- make and base.save_system(<seed_name>) TODO: make sure .reloading is more sugar-coated, e.g. check for correct size of file and document
- make sure one can (re)start and stop viewer from ipython ('kmcos run')
- kmcos.gui.Editor should be able to process project_tree passed in automatically (and save changes directly to it) [should be transparent to the user]
- add a tags field to all entities: parameters, process, species, layer
- change book-keeping/memory management from process based to site based (better storage for amorphous geometries)
- add/fix undo function to process editor
- improve layer editor: make handling better (removing/cancelling sites) and make better guess for z-position of site
- improve speed by inlining function call in generated code [keep it optional in case inlining increases code base too much]
- put XML/DTD handling into stdlib only tools (validation currenty not supported)
- add convenience function to write time series
- document running of simulations better
- configure pip mechanism
- build virtualenv test environment(s): 2.4-3.0
- build deb package
- do 3D version of process editor using ASE facilities first: basically rid gtkcanvas in favor or pygoocanvas and include atoms in background
- check-out blender and maybe additional 3D programs for good gui design of placing sites or species in 3D space
- build-up library of lattices which can be simply chosen from (making new lattice is very easy and fast)
- remove output functionality