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Runbook: RUN Protocol Preview

Dan Connolly edited this page Apr 24, 2022 · 25 revisions

context: #5062 Install RUN Protocol Preview release in devnet

Train voters; develop support for the proposal

Store contracts on chain; generate proposal to start them

install agoric-sdk

what version, exactly?


git clone ...
yarn build

start local solo

cd packages/solo

# NETCONFIG_URL= # for practice

export AG_SOLO_BASEDIR=/tmp/stage20  # directory of your choosing

./bin/ag-solo setup --netconfig=${NETCONFIG_URL}

Verify that your ag-solo is up and that you can run E(home.myAddressNameAdmin).getMyAddress().

Deploy the contracts

This takes several minutes and costs around 20K RUN. I think enough RUN is automatically provisioned above.

cd ../../packages/run-protocol
yarn build  # not necessary, by design, but a worthwhile double-check
yarn deploy:contracts
adding @agoric/vats-v0.8.0-n176/src/mintHolder.js 937 ...
waiting for 67 (~193096B) final additions...
{ initial: 0, added: 10, total: 10 }
{ boardId: 'board04719' }
Done in 602.11s.

Run yarn deploy:contracts again to see that the output is stable. It should only take a few seconds this time.

Take note of the resulting boardId.

Get Anchor IBC denom

For example:

% agd query bank balances agoric1yumvyl7f5nkalss7w59gs6n3jtqv5gmarudx55 --node 
- amount: "10000"
  denom: ibc/949E954E05CE9E63E072ABD13A7DAAAB338A1E57FFBC148C50D74451AB5067D1
  next_key: null
  total: "0"

Build executable proposal

The first part takes a couple minutes:

yarn build:eval:main
creating gov-amm-vaults-etc-permit.json
creating gov-amm-vaults-etc.js
You can now run a governance submission command like:
  agd tx gov submit-proposal swingset-core-eval gov-amm-vaults-etc-permit.json gov-amm-vaults-etc.js ...

{ initial: 10, total: 10 }
Done in 133.90s.

Then, using the boardId and IBC denom above:

yarn build:eval-permit:psm
Done in 0.28s.

INSTALL_CACHE=board04827 \
  ANCHOR_DENOM=ibc/949E954E05CE9E63E072ABD13A7DAAAB338A1E57FFBC148C50D74451AB5067D1 \
  yarn build:eval-code:psm
Done in 0.30s.

Send the governance proposal to the blockchain

Check NETWORK_CONFIG and such in the Makefile.

make submit-proposal

check progress

As often as you like:

make gov-q

Vote on our validators

It may be necessary to become a whale if we don't get sufficient community partipation.

voting in devnet


Voting in stage

For example (presuming you have the Makefile stuff and relevant access):

CHAIN_ID=agoricstage-22 PROPOSAL_NUM=1 make vote

For voting 1 user:

Test the results

You should see an AUSD wallet in the purse; this is needed by PSM.

in the REPL, check E(E(home.agoricNames).lookup('instance')).entries() and look for...

  • details TBD.

21 Apr attempt showed instances; yay!


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