Let's start by creating a new project. Please make sure you chose Empty Compose Activity
template like in the image below.
In root project's build.gradle
change the compose and kotlin plugins versions to the ones matching the versions found in
Libs.kt and add Hilt
After those changes, root build.gradle
should look similar to this:
buildscript {
ext {
compose_version = '1.2.0-alpha03'
hilt_version = "2.40.5"
android_plugin_version = "7.1.0"
dependencies {
classpath "com.google.dagger:hilt-android-gradle-plugin:$hilt_version"
}// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.
plugins {
id 'com.android.application' version "$android_plugin_version" apply false
id 'com.android.library' version "$android_plugin_version" apply false
id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.android' version '1.6.10' apply false
task clean(type: Delete) {
delete rootProject.buildDir
Now in app/build.gradle
add plugins and dependencies:
plugins {
id 'com.android.application'
id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.android'
id 'kotlin-kapt' // needed for hilt
id 'dagger.hilt.android.plugin'
android {
// (...)
dependencies {
implementation "com.adamkobus:compose-navigation:0.2.0" // change to actual version you want to use.
implementation "com.google.accompanist:accompanist-navigation-animation:0.24.2-alpha"
implementation "androidx.hilt:hilt-navigation-compose:1.0.0"
implementation "com.google.dagger:hilt-android:$hilt_version"
kapt "com.google.dagger:hilt-compiler:$hilt_version"
// (...) remaining dependencies are left unchanged
Synchronize the Gradle configuration and build the app, it should launch without issues.
Next we will configure Hilt so that we can use it in the rest of the examples. To do this, create a file TutorialApplication.kt
in the same package as MainActivity.kt
and put this code in it:
import android.app.Application
import dagger.hilt.android.HiltAndroidApp
class TutorialApplication : Application()
Remember to register TutorialApplication
in AndroidManifest.xml
by adding:
Since we are using Hilt, we can provide NavigationConsumer using it. To do that, add NavigationModule
class in .nav
object NavigationModule {
fun providesNavigationConsumer(): NavigationConsumer = ComposeNavigation.getNavigationConsumer()
The the last thing we have to do before we can jump into creating screens is registering MainActivity
as an entry point for Hilt:
import dagger.hilt.android.AndroidEntryPoint
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
Now that Hilt is configured and dependencies are in place, we can start adding actual screens and navigation.