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Teaching |
Brief notes on specific topics:
- A mathematically offensive introduction to SDEs: a bag of tricks and analytical solutions
- The Fokker-Planck Equation: Transporting Probabilities
I used to organize a biweekly session about Python and related topics (repo). My own contributions:
- TensorFlow by example
- NEST tutorial
- GitHub Pull Requests & Code Review
- Organizing, documenting and distributing scientific code
- Advanced Numpy & Pandas
- Jekyll & GitHub Pages
Network Models I & II
Introduction to Computational Neuroscience, RWTH Aachen, Germany
Introduction to the simulation of structurally detailed large-scale neuronal networks (using NEST)
CNS 2019 Tutorial, Barcelona, Spain (repo)
NEST simulator tutorial
EITN Spring School 2019, Paris, France (repo)
NEST simulator tutorial
EITN Spring School 2018, Paris, France
Theoretical Neuroscience - Fluctuations and Correlations in Neuronal Networks (summer term 2020)
RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany
Statistical Physics (winter term 2016/17)
Humboldt Universität, Berlin, Germany