First let's define a dialog in DetailScreen.kt
import androidx.compose.material.Card
fun DetailScreenDialog(itemId: Int) {
Card {
Text(text = "Item id: $itemId", modifier = Modifier.padding(24.dp))
Then we need to add a destination to TutorialGraph
import com.adamkobus.compose.navigation.ext.composableDialog
object TutorialGraph : NavGraph("tutorialGraph") {
// (...)
val DetailDialog = {
}.asDialog() // 1
fun NavGraphBuilder.tutorialGraph() {
composableNavigation(TutorialGraph) {
// (...)
composableDialog(TutorialGraph.DetailDialog) { navStackEntry ->
DetailScreenDialog(itemId = navStackEntry.getItemId())
- ScreenDestination.asDialog() will convert this destination
into DialogDestination that can be used with
With destination in place, we can define new navigation action:
object TutorialNavActions {
// (...)
fun fromDetailToDialog(itemId: Int) = TutorialGraph.Detail goTo TutorialGraph.DetailDialog arg itemId
And now the only thing that's left is updating DetailScreen
by adding a new button
and handling its click by using the action we just defined:
fun DetailScreen(itemId: Int) {
val vm: DetailScreenVM = hiltViewModel()
Box {
// (...)
onClick = { vm.interactions.onOpenDialogClicked(itemId) },
modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.BottomCenter)
) {
Text(text = "Open a dialog")
class DetailScreenVM @Inject constructor(
private val navigationConsumer: NavigationConsumer
) : ViewModel() {
val interactions = DetailScreenInteractions(
// (...)
onOpenDialogClicked = { itemId ->
viewModelScope.launch {
data class DetailScreenInteractions(
// (...)
val onOpenDialogClicked: (Int) -> Unit
At this point you should be able to launch a dialog from within DetailScreen