone - \let\sphinxstylestrong \@firstofone - \let\sphinxstyleliteralstrong \@firstofone - \let\sphinxstyleabbreviation \@firstofone - \let\sphinxstyleliteralintitle \@firstofone - \let\sphinxupquote \@firstofone - \let\sphinxstrong \@firstofone - \let\sphinxcode \@firstofone - \let\sphinxbfcode \@firstofone - \let\sphinxemail \@firstofone - \let\sphinxcrossref \@firstofone - \let\sphinxtermref \@firstofone - \let\sphinxhyphen\sphinxhyphenforbookmarks -}} - -% Special characters -% -% This definition prevents en-dash and em-dash TeX ligatures. -% -% It inserts a potential breakpoint after the hyphen. This is to keep in sync -% with behavior in code-blocks, parsed and inline literals. For a breakpoint -% before the hyphen use \leavevmode\kern\z@- (within \makeatletter/\makeatother) -\protected\def\sphinxhyphen#1{-\kern\z@} -% The {} from texescape mark-up is kept, else -- gives en-dash in PDF bookmark -\def\sphinxhyphenforbookmarks{-} - -% For curly braces inside \index macro -\def\sphinxleftcurlybrace{\{} -\def\sphinxrightcurlybrace{\}} - -% Declare Unicode characters used by linux tree command to pdflatex utf8/utf8x -\def\spx@bd#1#2{% - \leavevmode - \begingroup - \ifx\spx@bd@height \@undefined\def\spx@bd@height{\baselineskip}\fi - \ifx\spx@bd@width \@undefined\setbox0\hbox{0}\def\spx@bd@width{\wd0 }\fi - \ifx\spx@bd@thickness\@undefined\def\spx@bd@thickness{.6\p@}\fi - \ifx\spx@bd@lower \@undefined\def\spx@bd@lower{\dp\strutbox}\fi - \lower\spx@bd@lower#1{#2}% - \endgroup -}% -\@namedef{sphinx@u2500}% BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL - {\spx@bd{\vbox to\spx@bd@height} - {\vss\hrule\@height\spx@bd@thickness - \@width\spx@bd@width\vss}}% -\@namedef{sphinx@u2502}% BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL - {\spx@bd{\hb@xt@\spx@bd@width} - {\hss\vrule\@height\spx@bd@height - \@width \spx@bd@thickness\hss}}% -\@namedef{sphinx@u2514}% BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND RIGHT - {\spx@bd{\hb@xt@\spx@bd@width} - {\hss\raise.5\spx@bd@height - \hb@xt@\z@{\hss\vrule\@height.5\spx@bd@height - \@width \spx@bd@thickness\hss}% - \vbox to\spx@bd@height{\vss\hrule\@height\spx@bd@thickness - \@width.5\spx@bd@width\vss}}}% -\@namedef{sphinx@u251C}% BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND RIGHT - {\spx@bd{\hb@xt@\spx@bd@width} - {\hss - \hb@xt@\z@{\hss\vrule\@height\spx@bd@height - \@width \spx@bd@thickness\hss}% - \vbox to\spx@bd@height{\vss\hrule\@height\spx@bd@thickness - \@width.5\spx@bd@width\vss}}}% -\protected\def\sphinxunichar#1{\@nameuse{sphinx@u#1}}% - -% Tell TeX about pathological hyphenation cases: -\hyphenation{Base-HTTP-Re-quest-Hand-ler} -\endinput