DragonNest .pak extraction via quickbms script
This tool extracts all Resource00-11 from any dragonnest client. It skips 0byte files (aka deleted files from updater).
It has 4 modes of extraction:
- 0 = Extract only DNT
- 1 = Extract only *.LUA*.XML
- 2 = Extract all client resources\mapdata w/o:avi,ogg,dds,mp3,wav --For server configuration
- 3 = Extract all client resource\mapdata
How to use it:
- All files goes directly into the game folder (script.bat , quickbms.txt , quickbms.exe)
- You will need to get quickbms binary from http://aluigi.altervista.org/quickbms.htm
- Download those 2 files into (script.bat , quickbms.txt) from this repo and put them in client
- Run script.bat
- .....
- Profit ?
Thank you Luigi Auriemma for wonderful game zlib extractor.