Change Log 2.0.4 [2020-06-03] 2020-06-04: Piotr Dankowski remove version from body request 2020-06-04: Piotr Dankowski dynamic style types 2020-06-03: afabiani - Travis fix 2020-06-03: Piotr Dankowski fix GS rest call Full Changelog 2.0.2 [2020-03-30] 2020-03-30: "Create Style" compliancy with GeoServer 2.16.x / 2.17.x 2.0.1 [2020-02-06] 2020-02-06: - Bump to version 2.0.1 2020-02-06: - Check resp content is a string 2.0.0 [2020-01-16] 2020-01-14: Python 3 / Django 2 Compatibility 1.0.5 (2019-11-21) Changelog Py3 Compatibility Full Changelog 1.0.4 (2019-09-18) Changelog [Fixes #2] Severe performance issue when fetching resources. Full Changelog