20CYS202 - User Interface Design - 3rd Sem - B.E. CSE(CYS) - ASE, CBE
- Within Head
function uiDemo() {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Please Remember this";
- Within Body
function uiDemo() {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Please Remember this";
- From External Source
<script src="https://amrita-tifac-cyber-blockchain.github.io/GEIN-Distributed-Geographical-Indication-Registry/GEIN/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="demo.js"></script>
- Printing to Browser Console
console.log('20CYS202 User Interface Design!');
- Printing to HTML Document
document.write('20CYS202 User Interface Design!');
- Get input from user using prompt
// taking name as an input from the user
const name = prompt("Enter your name: ")
- Variable Declaration using const and perform addition
const fnum = 26;
const snum = 18;
// Adding two numbers
const sum = num1 + num2;
// Display the sum
console.log('The Sum of ' + fnum + ' and ' + snum + ' is: ' + sum);
- Example of Built-in Functions or library
const number = 25;
const sqrtn = Math.sqrt(number);
console.log('The square root of ' + number + ' is ' + sqrtn);
- const is a block scope type
const a = 44;
// This will output 44
// constants are block-scoped
const a = 18;
// This will output 18
// This will output 44
- Declaring an Array
const exams = ['periodicals1', 'periodicals2', 'endsemester'];