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Release Notes (0.13.0)

dyf edited this page Mar 15, 2017 · 1 revision

The 0.13.0 release features a new set of classes for manipulating structure ontologies (StructureTree) and annotated reference spaces like the CCF (ReferenceSpace). These were designed based on feedback from the community that more regular, specifically named functions would be valuable. The Ontology class is now deprecated in favor of StructureTree. Take a look at the Reference Space documentation page.

This release also addresses issues from the Github issue tracker:

issue #35: structure masks at different resolutions were overwriting each other
issue #37: updating cell types notebook to use new feature extractor

Note that because of the change to the structure mask paths, users will need to regenerate their MouseConnectivityCache manifests. Also, if you don’t want to regenerate all of your masks, please move them from here:


To here (with the appropriate CCF/resolution strings):
