Hello you all so this project helps you to find partners for your project,it let's you post about your project and people can take interest in it and you can further contact them from their social media handle (github,linkedin)
Also this project can be served as boilerPlate for projects like blogType-feed,recipe apps! The whole architecture is very generic and you just need to make few changes to adjust database schema changes
Full demo link https://photos.app.goo.gl/RhhEtuMW3ouFqDhu9
To run this app you need to add your firebase config file in config.js,also add your google-service.json and add oauthId in store->auth login function
run npm install
This application got
- Pagination
- Image caching
- Side effect handling
- Google auth
- Minimum api calls use lot of redux,
- Blazing fast
you can check the application here:
note:Expo client doesn't behave properly please clone and run it properly