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AIBS Informatics Test Resources

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This package provides a collection of utilities and resources to facilitate testing in various AIBS Informatics projects. It includes base test classes, mock utilities, and other helpful tools.

Available Modules

Base Test Class

The BaseTest class provides a base class for creating unit tests with common setup and teardown functionality. It includes the following features:

  • Environment Management:

    • set_env_vars(*key_values_pairs: Tuple[str, Optional[str]]): Set environment variables for the duration of the test.
    • reset_environ: Class variable to reset environment variables after each test.
  • Temporary Files and Directories:

    • tmp_path(basename: Optional[str] = None) -> Path: Create a temporary directory.
    • tmp_file(basename: Optional[str] = None, dirname: Optional[str] = None, content: Optional[str] = None) -> Path: Create a temporary file with optional content.
  • Assertions:

    • assertStringPattern(pattern: str, actual: str): Assert that a string matches a given regex pattern.
    • assertJsonEqual(first: Union[dict, str, int, list], second: Union[dict, str, int, list]): Assert that two JSON objects are equal.
    • assertListEqual(list1: List[Any], list2: List[Any], msg: Any = None, presort: bool = False, **presort_kwargs) -> None: Assert that two lists are equal, with an option to sort them before comparison.
  • Mocking:

    • create_patch(name: str, **kwargs) -> MagicMock: Create a patch for a given name and add it to the cleanup list.
  • Context Managers:

    • chdir(destination: Union[str, Path]): Context manager to change the current working directory temporarily.

Mock Utilities

  • does_not_raise: A context manager for assertions that no exceptions are raised.
  • reset_environ_after_test: A decorator to reset environment variables after a test.

Example Usage

Here is an example of how to use the BaseTest class in your tests:

from aibs_informatics_test_resources import BaseTest

class MyTest(BaseTest):
    def test_example(self):
        self.assertEqual(1 + 1, 2)
    def test_use_temp_file(self):
        with self.tmp_file(content="Hello, World!") as tmp_file:
            self.assertEqual(tmp_file.read_text(), "Hello, World!")


Any and all PRs are welcome. Please see for more information.


This software is licensed under the Allen Institute Software License, which is the 2-clause BSD license plus a third clause that prohibits redistribution and use for commercial purposes without further permission. For more information, please visit Allen Institute Terms of Use.