- fixed server data model
- added more documentation to the library
- update package to use for mime
- use only core of the apache tika
- switched to default java logging
- switched from mimeutil library to apache tika for file type detection
- small type updates
- removed jaxb bindings
- updated log library
- added more message creation tests
- updated jersey version to 2.33
- small model update
- clients can be retrieved with custom API url now
- remove obsolete test
- Errors that come from Postmark API will contain error code from now on
- Error handler is separated from http client handler
- Message details endpoint supports parameters usage
- sending has an option to choose message stream now
- fixed issue with templates not having option to attach files with content id (used mostly for inline images)
- updated jersey version and Bounce ID to long type
- bounce tag endpoint is no longer supported
- fixed Jackson 2.10.0 library with Java 11 usage
- added webhook management support
- improved test coverage
- improved type model
- updated jackson version to resolve security issue
- added template layouts support
- fix date deserializing issue with some of the inbound messages
- tiny update to dependency model for Jackson
- added template pushes support
- add support for using metadata to sending email with template
- updated message model to new metadata format
- updated version - for easy backporting to jersey1x for users using old version of jersey
- disable logging by default, allow users to customize it
- improved adding attachments for templates endpoint
- better support for adding attachments to email message
- force jackson annotations to be the same as jackson provider
- added verifyDomainDKIM endpoint to client
- added verifyDomainReturnPath endpoint to client
- template feature updates
- added support for managing templates by Alias
- added support for batch sending templates
- model for bounces, opens, clicks, delivery updated with "RecordType" support
- inbound webhooks have "rawEmail" support now
- updated Jackson (JSON object handler) to latest stable version (2.9.5) - this should resolve parsing issues with "fractional" timezones
- object model changed to use interfaces instead of implementations for lists and maps
- deprecated "deliverMessage" API client call for templates, use "deliverMessageWithTemplate" instead
- added new integration tests
- added support for boolean parameters
- added separate inbound object for webhook for clearer naming
- fixed link tracking constant values
- small fix in object serilization:
- official first release