This repository contains source code example for build a multi-stage docker.
This project contains a very simple Spring-boot code which responses on http://localhost:8080
And also contains a Dockerfile which is a multi-stage docker file.
Docker must be installed on your system
In terminal go to root of the project and run :
- #
docker build -t hello .
- #
docker run hello -p 8080:8080
- #
Go to browser and browse into http:\localhost:8080
Below, a couple of points mentioned which are not described here to keep this sample simple.
- Use -v option of docker for mounting your local maven repository and prevent downloading maven dependencies in build repetitive phase.
- Use Maven plugins for building images instead of direct docker CLI commands.
- Push docker image into a docker hub to make it accessible from hosts outer of your local.
Thanks for reading
Amir Keshavarz