All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
1.1.1 (2024-01-16)
- app: debugMode in logger (a86cf76) by @njfamirm
- app: start script (d577af7) by @MM25Zamanian
- define package scope (335bfa2) by @njfamirm
- app/keep-scroll: ensure deployment mode from platform info package (d83a60d) by @njfamirm
- update env name for logger enable mode (d317dce) by @njfamirm
- use definePackage logger (cc0d017) by @njfamirm
- app: build logger name (731b13a) by @njfamirm
- dependabot: change commit message format (45a922d) by @njfamirm
- deps: update all deps using upd command (ebb6d7a) by @njfamirm
- lerna: remove commit message prefix rule for dockers (5f1a64e) by @njfamirm
- lerna: remove generateReleaseNotes (d14837c) by @njfamirm
- lerna: update changelog preset (ba6338b) by @njfamirm
- remove tsconfig outDir (e713b0a) by @njfamirm
- vscode: enable checkJs (a0ad2a6) by @njfamirm
1.1.0 (2023-12-24)
- app/11ty: slugify filter (8af2631) by @njfamirm
- app/script: dynamic font copy (e34f3e4) by @njfamirm
- api/docker: label (04e8e66) by @AliMD
- app/11ty: use config (dc65bc3) by @njfamirm
- app/build: change esbuld target (8754aa7) by @njfamirm
- app/deploy: dockerfile (69ae72d) by @AliMD
- app/include: prerender data (0967cdf) by @njfamirm
- app/layout: remove crossorigin from preload link (e3dd492) by @njfamirm
- app: browser list (5c1eb90) by @njfamirm
- app: import path (72897ed) by @njfamirm
- app: tsconfig root (96dbe6f) by @njfamirm
- build: move devMode to logger (dadcce1) by @njfamirm
- deploy: compose and envs (c2b9262) by @njfamirm
- deploy: envs (a53aa3f) by @njfamirm
- deploy: image name (78f0842) by @njfamirm
- revert home route (699a960) by @njfamirm
- api: base package (942b034) by @njfamirm
- api: build scripts (e279980) by @njfamirm
- api: build scripts (8b54c83) by @njfamirm
- api: build using nano-build (bf4293a) by @njfamirm
- api: home route (5abed49) by @njfamirm
- app: .html suffix for urls (647146a) by @njfamirm
- app/11ty: add directory output plugin (a8966b3) by @njfamirm
- app/11ty: add directory output plugin (2785ff3) by @njfamirm
- app/11ty: add utils (5bbaef8) by @njfamirm
- app/11ty: add watch target (9e31bef) by @njfamirm
- app/11ty: support 11.cjs file (189fb97) by @njfamirm
- app/assets: add meta images (15069cc) by @njfamirm
- app/build: add esbuild before (aceefb2) by @njfamirm
- app/build: add postcss before eleventy (0cf82cb) by @njfamirm
- app/build: enhance build (c69f2aa) by @njfamirm
- app/build: minify html (85dca6e) by @njfamirm
- app/build: move postcss into eleventy (097f3b8) by @njfamirm
- app/build: watch mode (0c2e4f1) by @njfamirm
- app/data: add site (e685cae) by @njfamirm
- app/global-util: add i18n (05c35b7) by @njfamirm
- app/home: improve and use logo (ea5e858) by @njfamirm
- app/home: improve and use logo (f68e19e) by @njfamirm
- app/include: prerender (7eb4901) by @njfamirm
- app/manifest: add all icons (c627376) by @njfamirm
- app/postcss: log info like esbuild (d4c9169) by @njfamirm
- app/script: add some useful for base (37c8ddd) by @njfamirm
- app/script: add some useful for base (4ff4167) by @njfamirm
- app/shortcode: add alwatr icon (0653a92) by @njfamirm
- app/shortcode: add alwatr icon (b89ffc1) by @njfamirm
- app/wds: disable clearTerminalOnReload (cdd63c5) by @njfamirm
- app: 11ty.js data (e830dac) by @njfamirm
- app: add alpine (062e3e5) by @njfamirm
- app: add vazirmatn font (5f94e4e) by @njfamirm
- app: base 11ty structure (99fdd52) by @njfamirm
- app: build script (ab2d1fa) by @njfamirm
- app: build using nano-build (3e1c7b1) by @njfamirm
- app: color palette (2f27c31) by @njfamirm
- app: copy fonts from packages (265ee2b) by @njfamirm
- app: disable minification on deployment (ebb00c5) by @njfamirm
- app: dockerfile (19657a4) by @njfamirm
- app: dockerfile (e94a33c) by @njfamirm
- app: eleventy config (5b5034a) by @njfamirm
- app: git and env global data (47cd400) by @njfamirm
- app: improve build system for esbuild (42352b6) by @njfamirm
- app: improve home page (55c9f21) by @njfamirm
- app: make postcss config esm (84ecb2a) by @njfamirm
- app: nunjucks prerender (d2750a5) by @njfamirm
- app: postcss (cdfa364) by @njfamirm
- app: sample 11tydata file (c9de5b9) by @njfamirm
- app: serve using web dev server (62bb145) by @njfamirm
- app: sitmep, rss, manifest (79c2afc) by @njfamirm
- app: sitmep, rss, manifest (2827063) by @njfamirm
- app: use base alwatr/style (f10959f) by @njfamirm
- base layout (e423fd0) by @njfamirm
- cloud: add containers (26835cd) by @njfamirm
- cloud: deployment compose and env (7cf6ceb) by @njfamirm
- dependabot: add weekly update schedule (87b8806) by @njfamirm
- deploy: envs (4ee335d) by @njfamirm
- initial structure (660709f) by @njfamirm
- maximum browser support (75f3759) by @AliMD
- update all configs (5ebc1e6) by @njfamirm
- Update Dockerfile build process (0a0c545) by @AliMD