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new optimization

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Create a new optimization task for STreeD

This tutorial further explains how STreeD works and how you can add a new optimization task to it. Here we assume that your new task is called MyNewTask.

Create a new task in the C++ code

  1. Copy the include/tasks/accuracy/accuracy.h into your new include/tasks/my_new_task.h.
  2. Copy the src/tasks/accuracy/accuracy.cpp into your new src/tasks/my_new_task.cpp.
  3. Add both new files to the CMakeList.txt in the header and source files respectively.
  4. Change the class name Accuracy in both the new header and source file to MyNewTask.
  5. Add your new task to every .cpp file that implements STreeD's templates. E.g., src/solver/solver.cpp, src/utils/file_reader.cpp, etc.
  6. Add "my-new-task" as a valid value for the "task" parameter in src/solver/define_parameters.cpp.
  7. Check for "my-new-task" in src/main.cpp and create a new Solver<MyNewTask> and call ReadData<MyNewTask>().
  8. Check if the code compiles and run STreeD with -task my-new-task to see if it runs properly. You are now ready to modify the new task as you wish!

Modify the new task

To modify your new task, you need to understand a few thins about STreeD. This section first explains the class types for your class and the constants that define an optimization task. It then further explains the functions an optimization task is expected to have. Finally, more attention is given to the constants and functions required to implement the special depth-two solver for your task.

Note that many default values for the types, constants and functions are defined include/tasks/optimization_task.h


Since C++ is strongly typed, STreeD uses templates to work with different class types. You can set the types for your class in your my_new_task.h header file.

  • SolType: The data type of your solution value (e.g., int for misclassification score, double for MSE)
  • TestSolType: The data type of your test solution value. This could differ from SolType, e.g., when you compute double branching costs while training, but want to ignore this and only measure int misclassification costs in test evaluation.
  • LabelType: The label type of an instance. For classification this is int and for regression this is double.
  • SolLabelType: The label type assigned to a leaf node. Commonly this type is the same as LabelType.
  • ET: The type of the Extra Data per instance (beyond feature and label data). E.g., for PrescriptivePolicy the extra counter factual data is stored in a PPGData class.
  • ContextType: The type of the context class (i.e., the state of a search node). Default is BranchContext that just stores the current branch.

Implicitly defined:

  • SolContainer: if totally ordered, this is Node<MyNewTask>. Otherwise this is Container<MyNewTask>.


The following constants (or constexpr) define your optimization task and its behavior in STreeD.

  • total_order (bool): True if the solution values are totally ordered.
  • custom_leaf (bool): True if you provide a custom solve leaf node function. Default is to itreate over the set of possible labels. Therefore, a custom leaf node function is required when the label is not discrete.
  • custom_get_label (bool): True if you provide a custom function to get the optimal label for a leaf node, e.g., for regression where the optimal label is the mean of the instance labels. Otherwise the label with minimum cost is selected.
  • has_constraint (bool): True if the task has a constraint. E.g., a fairness constraint. Note that a minimum leaf node constraint is specified separately through the parameter "min-leaf-node-size".
  • element_additive (bool): True if the solution values are element-wise additive. This means STreeD can use its similarity lower bound. False disables the similarity lower bound.

Related to branching costs:

  • has_branching_costs (bool): True if the optimization task has branching costs.
  • element_branching_costs (bool): True if the branching costs depend on individual instances in the data set (not implemented for the depth-two solver).
  • constant_branching_costs (bool): True if the branching costs are constant and do not depend on the context or on the data set, e.g., for cost-complexity pruning.

Related to preprocessing:

  • preprocess_data (bool): True if the task performs preprocessing on the data (both train and test). This allows modification of instances before computing.
  • preprocess_train_test_data (bool): True if the task performs preprocessing on the train or test data.

Related to task specific optimizations:

  • custom_lower_bound (bool): True if the task provides a custom lower bound.
  • custom_similarity_lb (bool): True if the task provides a custom similarity lower bound.
  • check_unique (bool): (Only for tasks that are not totally ordered). If True, the Container class checks for uniqueness of solutions using the solution value's hash and equal functions. Default is False. If the task generate many solutions with the same value, setting this to True may improve runtime.

Related to hyper-tuning

  • num_tune_phases (int): The number of phases in the hyper tuning. Default is one.

Best and worst solution values or label

  • worst (SolType): The worst solution value possible, e.g., INT32_MAX.
  • best (SolType): The best solution value possible, e.g., 0.
  • worst_label (SolLabelType): The default label for an unitialized node, e.g., INT32_MAX.
  • minimum_difference (SolType): The minimum difference between two non equivalent solutions (e.g., 1 for misclassification score). This is used to compute an upper bound from a given solution. Only used for totally ordered tasks.


Related to preprocessing

  • void UpdateParameters(const ParameterHandler& parameters): inform the task of the (updated) parameters.
  • void InformTrainData(const ADataView&, const DataSummary&): informs the task about the training data (before training).
  • void InformTestData(const ADataView&, const DataSummary&): informs the task about the test data (before evaluating).
  • void PreprocessData(AData& data, bool train): preprocess the data, with train == True if this is the training phase. Only if preprocess_data is True.
  • void PreprocessTrainData(ADataView& train_data): preprocess the training data. PreprocessTestData is defined similarly. Only if preprocess_train_test_data is True.

Related to branching:

  • bool MayBranchOnFeature(int feature): return False is this feature is not available for branching.
  • void GetLeftContext(const ADataView&, const ContextType& context, int feature, ContextType& left_context): update the left_context from the context when branching left on the specified feature.
  • void GetRightContext(const ADataView&, const ContextType& context, int feature, ContextType& right_context): update the right_context from the context when branching right on the specified feature.

Related to branching costs (only if has_branching_costs is True):

  • SolType GetBranchingCosts(const ADataView&, const ContextType& context, int feature): get the branching costs for the data in the given context when branching on feature. Similarly GetTestBranchingCosts returns the branching costs when evaluating the test performance.

Related to (optimizing) the leaf nodes:

  • SolType GetLeafCosts(const ADataView& data, const ContextType& context, SolLabelType label): return the leaf costs for the given data in the given context for the assigned label.
  • TestSolType GetTestLeafCosts(const ADataView& data, const ContextType& context, SolLabelType label): return the test leaf costs for the given data in the given context for the assigned label.
  • LabelType Classify(const AInstance*, SolLabelType label): return the label for the given instance if the label of the leaf node where this instance ends in is label.
  • SolContainer SolveLeafNode(const ADataView&, const ContextType&): returns the optimal solution for the leaf node defined by the given data and context. Only define this if custom_leaf is True.

For partially ordered tasks (total_order is False):

  • static bool Dominates(const SolType& s1, const SolType& s2): returns true if s1 dominates s2. Similarly DominatesInv checks for reverse dominance. DominatesD0 and DominatesD0Inv evaluate dominance in the root node of the search.
  • static double CalcDiff(const SolType& s1, const SolType& s2): returns the distance between two solutions. Used for merging 'similar' solutions.
  • static void Merge(const SolType& s1, const SolType& s2, SolType& out): Merge two solutions, such that the merged solution dominates both. Similarly MergeInv merges such that the merged solution reverse dominates both. This is used for compressing UBs and LBs.
  • RelaxRootSolution(Node<MyNewTask>& sol): removes information from solutions in the root node of the search, which is no longer needed to determine dominance.

Related to testing constraint satisfaction (only for when has_constraint is True):

  • bool SatisfiesConstraint(const Node<MyNewTask>& sol, const ContextType& context): returns true if the solution satisfies the constraint.

Related to score and solution values:

  • static SolType Add(const SolType left, const SolType right): return left + right. Idem for TestAdd which adds values of TestSolType, for Add(const SolType left, const SolType right, SolType& out) which returns the value in out, and for Subtract which subtracts the values and returns the value through out.
  • static std::string SolToString(SolType val): returns val as a string.
  • static std::string ScoreToString(double val): returns val as a string. Note that the score is different from the solution value. E.g., the solution value is the misclassification score. The score is the accuracy.
  • static bool CompareScore(SolType v1, SolType v2): return true if v1 is better than v2.
  • double ComputeTrainScore(SolType test_value): return the training score on the training data. Similarly, ComputeTrainTestScore computes the training score on the test data. ComputeTestTestScore computes the test score on the test data.

Related to the similarity lower bound:

  • SolType GetWorstPerLabel(LabelType label): Returns the worst contribution to the solution value a single instnace of the given label.

Related to the custom lower bound (only if custom_lower_bound is True)

  • SolContainer ComputeLowerBound(const ADataView& data, const Branch& branch, int max_depth, int num_nodes):

Related to the custom similarity lower bound (only if custom_similarity_lb is True):

  • PairWorstCount<MyNewTask> ComputeSimilarityLowerBound(const ADataView& data_old, const ADataView& data_new): returns PairWorstCount that has the subtracted LB of SolType and the count of the number of differences.

Related to hyper-tuning:

  • static TuneRunConfiguration GetTuneRunConfiguration(const ParameterHandler& default_config, const ADataView& train_data, int phase): Get the tuning configuration from the given default configuration, for the given training data and the given tuning phase.

Depth-two solver

If you want to use the depth-two solver, some additional types, constants and functions need to be defined.


  • SolD2Type: The type of solutions in the depth-two solver.
  • BranchSolD2Type: The type of the branching costs in the depth-two solver.


  • use_terminal (bool): True if the task implements a depth-two solver.
  • terminal_compute_context (bool): True if the context needs to be computed in the depth-two solver, e.g., for checking constraint satisfaction.
  • terminal_filter (bool): True if the depth-two solver should filter non feasible solutions and solutions that are dominated by the upper bound. Default is False. Set to True if you think this will yield a performance increase.


  • void GetInstanceLeafD2Costs(const AInstance* instance, int org_label, int label, SolD2Type& costs, int multiplier): Store the costs of this instance with original label org_label when it is assigned label as its label. Multiplier is either 1 or -1. Note that for tasks with a real label, both org_label and label is always zero.
  • void ComputeD2Costs(const SolD2Type& d2costs, int count, int label, SolType& costs): Compute the costs from the depth-two costs, for the given label (always zero for real labels).
  • bool IsD2ZeroCost(const SolD2Type d2costs): Return True if the given costs are zero.
  • BranchSolD2Type GetBranchingCosts(const ContextType& context, int feature): Get the branching costs in the given context (indepenent of the dataset).
  • SolType ComputeD2BranchingCosts(const BranchSolD2Type& d2costs, int count): Get the solution value of the branching costs and the number of instances in the leaf node.
  • SolLabelType GetLabel(const SolD2Type& costs, int count): Get the label that should be assigned to the leaf node for the given depth-two costs and count.

Expose your new task in the python binding

After all the function in C++ are defined, you can expose your new task to the python binding. First, adapt the bindings.cpp, then update the python files.

Adapt the bindings.cpp:

  1. Add my_new_task to the enum task_type.
  2. Add my_new_task to the get_task_type_code function when task == "my-new-task".
  3. Add DefineSolver<MyNewTask>(m, "MyNewTask");
  4. Add a case my_new_task to initialize_streed_solver and call Solver<MyNewTask>.

Update the python files

If your task is similar to one of the existing python classes (e.g., STreeDClassifier), add it to that class.

Otherwise, create a new python class that inherits from BaseSTreeDSolver in pystreed/

  1. Define constraints on new parameters, using _parameter_constraints.
  2. Define the __init__ constructor and provide default parameters. Pass all paramters except newly defined parameters to BaseSTreeDSolver.
  3. Store new parameters in this class. Override the _initialize_param_handler method.

See the other python classes for examples.