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Releases: Adyen/adyen-ios


05 Sep 12:14
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  • Bancontact cards are now supported in the CardComponent
  • Dual-branded Bancontact cards now allow brand selection in the BCMCComponent


  • 3D Secure 2 SDK version: 2.3.2. Includes enhancements to authentication flows and improved error handling during the in-app 3D Secure 2 challenge.
  • The minor units for the following currencies:
Currency code Minor units


15 Aug 09:17
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func didComplete(with resultCode: SessionPaymentResultCode, component: Component, session: AdyenSession)

Use the new didComplete method with the AdyenSessionResult object instead.


  • The countryCode property of AdyenSession.Context is now optional to allow not including it in the /sessions request. Because this property isn't meant to be read, this breaking change shouldn't cause any build errors.

  • 3D Secure 2 SDK version: 2.3.2. Includes enhancements to authentication flows and improved error handling during the in-app 3D Secure 2 challenge.


  • The Session delegate has a new didComplete method with the AdyenSessionResult object. This ensures that the callback is compatible with potential backend changes.

    func didComplete(with result: AdyenSessionResult, component: Component, session: AdyenSession)

    This replaces the removed didComplete function.

  • For Apple Pay, ApplePayConfiguration now supports the capabilities of PKPaymentRequest. Pass PKPaymentRequest when initializing Apple Pay. For example:

    public init(paymentRequest: PKPaymentRequest, allowOnboarding: Bool = false)
  • You can now set the formatting for monetary values. Use the locale property on LocalizationParameters.

  • You can now enforce a specific locale and formatting for monetary values regardless of the locale used by the shopper's device. Use LocalizationParameters(enforcedLocale: MY_LOCALE).

  • You can now configure the payment form to suggest billing addresses when the shopper starts to enter their address. Set the configuration.card.billingAddress.mode to .lookup(handler: LookupHandler).

  • For the gift cards using Drop-in, you can now configure the visibility of the security code field. Set showsSecurityCodeField (boolean) in the giftcard payment method configuration.


  • When the shopper selects a country and region in the payment form, the selection is now fullscreen and includes a search input field where the shopper can enter a value to search for.
  • For cards:
    • The address input form now shows on a separate screen.
    • Icons now have accessibility labels. When the shopper selects the Pay button, and an input field is invalid, focus moves to the field.
  • Remove property applePayCardNetwork from ApplePayDetails that was causing conflicts on some API libraries.


22 Jun 08:39
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  • Live environment for the Asia Pacific and South East region. Set environment to Environment.liveApse.


  • The Icelandic Krona currency (ISK) now has the number of minor units according to ISO-4217.
  • 3D Secure 2 SDK version: 2.3.1.


  • For gift cards, the shopper can now enter more than 20 digits in the Card number field.
  • In DropInComponent.Configuration, when allowsSkippingPaymentList is set to true, Drop-in now stays in the loading state until the shopper cancels or completes the payment.
  • For payment methods with additional actions on Drop-in, the shopper can no longer select the Pay button more than once. Previously, the Pay button could be selected again before the additional action UI appears.


06 Jun 15:00
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  • Payment Method: CashApp Pay. paymentMethod.type: cashapp

  • Payment method: Titres-Restaurant (French Meal Vouchers).

    • Apetiz (Natixis). paymentMethod.type: mealVoucher_FR_natixis.
    • Sodexo. paymentMethod.type: mealVoucher_FR_sodexo.
    • Up Déjeuner. paymentMethod.type: mealVoucher_FR_groupeup.
  • For Drop-in, you can now configure the ACH Direct Debit payment method. When creating a Drop-in configuration, set the following in ach properties:

    • showsStorePaymentMethodField
    • showsBillingAddress
    • billingAddressCountryCodes
  • For Apple Pay, you can now choose to only accept either debit cards or
    credit cards.


  • The Icelandic Krona currency (ISK) now has the number of minor units according to ISO-4217.
  • 3D Secure 2 SDK version: 2.3.1.


  • For gift cards, the shopper can now enter more than 20 digits in the Card number field.

  • Drop-in now displays the correct size when used in split screen mode
    on iPad or on Mac application designed for iPad.

  • For alerts under input fields, you can now see full messages that don't fit on one line.

  • For UPI, when in dark mode:

    • For QR codes, the image now shows correctly. Previously, the image appeared completely black.
    • The background color is now black.
    • The background color of the search bar is now black.


  • The amountToPay property of PaymentComponentData. Use the amount property instead.


14 Feb 15:53
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  • Payment methods:

    • PayNow. paymentMethod.type: paynow.
    • DuitNow. paymentMethod.type: duitnow.
    • Open banking UK. paymentMethod.type: openbanking_UK.
    • UPI:
      • UPI Collect: The shopper pays by entering their virtual payment
        address (VPA).paymentMethod.type: upi_collect.
      • UPI QR: The shopper pays by scanning a QR code.
        paymentMethod.type: upi_qr.
  • For Drop-in, you can now stop the loading state after the shopper selects the Pay button. By doing this, you can allow the shopper to try the payment again instead of dismissing Drop-in if you get an error during the payment. Use the new stopLoading method.

  • For QR code payment methods, the QR code screen now has a Cancel
    button instead of a cross (X) button in the corner for the shopper to cancel
    the payment.


  • For cards, CardComponentDelegate.didChangeBIN(:component:) now
    provides the 8-digit BIN when the card number is 16 or more digits.
    Previously, it only provided the 8-digit BIN when the card number was 17
    or more digits.

  • In DropInComponent.Configuration, when allowsSkippingPaymentList
    is set to true, Drop-in now stays in the loading state until the
    shopper cancels or completes the payment.

  • When the shopper submits a payment, the billing address that the shopper entered is now submitted. Previously, when the selected country doesn't include a state or province field, the submitted value was nil.

  • For stored payment methods, the section header now gets the style from ListSectionHeaderStyle.

  • When a list of issuers is shown during checkout, the background is no longer transparent.


06 Jan 10:51
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What's Changed


  • Fix an issue where Apple Pay in Drop-in would not close.
  • Apple Pay now provides the complete list of networks supported by shopper's iOS device.


28 Nov 15:03
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  • When the shopper submits a payment, the billing address that the shopper entered is now submitted. Previously, when the selected country doesn't include a state or province field, the submitted value was nil.
  • The Drop-in/Component now detects when a shopper enters an invalid email address in the payment form. Previously, sometimes the Drop-in/Component detected invalid email addresses as valid.
  • For cards, when the shopper enters a card number and a dual branded card is detected, a brand is no longer selected.


02 Nov 14:38
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  • Using the /sessions endpoint, you can integrate Drop-in and Components with a single API call. The new AdyenSession object handles all actions after the payment session is created.
    If you already integrated using the /paymentMethods, /payments, and /payments/details endpoints, you can continue using this back end setup in version 5.0.0.

  • Added support for Delegated Authentication.

  • Atome payment method is now supported via the AtomeComponent.

  • Online Banking is supported for Poland and Czech Republic.

  • ACH direct debit details can now be stored for later use.

  • ApplepayComponent now supports shipping capabilities.

  • Payment method titles can now be customized via the PaymentMethods.overrideDisplayInformation() functions.

  • Added a new PaymentMethodType enum instead of relying on strings for payment method types

  • The SDK will collect basic telemetry events which can be toggled in AnalyticsConfiguration.

  • Added support for DocC documentation.

  • Boleto details can now be configured in the DropInComponent.Configuration via the boleto property.

  • Upgraded the 3DS2 SDK to version 2.3.0

  • The CardComponent.cardComponentDelegate.didChangeBIN(: component:) now reports 8 digit bins in case of PAN's with more than 16 digits.

  • ThreeDS2Component can now be configured with threeDSRequestorAppURL


  • Observer is renamed to AdyenObserver to avoid potential conflicts.


28 Oct 14:25
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  • The ViewControllerPresenter SwiftUI helper is now compatible with iOS 16.
  • For the stored cards, shoppers can now only enter 4 digits in the CVC input field if the card brand is American Express.
  • The Google Pay payment method now blocked and is no longer shown.


19 Oct 06:38
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  • The URL extension. It caused conflict with the code in some integrations.


  • For 3D Secure 2.2.0, the threeDSRequestorAppURL parameter is automatically populated with the returnUrl value from the /payments request.


  • The RedirectDetails property is now public.


  • A successful QR code payment now always triggers the callback.