Dad’s coments <2024-10-18>:
- split this file up
- unit testing
- can help decide how to split
- start with basic cases, then more complicated
- accept that refactoring will be necessary
- try to keep one file to one purpose
- let give a high-level overview that show what’s happening, but not how
- unit testing
- don’t be afraid to define a function, even if I call it once, for the sake of readability
- one job, one function
- separate the template into its own file
- even if I need to change the defaults
- although defining a parsing grammar is an option, it probably doesn’t make sense at this point
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
print("Importing modules..")
import argparse
import re
from datetime import datetime
import subprocess
- /path/to/file.gabc
- in which rhythmic system to interpret
- “P” *P*roportional
- “S” Classical *S*olesmes
- “V” *V*atican
- key (default: as close to C4-C5 as possible, within two accidentals)
- interpretive options
- presence of special neumes (default: yes to all)
- explicit notation of special neumes (default: neume noteheads)
- aesthetic options
- presence of custodes (default: yes)
- staff color (default: dark red)
print("Processing user arguments...")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Process some mutually exclusive flags.")
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False)
group.add_argument("-P", "--proportional", action="store_true", help="Enable option P")
group.add_argument("-S", "--solesmes", action="store_true", help="Enable option S")
group.add_argument("-V", "--vatican", action="store_true", help="Enable option V")
# Add an argument for the file path
parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", type=str, help="Path to the input file")
args = parser.parse_args()
# If neither S nor V is set, set P to True by default
if not (args.solesmes or args.vatican):
args.proportional = True
if args.proportional:
print("Proportional option is enabled.\n")
elif args.solesmes:
print("Classical Solesmes option is enabled.\n")
elif args.vatican:
print("Vatican Edition option is enabled.\n")
print("Proportional option is enabled. (default)")
# Handle the file path argument
if args.file:
print(f"Using input file: {args.file}")
print("No input file specified.")
- LilyPond Emmentaler Font Reference:
- is this even necessary? Well, maybe if I want to customize macros…
\version "2.24.4"
\header {
oriscus = {
\once \override NoteHead.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
\once \override NoteHead.text = \markup \musicglyph "noteheads.ssolesmes.oriscus"
\once \set fontSize = 3
quilisma = {
\once \override NoteHead.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
\once \override NoteHead.text = \markup \musicglyph "noteheads.svaticana.quilisma"
\once \set fontSize = 3
\once \override Stem.transparent = ##t
initioDebilis = {
\once \set fontSize = -3
\once \override Stem.transparent = ##t
liquescentDiminutive = {
\once \set fontSize = -3
liquescentAugmentativeAscending = {
\once \override NoteHead.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
\once \override NoteHead.text = \markup \musicglyph "noteheads.ssolesmes.auct.asc"
\once \set fontSize = 3
liquescentAugmentativeDescending = {
\once \override NoteHead.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
\once \override NoteHead.text = \markup \musicglyph "noteheads.ssolesmes.auct.desc"
\once \set fontSize = 3
quarterBar = {
\bar ","
halfBar = {
\bar ";"
fullBar = {
\bar "|"
doubleBar = {
global = {
\key c \major
\omit Staff.TimeSignature
\override Staff.StaffSymbol.color = #darkred
melody = \transpose c c \relative c'' {
text = \lyricmode {
\score {
\new Staff {
\context Voice = "vocal" { \melody }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "vocal" \text
\layout {
\context {
\consists Custos_engraver
\override = #'medicaea
% score generated from on <%DATE>
print("Importing and splitting .gabc file...")
with open(args.file, 'r') as file:
gabc =
#print(f"Full GABC:\n{gabc}")
gabc_header = gabc.split("%%")[0]
gabc_body = gabc.split("%%")[1]
#print(f"GABC Header:\n{gabc_header}")
#print(f"GABC Body:\n{gabc_body}")
print("Parsing data...")
name:Deus Israel;
user-notes: LU 1288;
transcriber:Andrew Hinkley & Patrick Williams;
commentary: Tob. 7:15 & 8:19, Ps. 127:1;
annotation: IN. III;
- sometimes, LilyPond has a different keyword, e.g. “title” instead of gabc’s “name”
title = "Deus Israel"
office-part = "Introitus"
mode = 3
user-notes = "LU 1288"
transcriber = "Andrew Hinkley & Patrick Williams"
commentary = "Tob. 7:15 & 8:19, Ps. 127:1"
annotation = "IN. III"
print("Parsing header...")
gabc_header = gabc_header.strip()
if gabc_header[-1] == ";":
gabc_header = gabc_header[:-1]
gabc_header_entries = gabc_header.split(";\n")
gabc_header_dictionary = {}
for entry in gabc_header_entries:
#print(entry) # testing
key, value = entry.split(":", 1) # in case there are colons in the value
gabc_header_dictionary.update({key.strip(): value.strip()})
ly_metadata = []
#print(gabc_header_dictionary) # testing
# replace gabc term with ly term when different, e.g. name -> title
if "name" in gabc_header_dictionary:
gabc_header_dictionary["title"] = gabc_header_dictionary.pop("name")
for key, value in gabc_header_dictionary.items():
ly_metadata.append(f" {key} = \"{value}\"\n")
# test
#print(f"LilyPond Metadata:\n{ly_metadata}")
- Not affected by school of rhythmic interpretation
# datasets
gabc_positions_with_position_ints = {
"a": 0,
"b": 1,
"c": 2,
"d": 3,
"e": 4,
"f": 5,
"g": 6,
"h": 7,
"i": 8,
"j": 9,
"k": 10,
"l": 11,
"m": 12
gabc_positions = gabc_positions_with_position_ints.keys()
clefs_with_position_int_of_do = {
"c1": 3,
"c2": 5,
"c3": 7,
"c4": 9,
"f1": 0,
"f2": 2,
"f3": 4,
"f4": 6
clefs = clefs_with_position_int_of_do.keys()
distance_from_do_with_ly_pitch_classes = {
-9: "a",
-8: "b",
-7: "c",
-6: "d",
-5: "e",
-4: "f",
-3: "g",
-2: "a",
-1: "b",
0: "c",
1: "d",
2: "e",
3: "f",
4: "g",
5: "a",
6: "b"
# functions
def gabc_position_to_ly_pitch_class(clef, gabc_position):
distance_from_do = gabc_positions_with_position_ints[gabc_position] - clefs_with_position_int_of_do[clef]
ly_pitch_class = distance_from_do_with_ly_pitch_classes[distance_from_do]
return ly_pitch_class
#TODO move to LyNote class?
# test gabc_position_to_ly_pitch_class()
example_clef = "c4"
example_gabc_position = "i"
example_output = gabc_position_to_ly_pitch_class(example_clef, example_gabc_position)
# classes
class LyNote:
durations = ("1", "2", "4", "4.", "8", "16")
octaves = (3, 4, 5)
special_nuemes = ("none", "oriscus", "quilisma", "initio_debilis")
liquescence = ("none", "diminutive", "augmentative_ascending", "augmenetative_descending")
def __init__(self, pitch_class, octave=4, duration="8", special_nueme="none", liquescence="none", first_in_syllable=False, last_in_syllable=False):
self.pitch_class = pitch_class
self.octave = octave
self.duration = duration
self.special_nueme = special_nueme
self.liquescence = liquescence
self.first_in_syllable = first_in_syllable
self.last_in_syllable = last_in_syllable
# this function is kept simple because the complex formatting will be
# specific to context
def __str__(self):
return f"{pitch_class}{duration}"
- I choose a separate function for the melody within the syllable because it is guaranteed to be self-contained, apart from the clef.
- This helps with slurs, beaming, and alterations.
- What are the rules for accidentals? I think that they last for the word, so that will have to be handled outside of this function
(c4) DE(gj)us(jjj_) Is(h_)ra(h_0!iWj_//kjjo_)el(ji__) *(,)
con(gh~)jún(hjij)gat(ih~) vos,(h_) (;)
et(g_) i(h_)pse(g_) sit(gfh_) vo(h_)bís(h_0!iwji.__H~rG~rhv_)cum,(hg.__) (;)
g8([ c]) c([ c] c4) a a( \quilisma b16 c4 d8[ c] \oriscus c4) c( b) \bar "'"
g8([ \liquescentDiminutive a]) a([ c b c]) b([ \liquescentDiminutive a]) a4 \bar "," \break
g4 a g g8([ f] a4) a a( \quilisma b16 c4 b4. a16[ g] a4) a( g2) \bar ","
DE -- us Is -- ra -- \markup {"el" *}
con -- jún -- gat vos,
et ip -- se sit vo -- bís -- cum,
if args.solesmes:
print("Classical Solesmes not currently supported")
- Rather than symbols attached to nuemes, this one will look for barlines and spacing indicating morae vocis.
if args.vatican:
print("Vatican Edition not currently supported")
print("Parsing body...")
print("Parsing lyrics...")
# extract lyrics
ly_lyrics = ""
parsing_lyrics = False
first_syllable = True
for i, c in enumerate(gabc_body):
if c == ")":
parsing_lyrics = True
if i < len(gabc_body) - 1:
if gabc_body[i+1] != " ":
ly_lyrics += " -- "
elif c == "(":
parsing_lyrics = False
elif parsing_lyrics == True:
ly_lyrics += c
ly_lyrics = ly_lyrics.strip()
# format lyrics
## intonation/asterisk
match ='(\w+)\s*\*', ly_lyrics)
if match:
last_syllable =
ly_lyrics = re.sub(r'(\w+)\s\*', fr'\\markup {{"{last_syllable}" *}}', ly_lyrics)
print("Parsing melody...")
ly_melody = "(LilyPond Melody)"
- import data, interpolate from template, and return
ly_template_interpolated = ly_template
ly_template_interpolated = ly_template_interpolated.replace("%ly_metadata", ''.join(ly_metadata))
ly_template_interpolated = ly_template_interpolated.replace("%ly_melody", ly_melody)
ly_template_interpolated = ly_template_interpolated.replace("%ly_lyrics", ly_lyrics)
ly_template_interpolated = ly_template_interpolated.replace(
f"instrumentName = {gabc_header_dictionary['annotation']}")
date ="%Y-%m-%d")
ly_template_interpolated = ly_template_interpolated.replace("%DATE", date)
with open("", "w") as file:
print(ly_template_interpolated)['lilypond' ''])