Warning The bot is incomplete so if you want to help feel free to help
- FFMPEG (Installed on your system or add it to your project with
yarn add ffmpeg-static
) - node.js (16 or higher)
- Python2.7
- yarn (You can install it with
npm --global install yarn
) - And a brain that knows how the Eris javascript framework works
- Knowledge of Yuuko.
- Knowledge of Eris.
In cfg.js
TOKEN: "<The bot's token>",
OWNER: "<Your user ID (Optional but required if you want to use Owner only functions)>",
PREFIX: "<The bot's default prefix>",
SECRET: "<The bot's client secret (Optional but required if you want the website to work)>",
REDIRECT: "/auth/redirect",
YTTOKEN: "<The Youtube API Token (Optional but required if you want to use the music functions)>",
REPO: "https://github.com/project-helix/CyBR/",