In this step we will open a detail view from the ListScreen
and pass the id of the clicked item as a launch argument
to the new screen.
Let's start by creating new screen in .ui.detail
import androidx.compose.material.*
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.ui.Alignment
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
fun DetailScreen(itemId: Int) {
modifier = Modifier
) {
Text(text = "Opened item with id $itemId", modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.Center))
Now we need to add a special destination for this screen to TutorialGraph
. You have 2 options here:
- using
on already declared destination to build on top of it. This is helpful if you want to avoid repeating same common parts of the paths. - creating a destination from scratch
import com.adamkobus.compose.navigation.destination.NavStackEntry
import com.adamkobus.compose.navigation.destination.getInt
object TutorialGraph : NavGraph("tutorialGraph") {
const val PARAM_ITEM_ID = "itemId"
// (...)
val List = navDestination("list")
// Option 1: will create "list/{itemId}" destination
val Detail = {
// or
// Option 2: will create "detail/{itemId}" destination
val Detail = navDestination("detail") {
// I recommend adding extensions like this for more convenient access to param's value
fun NavStackEntry?.getItemId() = getInt(TutorialGraph.PARAM_ITEM_ID)
fun NavGraphBuilder.tutorialGraph() {
composableNavigation(TutorialGraph) {
// (...)
composableDestination(TutorialGraph.Detail) { navStackEntry ->
DetailScreen(itemId = navStackEntry.getItemId()) // getItemId() is the extension we declared above
Now all that's left is defining navigation action in TutorialNavActions
and handling list element click in the ListScreen
object TutorialNavActions {
// (...)
fun fromListToDetail(itemId: Int) = TutorialGraph.List goTo TutorialGraph.Detail arg itemId
class ListScreenVM @Inject constructor(
private val navigationConsumer: NavigationConsumer // Added
) : ViewModel() {
val listContent = mutableStateOf(
// will generate 50 list elements numbered from 1 to 50
generateSequence(1) { it + 1 }.take(50).map { ListItemData(it, "List item #$it") }.toList()
val interactions = ListScreenInteractions(
onItemSelected = {
viewModelScope.launch {
navigationConsumer.offer(TutorialNavActions.fromListToDetail( // changed, previously it was TODO
And that's all. Clicking on a list element should open a new screen that displays the id of the list item that you clicked. Also notice that thanks to the verifier which we implemented in the previous step it's not possible to open multiple detail screens by pressing and releasing multiple list elements at once.